Many individuals who made a fortune from cryptocurrency are now leading varied and fulfilling lives. For example, a friend of mine cashed out his Bitcoin holdings at the end of January 2021. By that time, he still held various virtual currencies and officially retired at the age of 33. He now spends his weekends teaching C/C++ and enjoys his free time from Monday to Friday. Starting as a naive 25-year-old, he was one of the early miners who approached factory owners, explaining the potential of virtual currencies and seeking support for a small mining operation. Eventually, one factory owner agreed, and he began liquidating in June 2020, watching the dollars in his account grow more tangible.

He was always cautious, never going all in, never using a credit card, and never begging factory owners on his knees. He always maintained a regular job, viewing virtual currency as no different from stock trading. For him, success in this field was more about luck than technology. This is an essential lesson for young people starting in stock and cryptocurrency trading.

Your life's value lies in solving real-world problems and experiencing life, not getting lost in the virtual world's illusion. No matter your reasons, never go all in. Investing is just one game you play to experience life. Success or failure in investment often depends on your information sources and luck. Essentially, the old ways of the elite exploiting common people have been rebranded in the new era. I plan to take a position soon, expecting a 40-60% increase. If you want to join in, feel free to reach out to me.

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