⭐️ Ripple SEC Lawsuit: Ex-Ripple Reveals Odds Of Judge Torres Ruling In August

Ex-Ripple exec. Sean McBride predicts the odds of Judge Torres ruling on the Ripple SEC lawsuit in August, with a possible delay to September if not resolved earlier.

The ongoing Ripple SEC lawsuit has been one of the hottest topics in the crypto town lately, with speculations soaring over a conclusion of the case. Former Ripple director Sean McBride has provided key insights on the ongoing lawsuit, predicting the odds of Judge Torres ruling in August. Besides, he also predicted an additional timeline for the conclusion, if not in August.

🔸 Ex-Ripple Exec. Predicts Odds Of August Ruling In Ripple SEC Lawsuit

The former Ripple director, Sean McBride, has recently made an X post on the odds of Judge Torres ruling in August. The post has received immense traction from the XRP community as well as from the broader cryptocurrency space, reflecting the buzz over the Ripple SEC lawsuit.

In his recent post, he has suggested a “50/50” chance of Judge Torres issuing a decision in August. Commenting on the post, one user commented that Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse had previously predicted a resolution by the end of summer. Replying to that, McBride said that if there is a delay in the ruling, it is highly likely that Judge Torres will be giving her decision by the end of September.

Meanwhile, speculation is soaring within the XRP community about a possible settlement between Ripple and the SEC. However, despite these hopes, legal experts like pro-XRP lawyer Bill Morgan and former SEC attorney Marc Fagel have downplayed the likelihood of a settlement.

🔸 XRP Community’s Outlook

The Ripple SEC lawsuit has drawn varied opinions from legal experts and the XRP community. The recent comments of the Ripple executives like Brad Garlinghouse, and others, have fueled speculations over a potential conclusion in the ongoing lawsuit. In addition, Ripple, in its Q2 2024 XRP market reports, showed confidence in a fair ruling in the ongoing case.