According to PANews, the concept of 'chain abstraction' is emerging as a significant narrative following the trend of modularization in blockchain technology. The core reasons behind this shift are as follows:

Firstly, chain abstraction is seen as an inevitable progression after modularization reaches a certain stage. Blockchain architecture typically includes layers such as consensus, execution, data availability (DA), interoperability, and settlement. Traditionally, monolithic chains had to coordinate these layers comprehensively. However, modularization has disrupted this approach, allowing individual layers like the DA layer, interoperability layer, and execution layer to be optimized separately and function collaboratively. This has made modularization a mainstream paradigm for developers seeking to differentiate their blockchain constructions. It offers a cost-effective and narrative-driven methodology without the long-term concerns of ecosystem operations.

However, modularization primarily focuses on infrastructure development. When excessive development efforts concentrate on modularization, it can lead to an imbalance between infrastructure and applications, resulting in more infrastructure than applications. Chain abstraction aims to address this imbalance by reintegrating the fragmented blockchain components, enhancing user experience, and lowering the onboarding threshold, thereby driving application growth. In essence, chain abstraction complements modularization by addressing the ecosystem and application imbalance, making it an essential narrative for the next phase.

Secondly, chain abstraction can be divided into three specific implementation directions:

1. Developing tools and services to promote compatibility among heterogeneous chains, aiming for seamless integration across different blockchain environments and increasing the application ratio of the services themselves. Examples include Chainlink's CCIP.

2. Creating intermediary chains to unify liquidity and serve as aggregation and scheduling centers, primarily gathering dispersed assets across different chains and constructing a unified liquidity layer through secure and transparent cross-chain information transmission. Examples include Polygon's agglayer and Project ZKM's Entangled Rollup Network.

3. Adapting to various heterogeneous chains and introducing a unified user interaction experience layer. This involves building a unified contract scheduling center, decentralized solver service coordination center, and other user experience enhancements like unified gas payment, social login, and social recovery, thereby lowering the participation threshold and attracting more users. Examples include NEAR Protocol's BOS operating system and dappOS's intent solver execution network.

These approaches, whether focused on technical backend services or user frontend experience upgrades, aim to unify the fragmented blockchain single-chain environment, expanding the blockchain application market by enhancing seamless interaction and user experience.

Lastly, the chain abstraction sector is more attractive to venture capital (VC) and is seen as a key to merging web2 and web3. The initial wave of account abstraction wallet development, sparked by Ethereum's ERC4337, was driven by web2 executives entering the web3 space with funding. Chain abstraction builds on account abstraction, expanding its business scope but remains a primary focus for individuals with rich web2 experience and background. Unlike the concept-driven modularization direction, chain abstraction technology is more foundational, requiring teams to aggregate industry resources, accumulate asset TVL, and grow user data. This makes it easier for VCs to provide objective valuations, and users can see the value growth of the chain through objective data, offering better investment valuation references in the secondary market.