• At the Bitcoin 2024 conference, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. laid out a bold vision to integrate bitcoin into the U.S. economy if he is elected president.

  • Kennedy's main proposal is to buy bitcoins every day to strengthen the country's financial stability. He has proposed transferring 204,000 bitcoins currently held by the Justice Department and the U. S. Marshals Service to the Federal Reserve System. Kennedy sees #bitcoin as a key asset to strengthen the U. S. 's global economic position. His plan calls for the Treasury to buy 500 bitcoins every day until the reserve reaches 4 million #BTC , potentially making the reserve worth "hundreds of trillions of dollars.

  • Kennedy also proposes making transactions between bitcoins and dollars irresponsible and tax-free to encourage "free trade" like free speech. He also wants to allow bitcoin to be used to exchange real estate through the 1031 exchange program to stimulate economic growth.

  • Kennedy criticizes the current fiat money system for playing a role in funding wars, and believes the bitcoin standard could limit such conflicts because bitcoins cannot be freely produced.

  • Read us at: Compass Investments

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