Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced that the TON blockchain-based Tap-to-Earn crypto game Catizen has “earned” $16 million through in-app purchases, 1% of which is used to rescue stray cats. The game has more than 26 million players on Telegram and provides other developers with tools to easily publish games on Telegram and TON. In addition, Catizen’s average user revenue has risen to $30.7 per paying user, showing its growing market potential.

Key Points

- Pavel Durov announced that the Catizen game has earned $16 million through in-app purchases.

- The Catizen game has more than 26 million players on Telegram.

- 1% of the game’s revenue is used to rescue stray cats, showing social responsibility.

- Telegram currently has about 950 million global users, supporting Catizen’s player base.

- Catizen uses TON smart contracts for in-game rewards to help more people understand blockchain.

- Pluto Studio, as the publisher of Catizen, is supported by Binance Labs.

- Average revenue per paying user recently rose to $30.7, reflecting the profitability of the game.

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