Tax heaven guide 💰

In many countries, companies pay significant corporate taxes that impact profitability. For example, Puerto Rico has a corporate tax rate of 37.5%, Suriname has a rate of 36%, and Argentina, Chad, and Colombia have rates of 35% 😳

Dozens of countries have tax rates above 30%, which is insanely high. Curious about where companies can operate without paying corporate taxes? Here are a few prime locations 👇

• Caribbean: The Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, and Bermuda attract many companies due to their zero corporate taxes.

• Pacific Islands: Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands offer zero corporate taxes, making them attractive to companies seeking tax benefits and a favorable regulatory environment.

• British Isles: Jersey and the Isle of Man maintain zero corporate taxes, providing a stable and business-friendly environment.

• Middle East: Bahrain is largely tax-free, except for oil and gas companies, making it a strategic location for many businesses.

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