As a seasoned investor who has been in the crypto market since 2016, I understand the fear and uncertainty that comes with market downturns. However, I've learned some valuable lessons that have helped me navigate these challenging times:

1. Hold on tight: Avoid the temptation to sell during market downturns. Hold on to your portfolio, as selling at a loss will only realize your losses. Remember, in spot trading, you only lose money when you sell at a lower price than you bought.

2. Don't follow the crowd: Don't blindly follow "expert" opinions or let them dictate your investment decisions. No one can predict market fluctuations with certainty, and speculation can lead to poor choices.

Additional tips:

- Stay informed: Stay up-to-date with market trends and analysis, but avoid emotional decision-making based on short-term market fluctuations.

- Diversify: Spread your investments across different asset classes and sectors to minimize risk.

- Set realistic goals: Define your investment goals and risk tolerance to avoid impulsive decisions.

- Take profits: When the market is up, take profits to lock in your gains and build a safety net for future market downturns.

Remember, success in crypto investing requires patience, discipline, and a long-term perspective. Stay calm, stay informed, and stay in control of your emotions. With these strategies, you'll be better equipped to weather market volatility and achieve your investment goals.