95% of people in the crypto space are looking for a trade or investment that could make them millions, hoping to flip a tiny amount into hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

This is the persona created around this market. If you ask anyone, everyone here is looking for that one gamble that could change everything. But statistically, is this even realistically possible? Hell no. I see hundreds and thousands of people losing money, taking loans, and getting rekt, with their accounts close to zero.

This is a cancerous mindset with zero longevity, and it's a total gamble. I see people gambling on meme coins here and there, looking for that jackpot. In the end, it's all bullshitโ€”they all lose money. Do they play any long-term game? Do any productive work? Where will they be standing in the next 5-10 years by going down this path? Zero productivity, all gambling here and there. It's a toxic space.

My humble suggestion for you would be, number one: trust nobody in this space. Number two: keep yourself realistic and aware of reality. What these influencers and group leaders are trying to promote is all rubbish. In reality, there is no such thing. This is a very pathetic industry where you have to be extremely vigilant. Trust no one.

I've seen close people in my circle doing pump and dumps, dumping coins on their followers, making meme coins, shilling, paying KOLs, doing aggressive marketing, and then dumping on their followers. Now tell me, is this productive work? Where would a person stand in the next 5-10 years if they are involved in this?

My advice: peace out.