🚨 Trump's crypto wealth has decreased threefold!

It's been a long time since we looked into the wallet of a candidate for the presidency of the United States. And there are striking changes! #donaldtrump 's crypto wallet just took a nosedive! 🤑 What was once a whopping $33 million treasure trove of memecoins is now a mere $11 million! 😱

Here's the scoop: Trump had a bunch of #Memecoins🤑🤑 in his digital pocket, including the infamous TRUMP ($MAGA) coin and a generous 10 million $MAGAA coin stash.

However, the biggest value added to Trump's crypto #portfolio was $TROG memcoin, which depreciated more than ten times from its peak! And that's why now these are the biggest losses 🥴💸.

But the debate between Trump and #Biden is coming soon, so who knows, maybe the sharp tongue of the Republican candidate will help him "get rich" again! 😂💰