$NOT Coin Market Analysis

Current Price: $0.01412 (-1.12%)

24-Hour Trading Data:

- High**: $0.01515

- Low**: $0.01390

- Volume (NOT): 5.59B

- Volume (USDT): 80.43M


Moving Averages**:

- MA(7)**: $0.01412

- MA(25)**: $0.01413

- MA(99)**: $0.01436

Market Overview:

The $NOT /USDT pair has seen a minor decline of 1.12%. The current price action is hovering around the moving averages, signaling a potential for either a trend reversal or continuation.

Trading Insights:

The high trading volume indicates significant interest in NOT coin. The closeness to the moving averages may highlight crucial levels for traders to monitor for possible support or resistance.

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