Hey there! Have you been following the crypto market lately 👀⛔❓It's been a wild ride! But guess what? Bitcoin has finally broken through the $63,000 barrier again!

And that's not all - the entire crypto market is showing signs of recovery, with a 4% gain in total capitalization over the weekend. It seems like the economic calendar is looking pretty good too!

But what do you think will happen next? Will the Fed's interest rate decisions impact crypto? And what about the jobs data coming out this week?

Let's dive into the details! The ISM Manufacturing PMI is out on Monday, followed by Powell's comments on Tuesday. Then we have the ISM Services PMI on Wednesday and the Fed's meeting minutes too!

And finally, Friday brings us the unemployment data. That's a lot to take in! But hey, if the economy is doing well, that could mean good things for crypto, right?

So, what are your thoughts? Are you bullish or bearish on crypto right now?
