According to Odaily, a user has made a significant profit by targeting BAKED. In a short span of 30 minutes, the user managed to earn 21,511 SOL, equivalent to 3 million USD. This represents a staggering 307-fold increase in their initial investment.

The user's strategy and timing were key to this remarkable achievement. However, the specifics of the user's approach and the exact circumstances that led to this rapid and substantial profit remain undisclosed. This incident serves as a reminder of the potential for high returns in the volatile world of cryptocurrency, but also the inherent risks involved.

While this user's success story is certainly impressive, it's important to remember that such outcomes are not guaranteed in the world of cryptocurrency trading. The market's volatility can lead to significant gains, as demonstrated in this case, but it can also result in substantial losses. Therefore, potential investors should approach with caution and conduct thorough research before diving into cryptocurrency trading.