Being quiet for two weeks, I’d like to depict my view of the market and probably invite you to join the calm mood:

The “shakedown” takes two dips during which I usually don’t post cheering stuff. You either did your homework before and stick to your plan, or loose your head anyway whatever serious traders with a certain level of confidence and coolness state. The secret is: Where did you position yourself before “the play”

So it’s a waste of time to fight against overpowered and inexperienced waves and tides of dreamers and first day traders freaking out FUD. You just go the rip curl way because you know it’s going to bring you to the run by itself. Cheers to surf dudes and cracks 🤙🏄

Step back, reconsider and go for it. All the best for every trader in here anyway !!!


No financial advice. Do your own research