Urgent Warning: Fake Phantom Wallet on Apple App Store Draining Users’ Funds! A dangerous scam is lurking on the Apple App Store, targeting unsuspecting crypto enthusiasts. The fraudulent app, masquerading as the popular Phantom wallet, is developed by a company named Voxify AI. Despite its authentic appearance, this fake Phantom wallet has already caused significant financial losses

Users have reported that the app looks identical to the real Phantom wallet, making it hard to distinguish at first glance. However, there are critical differences. Once downloaded, the app only allows users to import an existing wallet rather than creating a new one. 🚨This is a red flag. Users input their seed phrases, thinking they're accessing their genuine wallets, they're unknowingly handing over their keys to scammers.

The reviews under the app are filled with warnings like “scam app,” “this is not the real #Phantom app,” and “this app will drain your wallet.” It's shocking that this fake app has been on the App Store for two weeks, given how stringent Apple’s app approval process is, especially for crypto wallets. The fact that such a deceptive app bypassed these checks raises serious questions about an #Apple inside job and demands a thorough investigation.

Victims have already lost substantial amounts of money to this scam. Users must be cautious and verify the legitimacy of crypto wallets before downloading them. If you've installed this fake Phantom wallet, remove it immediately and change your wallet credentials to secure your funds.

Stay vigilant, spread the word, and help prevent more people from falling victim to this appalling scam. Authorities need to step in and remove this app from the App Store promptly. Your awareness and caution are your first lines of defense against such #scam schemes!

Thanks to German Amber and Ali Devici for investigating my 100.000$ loss / Phantom Hack! I did not get hacked this way!

Stay SAFE!


Matthias Mende

#solana #bitcoin