I'm sure you've noticed how most coins just aren't moving upward lately. That's because of this crazy phenomenon happening in the crypto world.

Let's break it down, shall we?

1. Binance is listing new tokens too quickly. We're seeing new coins popping up on the market every other day. It's overwhelming, to be honest.

2. As a result, even the good tokens aren't getting the attention they deserve. I know it's a bummer, but stay with me here...

3. Traders are moving their investments to new tokens for a chance at quicker profits. Volatility is higher in new tokens, so traders think they can make a quicker buck by investing in them.

4. But here's the thing... this means they're withdrawing their money from good tokens and coins, and those tokens are left with nothing to show for it.

Now, I'm no financial expert or anything, but it seems to me that if Binance slowed down on listing new tokens, maybe just maybe the old tokens and coins could actually continue to grow.

What do you think, guys? Am I off my rocker, or do you see the sense in this too? Share your thoughts..

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