According to Odaily, 25 financial institutions have released their forecasts for the U.S. unemployment rate in December. The majority, including BNP Paribas, Barclays, Bank of America, Capital Economics, and Commerzbank, predict a rate of 4.2%. Other institutions such as Daiwa Capital, Danske Bank, HSBC Holdings, ING, and JPMorgan Chase also align with this forecast. Mizuho Securities, Lloyds Bank, Moody's Analytics, Nomura Securities, and RBC maintain the same prediction. Societe Generale, TD Securities, UBS Group, and Wells Fargo agree with the 4.2% estimate. However, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Jefferies, Standard Chartered, and Morgan Stanley anticipate a slightly higher rate of 4.3%, while Citigroup projects the highest at 4.4%.