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#SONIC 财富密码来喽 现价0.776开空 止盈0.6 止损0.83


止盈0.6 止损0.83
早起点赞 月入百万!


Judy Jurries hAL3:
Adiós... 🥹🥲 Fuiste de muchos beneficios para mí. ¿Creen que el cambio a #SONIC (S) aumentará su valor? ¿Debo convertir mis monedas a #USDT o las dejó ahí (En #FANTOM. )y espero el cambio?
Adiós... 🥹🥲
Fuiste de muchos beneficios para mí.
¿Creen que el cambio a #SONIC (S) aumentará su valor?
¿Debo convertir mis monedas a #USDT o las dejó ahí (En #FANTOM. )y espero el cambio?
From $435 to $1000. Day 3. (First Post) #BinanceFutures Now Price : $484 I take profit on #SONIC $SONIC $AVAX $TROY $FTM
From $435 to $1000. Day 3. (First Post) #BinanceFutures

Now Price : $484

I take profit on #SONIC $SONIC
转一下我去年6月份写的 Sonic项目分析。 注意:这都是我自己自发写的分析,不是项目方付费请我写的推广文,我本来也不接商业推广,写完这个文章也没有收项目方的推广费,没有拿他们一毛钱其他福利。 去年6月Sonic SVM还没有接入Tiktok,今年TGE之前Sonic打通了Tiktok渠道,把小游戏Sonic X的推广发进了Tiktok平台,允许Tiktok用户用他们的Tiktok账号一键登录 Sonic X游戏,更是进一步提升了Sonic链的天花板。 在Sonic X之前,Web3 项目方大部分完全不知道Tiktok里也可以发链游推广来引流。 在Sonic X之前,Tiktok的15.82亿月活跃用户,并不知道可以用Tiktok账号直接登录Sonic X这种tap to earn/ play to airdrop的链游,省掉了开钱包登录链游的麻烦。 当然现在Tiktok上的链游也远没到大规模推广的阶段,在Tiktok里搜索 Sonic X这个链游,需要先去Sonic SVM账号页面,找到Sonic X游戏的链接(,点击链接后,需要跳出Tiktok,进到游戏的网页上去玩。 如果玩家直接在Tiktok搜索框里搜索Sonic X,还会搜到大量索尼发行的刺猬索尼克游戏视频,这两个Sonic X对新用户来说,实在是有点迷惑的。 但是可以想象,一旦Tiktok打开小程序的入口菜单栏,那么跟TG小程序小游戏爆发一样,是分分钟的事。Sonic SVM可以说占尽了Tiktok流量的先机!TGE后代币上所,能一把上到Upbit韩国宇宙所,也跟这个先机有莫大的关系。 #SONIC #SonicSVM
转一下我去年6月份写的 Sonic项目分析。


去年6月Sonic SVM还没有接入Tiktok,今年TGE之前Sonic打通了Tiktok渠道,把小游戏Sonic X的推广发进了Tiktok平台,允许Tiktok用户用他们的Tiktok账号一键登录 Sonic X游戏,更是进一步提升了Sonic链的天花板。

在Sonic X之前,Web3 项目方大部分完全不知道Tiktok里也可以发链游推广来引流。

在Sonic X之前,Tiktok的15.82亿月活跃用户,并不知道可以用Tiktok账号直接登录Sonic X这种tap to earn/ play to airdrop的链游,省掉了开钱包登录链游的麻烦。

当然现在Tiktok上的链游也远没到大规模推广的阶段,在Tiktok里搜索 Sonic X这个链游,需要先去Sonic SVM账号页面,找到Sonic X游戏的链接(,点击链接后,需要跳出Tiktok,进到游戏的网页上去玩。

如果玩家直接在Tiktok搜索框里搜索Sonic X,还会搜到大量索尼发行的刺猬索尼克游戏视频,这两个Sonic X对新用户来说,实在是有点迷惑的。

但是可以想象,一旦Tiktok打开小程序的入口菜单栏,那么跟TG小程序小游戏爆发一样,是分分钟的事。Sonic SVM可以说占尽了Tiktok流量的先机!TGE后代币上所,能一把上到Upbit韩国宇宙所,也跟这个先机有莫大的关系。
今天经过基金朋友提醒,发现一个Web3项目零撸的机会:Solana上的链游专用layer2 Sonic,正在面向早期用户开展测试网的奥德赛任务。
Sonic 是首个Solana 上的 layer 2,而且是专供链游赛道的layer2基础设施,非常值得专门介绍一下。

Sonic的开发团队Mirror World是链游赛道老面孔了。在推出Sonic之前,这个团队从2021年Q4开始已经在运营链游产品和一站式B2B链游平台。最早Mirror World团队其实是链游项目方,开发和发行自己的Brawl of Mirrors和 Mirrama等链游戏产品,完整经历了把一款游戏搞上链所面临的种种痛点,包括发游戏的资产选择哪条链,如何拿到公链的投资和grant扶持,公链技术上怎么对接,上链后怎样发币,用什么CEX/.DEX交易所,接入哪些钱包和支付方式,怎样做Web3和Web2的玩家引入和运营,怎么谈基金拿投资等等。
我都能想象,在2021年Web3各项基础设施都很早期的那个阶段,Mirror World团队把自己的几个游戏上链发行该有多难,应该是把所有的坑都趟过一次,所有的公链钱包支付基础设施和基金会VC都谈了。即便是3年后的现在,这一套下来也非常麻烦。一个全新的链游项目团队,把方方面面必要合作方的商务对接工作谈下来,估计半年也不一定够。因此Mirror World发完自己的休闲链游游后,他们的一站式B2B链游平台Mirror World应运而生,类似于一个SaaS产品,用一个业务项目可选的打包服务做成apk,帮助其他的游戏团队快速把游戏上链发行和运营。
图1: Mirror World Smart Platform提供的服务

我认识Mirror World的Chris和嘉林、Robin时,他们已经在推自己的一站式B2B链游平台这个阶段了。2023年4月香港Web3大会期间,Mirror World在香港举办了自己的Side Event,向受邀的链游项目方推介Mirror World一站式B2B链游平台的服务内容,现场座无虚席,我抵达会场晚了几分钟,只好从活动开始一直站到最后。2023年9月新加坡的Token2049期间,Mirror World也单独举办了自己的研讨会,当时我服务的链游项目受邀作为panelist上台,与Matrix,币安链,GM Network等链游赛道重量级嘉宾分享观点。
图2: 2023年9月Token2049期间Mirror World废土风的研讨会邀请函

图3:2023年9月Token2049期间Mirror World研讨会现场

现在Mirror World团队推出游戏专用Layer2,是顺应了链游赛道发展的趋势,完美发挥他们在链游领域开拓进取的丰富经验和生态积累。投资人很识货,2022年3月在Mirror World做链游项目方阶段,他们就获得了来自Galaxy Interactive、Alameda Research与Republic领投的400万美元投资,上周6月21日在Mirror World推出Sonic之际,又宣布拿到Bitkraft、Galaxy Interactive和Big Brain Holdings等领投的1200万美元,用于开发Solana上的游戏引擎。
1.    Mirror World团队的实力和在链游赛道的丰富经验,以及适应时势变通开拓的精神,来做一个链游Layer2绝对是完美的
2.   选择Solana来做Layer2非常明智
--众所周知Solana在欧美非常有实力,我已经在玩一些Solana上纯欧美的游戏比如Honeyland,游戏做得很好,欧美玩家社群非常活跃,Mirror World团队绑定了Solana也再次印证他们技术和BD能力很强。现在Solana正在大力发展亚太市场(6月26号深圳还有Solana的开发者活动),打通亚太和欧美的链游玩家社区是后续必经之路,Mirror World过去几年深耕亚太链游玩家赛道和社区,Solana确定跟Mirror World合作做Layer2也是非常明智的。两者可以说是强强联合。
3. 如果Sonic能够成为Solana上的链游Layer2龙一,那么发币和上币的期望将非常高,参考Arbitrum上的Layer3龙一XAI上币安的FDV和币价。

1.  链游赛道有不少链游专用公链竞争对手
--IMX,一条获得巨额投资的游戏专用公链,base澳大利亚,已经做了好几年,在IMX链上已经有不少优秀的链游,同时IMX在全球都铺开了BD运营团队和生态网络建设,上个月IMX的猎头还找到Cathy姐这里推荐新加坡的BD Lead职位,要强推华人链游的BD,最近我买了nft的华人重度链游Blocklords也上了IMX。目前IMX已经推出了自己的zkevm layer2。
--Ronin,靠axie infinity起家的游戏公链,这个实力也不用多说。
2. 所有的链游专用公链做出行业影响力国际影响力,都有一个龙一的链游产品开道。上面提到的IMX早期的龙一龙二链游是Gods Unchainded和Guild of Guardians,为IMX带来巨大流量,然后才有了更多第三方链游登上IMX平台/公链; Ronin靠Axie Infinity打造了影响力,经过黑客事件后慢慢也恢复了跟大量第三方游戏的全线合作;Wemix早期有传奇4和传奇M两款第一方链游开道,打开知名度,建立Wemix的玩家社区,然后才有了其他第三方链游上Wemix链。
Sonic后续同样需要一款爆款的链游开道,把Sonic这个layer2 的知名度和玩家社群打造起来,这个爆款游戏很难通过与第三方链游项目方的商务合作做成,因为但凡有实力的链游项目只要略有成功,都不想绑定唯一一条公链,尤其是在目前Web3模块化基础设施允许任何有点技术积累的项目方可以快速搭建一条公链的情况下,有实力得链游项目很多从立项一开始就计划自己搭公链,理想情况是Sonic自己参股投资一个链游,这需要很高的财务和商务成本,所以Sonic的投资人要赶紧动起来,现在就要帮忙去找这样的爆款游戏苗子了。
3. Solana链别再宕机了,速度再快一点,gas费再低一点,其中第一条最重要,哈哈你们懂的。
#SONIC sepertinya bisa mencapai 1.2 dalam waktu dekat 😶
#SONIC sepertinya bisa mencapai 1.2 dalam waktu dekat 😶
#SONIC SONIC近期在Bithumb交易所上线韩元交易,市场关注度提升。社区情绪积极,24小时成交量达19.1亿,价格上涨 10.12%。USDC桥接至Sonic链,增强流动性,有助于未来发展。 短期内看涨,建议逢低买入: 长期来看,若持续扩展应用场景和用户基础,仍具备上涨潜力,




#SONIC 赚点手续费跑咯,今天都是涨的趋势,不与趋势做对手盘,吃过太多次亏了,也亏了太多次了,得长进,得学会克制自己的欲望,漫漫回本路 {future}(SONICUSDT)
#SONIC 赚点手续费跑咯,今天都是涨的趋势,不与趋势做对手盘,吃过太多次亏了,也亏了太多次了,得长进,得学会克制自己的欲望,漫漫回本路
9月18号晚上9点从2个钱包买了Sonic的3个节点,一个节点 2 .4 sol ,当时 sol 价格是 1 2 0 u ,三个节点花了700u左右,刚才已经领到了728个Sonic代币空投,现在价值560u,已经差不多回本了。 还有1700多个Sonic币,后面再领。 ​ ​把买来的3个Sonic节点也开起来,还可以继续挖 Sonic代币。 ​ ​重投Sonic节点的散户都赢麻了!Sonic团队太秀了! #SONIC
9月18号晚上9点从2个钱包买了Sonic的3个节点,一个节点 2 .4 sol ,当时 sol 价格是 1 2 0 u ,三个节点花了700u左右,刚才已经领到了728个Sonic代币空投,现在价值560u,已经差不多回本了。


​把买来的3个Sonic节点也开起来,还可以继续挖 Sonic代币。


#SONIC Short Liquidation: $10,072 Obliterated at $0.88811! The crypto market just served a shocking twist, with SONIC taking center stage! A $10,072 short position was wiped out as the price soared to $0.88811, leaving bearish traders scrambling to recover. The surge underscores SONIC's growing momentum and its ability to catch the market off guard. What Just Happened? A bearish bet against SONIC’s price backfired when the token rallied sharply, triggering a short squeeze at $0.88811. The liquidation highlights the volatility surrounding SONIC as traders rush to adjust their positions. Key Takeaways 1. Bullish Surge in Play: SONIC’s price action signals renewed interest and strong buying momentum. 2. Bear Trap Activated: Short sellers are being squeezed out, amplifying the upward pressure. 3. Volatility Alert: SONIC’s movement is drawing attention from across the market, making it a hot spot for traders. What’s Next for SONIC? Immediate Targets: If SONIC breaks through $0.89, it could quickly climb toward $0.90 or even higher. Support Levels: Bulls need to maintain control above $0.88811 to solidify this breakout. Watch the Volume: Increasing trading activity could fuel further price movements, keeping SONIC in the limelight. The Bigger Picture This $10,072 liquidation showcases the relentless nature of crypto markets. SONIC’s rally above $0.88811 has flipped the script, turning bearish expectations into bullish momentum. With traders now glued to the action, the token’s next move could set the tone for the days ahead. What’s your call—are you riding the SONIC wave, or waiting for the dust to settle? Share your thoughts and strategies below! {future}(SONICUSDT) #USJoblessClaimsDrop #BinanceAlphaAlert #AIMarketCapDip #OnChainLendingSurge
#SONIC Short Liquidation: $10,072 Obliterated at $0.88811!

The crypto market just served a shocking twist, with SONIC taking center stage!

A $10,072 short position was wiped out as the price soared to $0.88811, leaving bearish traders scrambling to recover.

The surge underscores SONIC's growing momentum and its ability to catch the market off guard.

What Just Happened?

A bearish bet against SONIC’s price backfired when the token rallied sharply, triggering a short squeeze at $0.88811.

The liquidation highlights the volatility surrounding SONIC as traders rush to adjust their positions.

Key Takeaways

1. Bullish Surge in Play: SONIC’s price action signals renewed interest and strong buying momentum.

2. Bear Trap Activated: Short sellers are being squeezed out, amplifying the upward pressure.

3. Volatility Alert: SONIC’s movement is drawing attention from across the market, making it a hot spot for traders.

What’s Next for SONIC?

Immediate Targets: If SONIC breaks through $0.89, it could quickly climb toward $0.90 or even higher.

Support Levels: Bulls need to maintain control above $0.88811 to solidify this breakout.

Watch the Volume: Increasing trading activity could fuel further price movements, keeping SONIC in the limelight.

The Bigger Picture

This $10,072 liquidation showcases the relentless nature of crypto markets.

SONIC’s rally above $0.88811 has flipped the script, turning bearish expectations into bullish momentum.

With traders now glued to the action, the token’s next move could set the tone for the days ahead.

What’s your call—are you riding the SONIC wave, or waiting for the dust to settle?

Share your thoughts and strategies below!

#BinanceAlphaAlert #AIMarketCapDip
дермо монета
🚀 Sonic (SONIC): The Rising Star After Binance Listing and RebrandingIn the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, rebranding and strategic listings often mark turning points for a token’s trajectory. Sonic (#SONIC ), formerly known as Fantom ($FTM ), has caught the market's attention following its recent Binance listing and a bold rebranding strategy. Despite an initial price dip, industry insiders and analysts remain bullish on its long-term potential. Recent Developments Driving SONIC’s Momentum 1. Rebranding from Fantom to Sonic: The rebranding signifies a shift toward a next-gen blockchain ecosystem, focused on scalability, speed, and user-centric enhancements. This strategic move has positioned SONIC as an innovator in the crypto space, promising lower fees, faster transactions, and a more robust infrastructure. 2. Binance Listing: SONIC’s listing on Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, is a major milestone. Binance listings often result in increased liquidity and exposure, enabling a wider audience of traders and investors to engage with the asset. 3. Whale Confidence: In a show of faith, two crypto whales recently invested a combined $2.21 million in SONIC. This signals confidence in the token’s potential for massive growth. Price Action and Future Predictions Currently, SONIC’s price is down 12.7% post-listing, which is not unusual following major exchange listings due to short-term profit-taking. However, the market buzz and infrastructure upgrades have fueled analyst predictions of a 256% to 400% price surge in the near future. Why SONIC’s Infrastructure Upgrade Matters The recent infrastructure upgrade has transformed SONIC into a powerhouse blockchain platform. Key improvements include: Enhanced Scalability: Aimed at handling a growing user base and higher transaction volumes. Reduced Fees: Making transactions more cost-effective for users and projects building on the network. Lightning-Fast Transactions: Designed to cater to decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, and other high-demand applications. These advancements make SONIC a strong contender in the blockchain space, potentially attracting developers, enterprises, and individual users looking for a seamless experience. What Analysts Are Saying Analysts believe SONIC’s price dip post-listing is temporary and primarily driven by market conditions and initial profit-taking. Here’s what’s fueling their optimism: 1. Market Stabilization: As the broader market stabilizes, SONIC is expected to bounce back stronger, with potential for exponential growth. 2. Bullish Sentiment: The infrastructure upgrades and whale investments indicate strong support for long-term price appreciation. 3. Predicted Price Surge: Forecasts suggest a 256-400% increase, making SONIC a strategic buy for early adopters. Why Traders Should Keep an Eye on SONIC For traders, Sonic presents a compelling opportunity for both short-term gains and long-term growth: Post-Dip Recovery Potential: The current dip offers an entry point before the anticipated rally. Strong Fundamentals: The infrastructure upgrades and rebranding create a foundation for sustainable growth. Whale Activity: Large-scale investments signal confidence in the token’s future. Final Thoughts: Is Sonic the Next Big Thing? With its rebranding, Binance listing, and infrastructure upgrades, SONIC is positioning itself as a force to be reckoned with in the crypto space. The temporary price dip could be an ideal buying opportunity, especially as the token gears up for what analysts predict could be a significant bull run. For those looking to diversify their portfolios or capitalize on emerging opportunities, Sonic is a project worth watching closely. #SONIC #FTM #CryptoBullRun #BlockchainInnovation #CryptoInvesting {spot}(FTMUSDT)

🚀 Sonic (SONIC): The Rising Star After Binance Listing and Rebranding

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, rebranding and strategic listings often mark turning points for a token’s trajectory. Sonic (#SONIC ), formerly known as Fantom ($FTM ), has caught the market's attention following its recent Binance listing and a bold rebranding strategy. Despite an initial price dip, industry insiders and analysts remain bullish on its long-term potential.
Recent Developments Driving SONIC’s Momentum
1. Rebranding from Fantom to Sonic:
The rebranding signifies a shift toward a next-gen blockchain ecosystem, focused on scalability, speed, and user-centric enhancements.
This strategic move has positioned SONIC as an innovator in the crypto space, promising lower fees, faster transactions, and a more robust infrastructure.
2. Binance Listing:
SONIC’s listing on Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, is a major milestone. Binance listings often result in increased liquidity and exposure, enabling a wider audience of traders and investors to engage with the asset.
3. Whale Confidence:
In a show of faith, two crypto whales recently invested a combined $2.21 million in SONIC. This signals confidence in the token’s potential for massive growth.
Price Action and Future Predictions
Currently, SONIC’s price is down 12.7% post-listing, which is not unusual following major exchange listings due to short-term profit-taking. However, the market buzz and infrastructure upgrades have fueled analyst predictions of a 256% to 400% price surge in the near future.
Why SONIC’s Infrastructure Upgrade Matters
The recent infrastructure upgrade has transformed SONIC into a powerhouse blockchain platform. Key improvements include:
Enhanced Scalability: Aimed at handling a growing user base and higher transaction volumes.
Reduced Fees: Making transactions more cost-effective for users and projects building on the network.
Lightning-Fast Transactions: Designed to cater to decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, and other high-demand applications.
These advancements make SONIC a strong contender in the blockchain space, potentially attracting developers, enterprises, and individual users looking for a seamless experience.
What Analysts Are Saying
Analysts believe SONIC’s price dip post-listing is temporary and primarily driven by market conditions and initial profit-taking. Here’s what’s fueling their optimism:
1. Market Stabilization: As the broader market stabilizes, SONIC is expected to bounce back stronger, with potential for exponential growth.
2. Bullish Sentiment: The infrastructure upgrades and whale investments indicate strong support for long-term price appreciation.
3. Predicted Price Surge: Forecasts suggest a 256-400% increase, making SONIC a strategic buy for early adopters.
Why Traders Should Keep an Eye on SONIC
For traders, Sonic presents a compelling opportunity for both short-term gains and long-term growth:
Post-Dip Recovery Potential: The current dip offers an entry point before the anticipated rally.
Strong Fundamentals: The infrastructure upgrades and rebranding create a foundation for sustainable growth.
Whale Activity: Large-scale investments signal confidence in the token’s future.
Final Thoughts: Is Sonic the Next Big Thing?
With its rebranding, Binance listing, and infrastructure upgrades, SONIC is positioning itself as a force to be reckoned with in the crypto space. The temporary price dip could be an ideal buying opportunity, especially as the token gears up for what analysts predict could be a significant bull run.
For those looking to diversify their portfolios or capitalize on emerging opportunities, Sonic is a project worth watching closely.
#SONIC #FTM #CryptoBullRun #BlockchainInnovation #CryptoInvesting
you are mistaken. The SONIC listed by binance is different from Sonic (FTM).
$BTC has finalized a significant correction on the weekly chart, while altcoins such as #PIPPINS are on the rise in value. I have recently acquired my portion of Sonic airdrops during the concluded Launchpool event on Bitget. However, to accumulate additional Sonic rewards, consider staking SONIC in the ongoing PoolX event. Do you currently hold #SONIC tokens?
$BTC has finalized a significant correction on the weekly chart, while altcoins such as #PIPPINS are on the rise in value. I have recently acquired my portion of Sonic airdrops during the concluded Launchpool event on Bitget. However, to accumulate additional Sonic rewards, consider staking SONIC in the ongoing PoolX event. Do you currently hold #SONIC tokens?
#SONIC 关注这两个位置能否反弹$SONIC
#SONIC 关注这两个位置能否反弹$SONIC
Bitcoin $BTC , the first cryptocurrency, established the foundation for decentralized digital assets by introducing principles of security, transparency, and peer-to-peer transactions. Sonic SVM #SONIC builds on this foundation with a focus on faster transaction speeds and scalable infrastructure designed to support decentralized applications (dApps). By addressing challenges like network congestion and high transaction fees, it seeks to enhance blockchain efficiency and usability. Meanwhile, Bitget is hosting a PoolX event where participants can lock SONIC #SONIC tokens and share a prize pool of up to 50,000 SONIC tokens, fostering engagement within the ecosystem.
Bitcoin $BTC , the first cryptocurrency, established the foundation for decentralized digital assets by introducing principles of security, transparency, and peer-to-peer transactions. Sonic SVM #SONIC builds on this foundation with a focus on faster transaction speeds and scalable infrastructure designed to support decentralized applications (dApps). By addressing challenges like network congestion and high transaction fees, it seeks to enhance blockchain efficiency and usability. Meanwhile, Bitget is hosting a PoolX event where participants can lock SONIC #SONIC tokens and share a prize pool of up to 50,000 SONIC tokens, fostering engagement within the ecosystem.
$SONIC Long Liquidation Alert! • Liquidated Amount: $6,798.1 • Price: $0.76411 Key Price Levels: Support: $0.7500 Resistance: $0.7800 #SONIC is facing significant selling pressure, with liquidation occurring at $0.76411. The support at $0.7500 is a key level to watch; if it holds, a potential bounce could occur toward the $0.7800 resistance. If the support fails, further declines are possible. Trade Strategy: • Buy Zone: Enter near $0.7520 - $0.7550 if support holds. • Sell Zone: Target $0.7750 - $0.7800 for profit-taking. Stop-Loss: Set a stop-loss below $0.7450 to manage risk. Monitor closely and adapt to market movements for a successful trade! #USJobOpeningsSurge #AIMarketCapDip #BNBBhutanReserves #BinanceAlphaAlert $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
$SONIC Long Liquidation Alert!

• Liquidated Amount: $6,798.1
• Price: $0.76411

Key Price Levels:

Support: $0.7500

Resistance: $0.7800

#SONIC is facing significant selling pressure, with liquidation occurring at $0.76411.

The support at $0.7500 is a key level to watch; if it holds, a potential bounce could occur toward the $0.7800 resistance.

If the support fails, further declines are possible.

Trade Strategy:

• Buy Zone: Enter near $0.7520 - $0.7550 if support holds.

• Sell Zone: Target $0.7750 - $0.7800 for profit-taking.

Stop-Loss: Set a stop-loss below $0.7450 to manage risk.

Monitor closely and adapt to market movements for a successful trade!

#USJobOpeningsSurge #AIMarketCapDip #BNBBhutanReserves #BinanceAlphaAlert
With #SONIC joining the big players on the $SOL blockchain, alongside tokens like $PNUT , $PENGU , $BONK and $AI16Z, the ecosystem is expanding rapidly. Notably, Sonic SVM is the first SVM chain to launch on Solana, bringing exciting new possibilities for games and applications. Users can also participate in the Bitget PoolX event by staking $SONIC to earn from a total prize pool of 50,000 $SONIC tokens. This presents a great opportunity to get involved in the growing Solana based ecosystem.
With #SONIC joining the big players on the $SOL blockchain, alongside tokens like $PNUT , $PENGU , $BONK and $AI16Z, the ecosystem is expanding rapidly. Notably, Sonic SVM is the first SVM chain to launch on Solana, bringing exciting new possibilities for games and applications.

Users can also participate in the Bitget PoolX event by staking $SONIC to earn from a total prize pool of 50,000 $SONIC tokens. This presents a great opportunity to get involved in the growing Solana based ecosystem.
$SOL Just in: #Binance has announced the listing of $SONIC, and in the past 24 hours whales are buying $SONIC. Whale 1: Spent $1.17M $USDT to buy 977,323 $SONIC at $1.20 each. - 2MuxjECjc9jmfq7XKz7Q3h3VkhsdFi1YsLc6zXTV2ZWQ Whale 2: Spent 4,858 $SOL worth $1.04M to buy 1.18M $SONIC at $0.88 each. - GaoadFrNd7ZpjaNirjYLADtFUsHKXoxNhmArViYPWVVN This article is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not investment advice #Sonic $SONIC
$SOL Just in: #Binance has announced the listing of $SONIC, and in the past 24 hours whales are buying $SONIC.

Whale 1: Spent $1.17M $USDT to buy 977,323 $SONIC at $1.20 each.
- 2MuxjECjc9jmfq7XKz7Q3h3VkhsdFi1YsLc6zXTV2ZWQ

Whale 2: Spent 4,858 $SOL worth $1.04M to buy 1.18M $SONIC at $0.88 each.
- GaoadFrNd7ZpjaNirjYLADtFUsHKXoxNhmArViYPWVVN

This article is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not investment advice
#Sonic $SONIC
#SONIC Launch is HERE: Unlock Exclusive Rewards! Get ready to level up your gaming experience with Sonic, the first #SVM chain on $SOL Solana! This beast is powered by Sonic HyperGrid, a framework that orchestrates optimistic Solana rollups. And, it's not just about gaming - Sonic is also the home of SonicX, the industry's first Web3 TikTok app layer designed to onboard the next billion users. So, what makes Sonic so special? For starters, it's got insane high throughput capacity, handling thousands of transactions per second. This means seamless performance, even when things get crazy. Plus, it's optimized for game-centric dApps, ensuring stable performance during high-traffic events. And, it's fully compatible with Solana L1, leveraging its existing architecture while addressing its limitations. Now, here's the best part: Bitget's got a sweet deal for you! You can unlock huge rewards by trying the Sonic Launchpool by staking #BGB with an amazing APR of 300%. That's not all, for those who hold #SONIC tokens, you can stake them in the Sonic poolx on Bitget with a massive apy of 200%. There's also the Sonic community event as well!- it's a gamer's paradise! So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Sonic and start playing to win!
#SONIC Launch is HERE: Unlock Exclusive Rewards!
Get ready to level up your gaming experience with Sonic, the first #SVM chain on $SOL Solana! This beast is powered by Sonic HyperGrid, a framework that orchestrates optimistic Solana rollups. And, it's not just about gaming - Sonic is also the home of SonicX, the industry's first Web3 TikTok app layer designed to onboard the next billion users.

So, what makes Sonic so special? For starters, it's got insane high throughput capacity, handling thousands of transactions per second. This means seamless performance, even when things get crazy. Plus, it's optimized for game-centric dApps, ensuring stable performance during high-traffic events. And, it's fully compatible with Solana L1, leveraging its existing architecture while addressing its limitations.

Now, here's the best part: Bitget's got a sweet deal for you! You can unlock huge rewards by trying the Sonic Launchpool by staking #BGB with an amazing APR of 300%. That's not all, for those who hold #SONIC tokens, you can stake them in the Sonic poolx on Bitget with a massive apy of 200%. There's also the Sonic community event as well!- it's a gamer's paradise! So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Sonic and start playing to win!
Sonic SVM 与 Galaxy Interactive 启动数百万美元基金,推动 Web3 游戏与 AI 代理发展在加密行业中,Web3 游戏和人工智能(AI)代理的迅速崛起正成为投资者和开发者关注的焦点。Sonic SVM,一个专注于游戏的 Solana 虚拟机(SVM)Layer-2 网络,近日与风险投资公司 Galaxy Interactive 联手宣布成立 G.A.M.E. Fund 1,这是一个旨在加速 Web3 游戏、AI 代理以及社交媒体内容创作工具创新与发展的基金。 G.A.M.E. Fund 1:助力 Web3 游戏与 AI 代理 该基金的主要目标是推动 HyperGrid 平台上各类 Web3 游戏和 AI 驱动的内容创作工具的进展。基金将为每个项目提供最高 100 万美元 的资金支持,并且没有项目数量的限制。此外,参与者还将获得技术支持、基础设施支持、市场营销支持以及用户增长支持。特别的是,该基金还计划与 Sonic 的 TikTok Applayer 进行整合,目前该平台的用户数量已经超过 200 万。 Galaxy Interactive 创始合伙人 Sam Englebardt 表示,Sonic 有望成为连接 Web2 和 Web3 游戏 的重要桥梁,推动传统与新兴游戏平台的融合。Englebardt 还表示,这只基金代表了他们对前沿创新团队的支持,尤其是那些能够利用人工智能和社交平台,重新定义互动娱乐的团队。 首笔投资:Gomble Games 作为基金的首次投资,Sonic SVM 和 Galaxy Interactive 确认对 Gomble Games 的支持。该项目得到了 Binance Labs 和 Animoca Brands 的支持,目标是将传统 Web2 游戏 转型为 Web3 游戏。根据 Gomble Games 的声明,该公司自 2023 年起已经成为韩国最受欢迎的移动游戏应用之一,并在全球范围内吸引了超过 1.1 亿 独立用户,涵盖 230 款游戏。 AI 代理与 Web3 游戏的融合 Sonic SVM 的创始人兼 CEO Chris Zhu 强调,游戏的未来将由 高性能基础设施、人工智能和社交连接的深度融合驱动。他在接受采访时指出,AI 将在未来创造多样化的界面,让用户与数字世界和现实世界进行更加深层次的互动。 Zhu 认为,AI 代理 将成为推动 Web3 游戏 普及的关键驱动力。这些代理不仅可以在社交媒体平台如 X(前Twitter)和 TikTok 上进行互动,还可能成为游戏和内容创作的核心工具。他指出,随着代理创建和互动的复杂性不断增加,代理的社交影响力和经济价值将呈现出巨大的增长潜力。 AI 加密货币与自主代理的兴起 近期,AI 加密货币和自主 AI 代理的趋势引起了业内的广泛关注。Virtuals Protocol 上的 AI 代理 Luna 最近完成了一笔无需人工干预的自主区块链交易,这标志着 AI 在加密货币领域的一个新进展。行业观察人士预测,随着 AI 代理和加密货币的结合,2025 年这一新兴领域将迎来爆发式增长。 Bitget Wallet 首席运营官 Alvin Kan 在采访中表示,去中心化 AI 代理 和 AI 驱动的投资平台(如 ai16z 和 Hyperliquid)有望在 2025 年迎来增长契机,并预测这将是技术推动的变革,尽管伴随更高的风险。 Sonic SVM 与 Galaxy Interactive 联手启动的 G.A.M.E. Fund 1 不仅为 Web3 游戏和 AI 代理的发展提供资金支持,还通过技术和市场营销支持,帮助团队加速创新。随着 AI 代理和 Web3 游戏领域的融合,业内对这一新兴领域的关注度持续上升,预计将成为 2025 年技术革新的关键驱动力。 #AI #sol #SONIC #LUNA #ai16z $AI $SOL $FET

Sonic SVM 与 Galaxy Interactive 启动数百万美元基金,推动 Web3 游戏与 AI 代理发展

在加密行业中,Web3 游戏和人工智能(AI)代理的迅速崛起正成为投资者和开发者关注的焦点。Sonic SVM,一个专注于游戏的 Solana 虚拟机(SVM)Layer-2 网络,近日与风险投资公司 Galaxy Interactive 联手宣布成立 G.A.M.E. Fund 1,这是一个旨在加速 Web3 游戏、AI 代理以及社交媒体内容创作工具创新与发展的基金。

G.A.M.E. Fund 1:助力 Web3 游戏与 AI 代理
该基金的主要目标是推动 HyperGrid 平台上各类 Web3 游戏和 AI 驱动的内容创作工具的进展。基金将为每个项目提供最高 100 万美元 的资金支持,并且没有项目数量的限制。此外,参与者还将获得技术支持、基础设施支持、市场营销支持以及用户增长支持。特别的是,该基金还计划与 Sonic 的 TikTok Applayer 进行整合,目前该平台的用户数量已经超过 200 万。
Galaxy Interactive 创始合伙人 Sam Englebardt 表示,Sonic 有望成为连接 Web2 和 Web3 游戏 的重要桥梁,推动传统与新兴游戏平台的融合。Englebardt 还表示,这只基金代表了他们对前沿创新团队的支持,尤其是那些能够利用人工智能和社交平台,重新定义互动娱乐的团队。
首笔投资:Gomble Games
作为基金的首次投资,Sonic SVM 和 Galaxy Interactive 确认对 Gomble Games 的支持。该项目得到了 Binance Labs 和 Animoca Brands 的支持,目标是将传统 Web2 游戏 转型为 Web3 游戏。根据 Gomble Games 的声明,该公司自 2023 年起已经成为韩国最受欢迎的移动游戏应用之一,并在全球范围内吸引了超过 1.1 亿 独立用户,涵盖 230 款游戏。
AI 代理与 Web3 游戏的融合
Sonic SVM 的创始人兼 CEO Chris Zhu 强调,游戏的未来将由 高性能基础设施、人工智能和社交连接的深度融合驱动。他在接受采访时指出,AI 将在未来创造多样化的界面,让用户与数字世界和现实世界进行更加深层次的互动。
Zhu 认为,AI 代理 将成为推动 Web3 游戏 普及的关键驱动力。这些代理不仅可以在社交媒体平台如 X(前Twitter)和 TikTok 上进行互动,还可能成为游戏和内容创作的核心工具。他指出,随着代理创建和互动的复杂性不断增加,代理的社交影响力和经济价值将呈现出巨大的增长潜力。
AI 加密货币与自主代理的兴起
近期,AI 加密货币和自主 AI 代理的趋势引起了业内的广泛关注。Virtuals Protocol 上的 AI 代理 Luna 最近完成了一笔无需人工干预的自主区块链交易,这标志着 AI 在加密货币领域的一个新进展。行业观察人士预测,随着 AI 代理和加密货币的结合,2025 年这一新兴领域将迎来爆发式增长。
Bitget Wallet 首席运营官 Alvin Kan 在采访中表示,去中心化 AI 代理 和 AI 驱动的投资平台(如 ai16z 和 Hyperliquid)有望在 2025 年迎来增长契机,并预测这将是技术推动的变革,尽管伴随更高的风险。
Sonic SVM 与 Galaxy Interactive 联手启动的 G.A.M.E. Fund 1 不仅为 Web3 游戏和 AI 代理的发展提供资金支持,还通过技术和市场营销支持,帮助团队加速创新。随着 AI 代理和 Web3 游戏领域的融合,业内对这一新兴领域的关注度持续上升,预计将成为 2025 年技术革新的关键驱动力。
#AI #sol #SONIC #LUNA #ai16z $AI $SOL $FET
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