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Tonie Pisarski Fvkn
Earn #sat free 🎁🎁🎁🤩 Join Ember with my referral link and we'll both earn Bitcoin daily! Referral Code: MNGY7H0WOMB #HotTrends #btc #sat #write2earn
Earn #sat free 🎁🎁🎁🤩

Join Ember with my referral link and we'll both earn Bitcoin daily!

Referral Code: MNGY7H0WOMB

#HotTrends #btc #sat #write2earn
rat和luna$关注一下#sat $LUNA
rat和luna$关注一下#sat $LUNA
什么是Ordinal协议?如何铸造一个BRC20?#brc20 #sat 这段时间BRC-20很热闹,一些玩家开始冲比特币链上土狗了。 前段时间玩家把以太坊链上NFT重新铸造到比特币链上,FOMO了一段时间。 比如密码朋克在比特币链上btcpunk,目前地板价是0.74ETH,累计成交了7800多个ETH,最近热度明显下降了。 这段时间重点是BRC-20,比特币链上的TOKEN。 第一个BRC-20 代币合约部署的是“ordi”,在2023年3月9日上线; 当前火热BRC20有pepe,punk,bayc,domo等等,都是 meme 代币,没有什么实际价值。 BRC20持有地址和交易频率靠前的token 什么是BRC-20呢? BRC-20 是比特币链上代币,用以太坊ERC-20做比较更好理解,利用 Ordinal JSON 协议铸造和转移代币。 BRC-20代币标准是推特domodata用户创建的,目前只是一个实验性的可互换代币标准,代币本身没什么价值。 但随着BRC20出圈,链上已经出现了越来越多BRC 20代币,比如ORDI、MEME、PEPE等。 从UniSat数据看,已经有1400多个代币成功部署,有6000多个BRC20的正在铸造中。 正在铸造中的brc20 BRC-20的原理是什么? 比特币总量是2100万枚,而1枚又可细分为1亿聪(satoshi即sat,比特币最小单位),累计就有2100万亿聪。 这里要先了解铭文,它是通过使用Ordinals 协议将内容写入satoshi创建的,铭文不需要借助单独的代币、侧链或更改比特币; Ordinals协议做的事,就是给每一聪写入信息,比如文字、图片、音频和视频等,由于比特币区块大小限制,主要铭刻inscribe (也就是铸造mint)的信息以文字和图片为主,即NFT和token的形式。 由于铭文是直接创建在比特币区块链上,不可篡改,不存在项目方,只要比特币不消失,铭文就不会消失; Ordinals协议的重要原则之一是“先来后到”,谁先铭刻就是谁的,任何人都可以通过协议在比特币链上部署合约,出圈了就可能百倍,不出圈就只是试验。 brc20被铸造的第一个代币ordi 那如何拥有一个BRC-20代币? 需要用到比特币、钱包、操作平台,通过部署Deploy,铸造mint和购买三种方式获得。 比如操作平台,玩家可以直接在浏览器安装平台钱包UniSat Wallet,创建钱包Taproot,记录好助记词。 钱包创建之后通过CEX平台转入BTC到钱包UniSat Wallet钱包,进行相关的操作。 创建UniSat Wallet 铭刻inscribe 在unisat点击Iinscribe开始铸造,可以在文本,域名,图片等,还可以铸造brc-20 代币。 铸造.sats后缀比特币域名,或者图片NFT。 Iinscribe铭刻文本或图片,视频或音频 部署Deploy 部署可以理解成是发布某个代币,一般最大供应量都是2100万,Tick是代币名称,Limit Per Mint是每次铸造最大数量。 通过协议最初发行某个代币,设置最大数量和名称,可以让其他人继续铸造。 部署brc20 铸造mint 铸造已经被部署在区块链的brc20,选择没有100%铸造完成的进行铸造,铸造时设置数量,支付gas就可以铸造了。 mint已部署的brc20 购买buy 有些热门brc20已经铸造完毕,只能通过市场购买。 但目前unisat市场还是测试版,只针对已经在平台铸造过20次即获得20个积分的用户开放。 新用户只能先尝试铸造,或通过场外购买,或者在cex平台看看是否上线了。 购买brc20 BRC-20有哪些风险? 目前brc20有一定热度,但持续多长时间谁也不知道。 看好的人认为Ordinals协议使比特币NFT真正成为链上资产,会改写未来NFT市场。 看空的人认为BRC20只是一时热闹,没有具体应用,只是meme,热闹之后很快会沉寂下来。 目前brc20热度极高,交易的gas费居高不下,而且Ordinals协议的“first is first”的原则,有时支付gas了,也不能铸造成功。 另外现在不少brc20已经有几百倍涨幅,如果热闹不再了,现在就只是接盘侠,有被套的危险。 但每次链上都有新的试验,谁也不知道最后的结果,任何尝试都只有2个可能,要么成功要么失败。 meme起来也很疯狂 ​作为普通玩家可以在能力范围去投入探索,成了增加钱包资产;归零也可以收益经验。 以上,只是我个人的看法,无投资建议。我是初晓链,我在关注元宇宙和web3。


#brc20 #sat





第一个BRC-20 代币合约部署的是“ordi”,在2023年3月9日上线; 当前火热BRC20有pepe,punk,bayc,domo等等,都是 meme 代币,没有什么实际价值。



BRC-20 是比特币链上代币,用以太坊ERC-20做比较更好理解,利用 Ordinal JSON 协议铸造和转移代币。


但随着BRC20出圈,链上已经出现了越来越多BRC 20代币,比如ORDI、MEME、PEPE等。





这里要先了解铭文,它是通过使用Ordinals 协议将内容写入satoshi创建的,铭文不需要借助单独的代币、侧链或更改比特币;

Ordinals协议做的事,就是给每一聪写入信息,比如文字、图片、音频和视频等,由于比特币区块大小限制,主要铭刻inscribe (也就是铸造mint)的信息以文字和图片为主,即NFT和token的形式。






比如操作平台,玩家可以直接在浏览器安装平台钱包UniSat Wallet,创建钱包Taproot,记录好助记词。

钱包创建之后通过CEX平台转入BTC到钱包UniSat Wallet钱包,进行相关的操作。

创建UniSat Wallet


在unisat点击Iinscribe开始铸造,可以在文本,域名,图片等,还可以铸造brc-20 代币。




部署可以理解成是发布某个代币,一般最大供应量都是2100万,Tick是代币名称,Limit Per Mint是每次铸造最大数量。















目前brc20热度极高,交易的gas费居高不下,而且Ordinals协议的“first is first”的原则,有时支付gas了,也不能铸造成功。





#SAT has broke out of the bullish pennant showing the present of buyers stepping in also the MACD line has also cross over the slow line and is above the zero line making it more bullish to go in {spot}(1000SATSUSDT) #sat #BTC☀
#SAT has broke out of the bullish pennant showing the present of buyers stepping in also the MACD line has also cross over the slow line and is above the zero line making it more bullish to go in
#sat #BTC☀
跟着软件做交易:这个牛市你会选那些币作为十倍百倍币, 我的选择时 已经跌倒 底部的 VC币,不管怎么样,他们有VC 投资,而且经过了半年的洗盘,该出的已经出了,该套的已经套住了,所以牛市启动的时候,往上面轻轻一拉就是 几倍。 不要相信只买MEME 币, 币圈 拉起来的时候,新币一定会更有涨幅榜。而且一旦突破前高 那就食欲破竹。 brc20 #sat s 符文 龙头 #runecoin 再质押 #alt 去中心化期权交易所 #aevo 全链 :#w 等等 只要跌的多的新币,一个字 买。
跟着软件做交易:这个牛市你会选那些币作为十倍百倍币, 我的选择时 已经跌倒 底部的 VC币,不管怎么样,他们有VC 投资,而且经过了半年的洗盘,该出的已经出了,该套的已经套住了,所以牛市启动的时候,往上面轻轻一拉就是 几倍。

不要相信只买MEME 币, 币圈 拉起来的时候,新币一定会更有涨幅榜。而且一旦突破前高 那就食欲破竹。

brc20 #sat s

符文 龙头 #runecoin

再质押 #alt

去中心化期权交易所 #aevo

全链 :#w

等等 只要跌的多的新币,一个字 买。
Post #3 Sharing something I found on the feed for FREE $1000SATS MINING I usually do not believe posts that are mostly click bit for free airdrops and earnings, especially on X or T, I always try myself before sharing anything, the app is legit to mine free sats, do remember it needs alot of effort to reach the potential but u can still mine at background for free every 24 hours and play games/surveys 🎯 Link is in the comments 👇 use code MNGJBTQYEX5 Head on over to the Earn tab and tap on Start Earning Bitcoin. You'll start to see pieces of Bitcoin, called Satoshis, stacking up in your app. Mining feature is totally free, and it doesn't use any battery or computing power. ♥️ A Satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin. There are 100 million Satoshis in a single Bitcoin, and they're named after Satoshi Nakamoto (the creator of Bitcoin). You can boost your earning rate to earn even more Bitcoin by completing various tasks like surveys or setting up your account.💸 Top users of app earn well over $500 per month of passive income in Bitcoin. Let's do some quick math to see how mining with friends and playing games on app can become a source of passive income for you!💱 At the current BTC prices $65,400 USD, mining at just 50 Sat/hr translates to 438,000 Sats annually (50 x 24 hours x 365 days), which is approximately $287 of passive income per year. Let's also assume that you win one premium tournament, or complete 1 task every week. With an average payout of 10,000 Sats, this means you'll earn an additional $340 per year (10,000 x 52 weeks = 520,000 Sats).🧑‍💻 By mining at 50 Sat/hr with friends, doing 1 task or winning 1 tournament per week, your grand total over a year would be $627+ (~1M Sats).📈 If we assume a $250k Bitcoin, your grand total becomes nearly $2,500 USD per year! 🪙 Some Bitcoin bulls think BTC is going beyond even $1M in the future, but I'll leave that math up to you! 😉 ‼️Do not deposit/invest, use only free mining, do your own research & risk assessment 😇 #sats #sat #SatoshininBadisi #Sats2
Post #3

Sharing something I found on the feed for FREE $1000SATS MINING

I usually do not believe posts that are mostly click bit for free airdrops and earnings, especially on X or T, I always try myself before sharing anything, the app is legit to mine free sats, do remember it needs alot of effort to reach the potential but u can still mine at background for free every 24 hours and play games/surveys 🎯

Link is in the comments 👇 use code MNGJBTQYEX5

Head on over to the Earn tab and tap on
Start Earning Bitcoin. You'll start to see pieces of
Bitcoin, called Satoshis, stacking up in your app.
Mining feature is totally free, and it
doesn't use any battery or computing power. ♥️

A Satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin. There
are 100 million Satoshis in a single Bitcoin, and
they're named after Satoshi Nakamoto (the
creator of Bitcoin).

You can boost your earning rate to earn even
more Bitcoin by completing various tasks like
surveys or setting up your account.💸

Top users of app earn well over
$500 per month of passive income in Bitcoin.
Let's do some quick math to see how mining with
friends and playing games on app can
become a source of passive income for you!💱

At the current BTC prices $65,400 USD, mining
at just 50 Sat/hr translates to 438,000 Sats
annually (50 x 24 hours x 365 days), which is
approximately $287 of passive income per year.
Let's also assume that you win one premium
tournament, or complete 1 task every week. With
an average payout of 10,000 Sats, this means
you'll earn an additional $340 per year (10,000 x
52 weeks = 520,000 Sats).🧑‍💻

By mining at 50 Sat/hr with friends, doing 1 task
or winning 1 tournament per week, your grand
total over a year would be $627+ (~1M Sats).📈

If we assume a $250k Bitcoin,
your grand total becomes nearly $2,500 USD per year! 🪙

Some Bitcoin bulls think BTC is going beyond
even $1M in the future, but I'll leave that math
up to you! 😉

‼️Do not deposit/invest, use only free mining, do your own research & risk assessment 😇


**Crypto Trading Signal - LONG**

- **Coin:** 1000statsUSDT
- **Entry Price:** 0.0003030$
- **Stop Loss (SL):** 0.000288

- **Take Profit (TP) Levels:**
- **TP1:** 0.0003095
- **TP2:** 0.0003120
- **TP3:** 0.0003150
- **TP4:** 0.0003200
- **TP5:** 0.0003250
- **TP6:** 0.0003300
- **TP7:** 0.0003370
- **TP8:** 0.0003460
- **TP9:** 0.0003550
- **TP10:** 0.0003650

#1000SATS🔥🔥🔥🔥 #wld #sat #bitcoin

Have you opened the trade?
**UM TRADERS** **Crypto Trading Signal - LONG** - **Coin:** 1000statsUSDT - **Entry Price:** 0.0003030$ - **Stop Loss (SL):** 0.000288 - **Take Profit (TP) Levels:** - **TP1:** 0.0003095 - **TP2:** 0.0003120 - **TP3:** 0.0003150 - **TP4:** 0.0003200 - **TP5:** 0.0003250 - **TP6:** 0.0003300 - **TP7:** 0.0003370 - **TP8:** 0.0003460 - **TP9:** 0.0003550 - **TP10:** 0.0003650 #1000SATS🔥🔥🔥🔥 #wld #sat #bitcoin {future}(1000SATSUSDT) Have you opened the trade?

**Crypto Trading Signal - LONG**

- **Coin:** 1000statsUSDT
- **Entry Price:** 0.0003030$
- **Stop Loss (SL):** 0.000288

- **Take Profit (TP) Levels:**
- **TP1:** 0.0003095
- **TP2:** 0.0003120
- **TP3:** 0.0003150
- **TP4:** 0.0003200
- **TP5:** 0.0003250
- **TP6:** 0.0003300
- **TP7:** 0.0003370
- **TP8:** 0.0003460
- **TP9:** 0.0003550
- **TP10:** 0.0003650

#1000SATS🔥🔥🔥🔥 #wld #sat #bitcoin
Have you opened the trade?
每次赚了一波后就觉得自己很行了、所以下定决心在投一点进来搞一波大的、然后就开始被收割.全都是自信害的#shib #sat #doge
每次赚了一波后就觉得自己很行了、所以下定决心在投一点进来搞一波大的、然后就开始被收割.全都是自信害的#shib #sat #doge
$SATS 放手里捏住,今天测试了27的位置快速回落至26以下, 还是要站稳26的位置才能健康上涨,不要紧张 继续持有吧,我们只需要等待 #sat #加密市场反弹




#sat #加密市场反弹
太猛啦!$SATS 才是山寨黑马!!

周线图显示底部吸筹量大幅增加 ,记住天哥不是瞎说


#TON #Ripple于诉讼中取得部分胜利
#BTC/USDT ANALYSIS Bitcoin is rebounding above the Ichimoku Cloud, which is now providing strong support following its breakout from the descending triangle. A potential bounce is expected if the price breaks above the 100MA, currently acting as a resistance barrier. Keep a close watch on this level for confirmation of upward momentum. #btc #sat #bch

Bitcoin is rebounding above the Ichimoku Cloud, which is now providing strong support following its breakout from the descending triangle.

A potential bounce is expected if the price breaks above the 100MA, currently acting as a resistance barrier. Keep a close watch on this level for confirmation of upward momentum.
#btc #sat #bch
Start mining #sat rn Just use this link Join Ember with my referral link and we'll both earn Bitcoin daily! Referral Code: MNGY7H0WOMB
Start mining #sat rn

Just use this link

Join Ember with my referral link and we'll both earn Bitcoin daily!
Referral Code: MNGY7H0WOMB
銘文資產的小夥伴記得申領 Uniport(@Uniport_Network) 最新一輪的空投哦,細節如下👇 - 空投總量:2.1 億枚 $UP - 首輪涵蓋銘文:BRC20 / ARC20 / SRC20,詳見海報 - 申領方式:主網上線 Fairmint 後手動申領即可,無需質押和手續費 申領入口 空投詳情 #ordi #sat $BTC
銘文資產的小夥伴記得申領 Uniport(@Uniport_Network) 最新一輪的空投哦,細節如下👇

- 空投總量:2.1 億枚 $UP
- 首輪涵蓋銘文:BRC20 / ARC20 / SRC20,詳見海報
- 申領方式:主網上線 Fairmint 後手動申領即可,無需質押和手續費


#ordi #sat $BTC
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