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"Revolutionizing App Development:

AI on the Internet Computer Protocol ($ICP ) is revolutionizing app development in ways that were once thought impossible! The possibilities are astonishing, as users now have the power to build and manage web applications with just a simple conversation. Imagine chatting with an AI to instantly create and deploy live apps or internet services—without any complex coding or technical expertise required.

This new paradigm makes app development more intuitive than ever. Simply describe what you need, and watch it come to life. Gone are the days of dealing with the cumbersome issues of failover systems and cybersecurity risks. $ICP ’s AI-driven environment streamlines everything by seamlessly integrating data and logic into a single system, enabling rapid updates and real-time modifications at chat speed.

The cost? Minimal. The speed? Unmatched. As AI continues to evolve on $ICP , it’s transforming app creation into an accessible and efficient process for everyone. With incredibly low costs and lightning-fast results, even those without a technical background can now bring their ideas to life with unprecedented ease. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a curious innovator, the future of app development is here—and it’s powered by AI on $I
#ICP. #DOJBTCAuction #ShareYourTrade #USJobOpeningsSurge #USJobOpeningsSurge
今天是11号机会风险在哪里BTC关注88000加1000附近压力关注97000和98300附近 #BTC #ETH #BNB #ETC #bnb #CGPT #ICP. #PHA #币安Alpha上新 #币安Alpha上新 #比特币价格走势分析 #加密市场回调 #比特币价格走势分析 #AI概念币强势反弹 #AI概念币强势反弹 #AIXBT、CGPT、COOKIE将上线币安 #非农数据大幅超出预期 #DeFAI热点 #BNB纳入不丹GMC加密战略储备 #BNB纳入不丹GMC加密战略储备 #市场调整策略 #DeFAI热点 #晒交易赢奖励 #加密市场回调 #比特币价格走势分析 #加密市场回调 #AI概念币强势反弹 #AIXBT、CGPT、COOKIE将上线币安 #非农数据大幅超出预期 #市场调整策略 #BNB纳入不丹GMC加密战略储备 #DeFAI热点 #币安Alpha上新
盘点 2024 香港 Web3 十大热词2024 年注定不平凡,经过三年的蛰伏,Web3 终于迎来了新一轮牛市周期的开端,新周期,新叙事,究竟有什么新鲜的血液在脉搏之下跳动,我们且将目光聚集到亚洲金融中心,也是亚洲 Web3 的「心脏」- 香港。 一年间,监管、创新和资本三方在此狂飙突进,也让整个行业在创新与规范之间找到了一种微妙的平衡。 新叙事盘根错节,热点层出不穷,本文将回顾 2024 年香港 Web3 领域的十大热词,以此窥得一年中行业兴起与发展。 1. 原生合规 -「不搞野路子,就搞清楚路子」 2024 年,全世界都在搞 Web3 合规,「监管套利」时代已经一去不复返。 区别于美国及其他地区的「先开再修」,香港走出了「规则先行,创新跟上」的新路线,从 VASP、CBDC、港元稳定币,再到虚拟资产现货 ETF、Ensemble 沙盒计划,每条立法、每个试点都是香港监管机构协同本地金融机构积极探索的阶段性成果。 更重要的是,长期以谨慎著称的香港监管,在 2024 年彻底「换挡加速」,无论是 12 月港监会一口气发出 4 家 VASP 牌照,还是全球首发 ETH 现货 ETF,这种「稳中带快」的节奏足以窥见香港监管已经在审慎与开放之间,取得了较好的平衡。 如果说 Web3 是场游戏,那么 2024 的香港,不仅制定了升级路线,还将「新手攻略」整理成册,欢迎即将入场的新玩家。 2. BTC 资产配置 -「 国家、企业争『囤币』」  2024 年投资什么虚拟资产?全年涨幅达 150% 的 BTC,必须是答案之一,2024 下半年,美国率先发起囤币竞赛,特朗普的 BTC 战略储备计划直接把比特币升级成了「国家战略物资」,引发巴西、波兰、日本等多国效仿。 政策已定调,资本市场迅速跟上,2024 全年,机构投资者共购入 859,454 枚 BTC,其中长期投资 BTC 的 MicroStrategy(微策略)一马当先,本年度增持近 25 万枚,狂赚 200 亿美元,坐稳 BTC 巨鲸宝座。 全球迎来「囤币潮」,企业机构也不甘落后,香港上市公司博雅互动(HK.0403)直接宣布持有 2,641 枚比特币和 15,445 枚以太坊,并迅速将 1.42 万枚 ETH 换成 515 枚 BTC,一套操作行云流水;Nano Labs(Nasdaq:NA)更是携手 HashKey Exchange,豪掷 5,000 万美元布局 BTC 资产。 截至撰稿时,Nano Labs 已经持有价值 550 万美元的 BTC,企业囤币一气呵成,堪称教科书式的操作,此外,据了解,国富创新、酷派集团等企业也悄然跟进,提前卡位比特币储备战场。 3. 虚拟资产现货 ETF -「老牌工具,新玩法」 ETF 在传统金融市场早已司空见惯,但当它和虚拟资产「合体」,却成了 2024 年 Web3 市场的破局神器,2024 年 1 月,美国批准首支 BTC 现货 ETF,引发市场狂欢。 其他各国或保持观望或开始考虑时,香港反应迅速,不仅上线了 BTC 现货 ETF,还抢先推出 ETH 现货 ETF,实现亚洲市场的占位。 目前,香港市场已有 3 支 BTC 现货 ETF 和 3 支 ETH 现货 ETF,分别由华夏、嘉实、博时三家顶级机构推出,据 Coinglass 数据显示,截至撰稿,香港 BTC 现货 ETF 总资产净值达 4.39 亿美元,ETH 现货 ETF 净值为 6,356 万美元。 虽然在规模上与美国还有距离,但香港的虚拟资产现货 ETF,已凭借创新与活力,迅速开始市场占位,为后续资金流入准备道路。 于是,7 月香港迎来亚洲首只比特币反向产品 - CSOP 比特币期货每日(-1x)反向产品,11 月,港交所推出虚拟资产指数系列,包括 BTC 与 ETH 的参考指数及汇率,为虚拟资产市场带来更多金融工具。 虚拟资产现货 ETF,不仅打开了香港传统金融市场的大门,更是香港 Web3 资本狂飙的起点。 4. 稳定币 -「跨境支付的顶流,监管的『团宠』」 主流稳定币如 USDT、USDC,凭借与美元 1:1 锚定的「硬实力」,早已是跨境支付领域的「顶流担当」,无论是加密交易、工资结算,还是商品支付,稳定币的身影无处不在,但「人红是非多」,多次脱锚风险,也让它们成了全球监管的重点关照对象。 2024 年 6 月,欧盟《稳定币法案》生效,瞬间开卷全球监管,香港当仁不让,年初伊始火力全开:2 月发布法币稳定币监管咨询,3 月推出「稳定币沙盒」计划,7 月发布咨询总结,12 月直接送上《稳定币法案》...立法会的 KPI 安排得明明白白。 更有意思的是,首批沙盒玩家名单,京东币链科技、圆币创新科技、渣打银行(香港)、Animoca Brands、香港电讯(HKT)等知名公司纷纷上榜,瞬间把稳定币沙盒变成了「顶级俱乐部」。 当前香港的监管重点暂时放在港元稳定币上,但这波操作也稳住了市场,让香港的数字资产规则更上一层楼,至于全球用得风生水起的 USDT、USDC 等美元稳定币,香港是否会考虑放行呢?故事未完待续。 5. VASP 牌照 -「有牌才敢开张」 玩转虚拟资产交易市场,VASP(虚拟资产服务商)牌照是「入场证明」,前有美国、新加坡,后有迪拜、欧盟,持牌上岗已是主流趋势,作为亚洲金融中心,香港 VASP 牌照也已就绪。 当前,香港持证开张的平台已壮大至 7 家,分别是 HashKey Exchange、OSL Exchange、HKVAX、HKbitEX、Accumulus、DFXLabs 以及 EX.IO,这些「好学生」不仅需要严格遵守了《打击洗钱条例(AMLO)》的合规要求,还通过了香港证监会(SFC)的多层审查。 付出总有回报,持牌上岗更受市场青睐,比如 HashKey Exchange,2024 年整体平台资沉突破百亿港元,累计交易量达 5,800 亿港元,跻身全球中心化交易所 Top10,尽管仍有更多的平台等待审查,但香港证监会已制订了清晰的发牌程序路线图,2025 年,相信会有更多平台持牌入场。 6. PayFi -「是老酒装新瓶,还是新一轮支付革命?」 2024 年,PayFi(支付金融)成为 Web3 圈新宠,看似只是把支付搬上区块链,但实际上,PayFi 大福提升了跨境支付的效率,让传统的「龟速汇款」瞬间升级成「秒到账」。 如果说 Web3 行业有一个公认且经久不衰的主流叙事,则一定是大规模采用(Mass Adoption)这一关键命题,PayFi 正是这一叙事的重要实践者。 从广义上看,PayFi 属于 RWA 赛道,但它的野心远远不止于此,其背后是区块链对天量真实世界资产的撬动力量 - 仅在支付领域,信用卡、贸易融资、跨境支付等细分市场的总规模就超过 40 万亿美元,而 PayFi 目前仅在传统金融的「长尾市场」展开布局,潜力巨大。 PayFi 的核心价值在于连接区块链资金池与链下金融需求,这种连接并非易事,需要多重力量的整合:首先,必须在相对宽松的监管环境和加密友好的城市运营;其次,具有资金实力且能够提供从基础设施到 KYC、出入金、流动性管理等全链条合规支持的机构并不多,只有少数监管持牌机构具备这一能力,例如香港最大的持牌虚拟资产交易所 HashKey Exchange。 香港,或将成为 PayFi 的「金融热土」,作为全球金融中心之一,香港具备庞大的跨境资金需求、成熟的金融基础设施以及「Ensemble」计划和稳定币监管等政策护航,行业在香港落地的红毯持续铺设中。 7. 传统机构跑步入场 -「老钱变新贵」 虽然虚拟资产现货 ETF,为传统资本找到了 Web3 入局之路,但间接投资哪有直接赚钱「香」?眼瞅着年初加密小牛市,美国传统金融巨头们靠着发行 BTC 现货 ETF 赚得盆满钵满,反观香港券商们,明明坐拥用户千千万,却还守着宛若寒冬的股市 - 10,00 多只港股日成交额不足 1 万港元。 思路打开,不如带着用户参与 Web3,于是,香港的传统券商们终于「跑步入场」,传统券商如胜利证券、艾德证券,互联网券商如富途、老虎,甚至外资大佬盈透证券,纷纷拿下香港证监会的 1 号牌照升级,迅速布局虚拟资产业务。 为了「少走弯路」,他们选择联手本地持牌交易所 HashKey Exchange,集成 HashKey Pro 这个机构级综合服务,迅速开通 BTC 和 ETH 等虚拟资产的充提和交易功能,短短几个月,就拉动了 50 亿港元交易量。 券商们的加入不仅带来了流量,还把他们的专业优势也搬进了 Web3 - 什么风控、合规、老客户关系,分分钟把传统股民也拉进了虚拟资产的世界,最值得期待的是,如果 2025 年 Web3 行情进一步突破,凭借先天优势,香港的券商们甚至还会带着全球「老钱」们一块入场,全面链接传统金融与虚拟资产市场。 8. OTC 监管 - 百亿美金市场,或将戴上「紧箍咒」  「出入金,去香港」,动辄数百家的线下转换店,吸引了更多的人慕名而来,尤其对那些动辄上百万交易额的机构和高净值用户来说,OTC 交易不仅灵活,还能提供更高的隐私性和流动性。 也因此,香港 OTC 市场一直生机勃勃,据统计,全港有约 200 家线下 OTC 交易店铺和 250 家线上活跃服务商,年交易量高达近百亿美金。 繁荣背后暗流涌动,近年来,多起 OTC 抢劫事件以及 JPEX 事件中 OTC 推手的虚假宣传,让人们看清了 OTC 市场的合规短板和潜在洗钱等风险。 对此,香港政府迅速「补课」,2 月发布《虚拟资产场外交易规管建议》,计划给 OTC 市场戴上「紧箍咒」,据最新消息,监管计划于 2025/2026 年进行咨询和立法,海关和证监会正在就该项目密切合作。 业内意见两极分化 - 有人担忧短期监管会让市场降温,也有人看好监管带来的长期信任红利,毕竟,没有「牌照」,市场只是「自由放养」,有了监管,香港的 OTC 市场才能从「野生王国」成长为全球资本信任的合规中心,迎接更大增长。 9. 跑会 -「全民健身项目」 跑会,历来是 Web3 的「全民运动」,香港更是今年的运动大本营,细数 2024 年,仅香港中大型的活动,就不下于 50 场,从虚拟资产监管探讨到区块链技术落地实践,从技术极客的代码冲浪到商业领袖的战略对话,Web3 主题包罗万象。 大型峰会如 WOW Summit、FORESIGHT 2024、香港 Web3 嘉年华、金融科技周,技术论坛如 Solana Hacker House HK 和 HashKey Hackerhouse 太初,更别提多如牛毛的小型沙龙与酒会... 最典型的当属香港 Web3 嘉年华,活动场地近 9,000 平方米,活动时间持续四天,除主会场外,大会期间还举办了近 200 场周边活动,模糊估计,线下累计参与人数超过 50,000 人,吸引了超过 300 位全球知名演讲嘉宾和 100 多个热门项目参展,2025 年 2 月还有将首次在香港举行的 Consensus,4 月新一届的 Web3 嘉年华。 行业不停,跑会不止,2025 年,将持续火热。 10. 前店后厂 -「深港组合拳,Web3 新局面 」 2024 年的舞台,华人 Web3 中心已转移从曾经的上海、杭州等地,转移至香港,而「前店后厂」模式更是香港协同深圳独门绝技,这套组合拳,不仅打出了行业优势,更打造出了独属大湾区的特色打法。 「前店」是香港的强项,作为全球数一数二的国际金融中心,香港拥有高效的资本市场、开放的商业环境和不断完善的虚拟资产监管政策,从源源不断的国际行业活动,到本土化、明晰的政策指导,再到诸如 100 亿港元创科引导基金、特别签证计划这类强有力的政策扶持以及优质的融资环境,对于 Web3 企业来说,落地香港就意味着站在了全球市场的 C 位。 而「后厂」深圳的杀手锏,就是强大的研发能力、完善的产业链、极致的成本控制,为 Web3 项目的孵化提供了理想环境,因此,不少香港 Web3 企业偏爱将技术团队部署在深圳,区块链底层技术开发、硬件设备生产以及部分运营环节,快速试错快速落地,2024 年,香港数码港还与深圳的多个技术园区加强了合作,让深港两地的资源流动更加顺畅。 这种「前店后厂」的模式,形成了「品牌 + 技术」闭环,正帮助 Web3 企业释放巨大潜力,迈入全球市场,2025 年,香港,值得期待! 2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华活动预告 香港 Web3 嘉年华是由万向区块链实验室、HashKey Group 联合推出的 Web3 活动品牌,由 W3ME 承办,2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华将于 2025 年 4 月 6 ~ 9 日在香港会议展览中心 5 楼 BCDE 馆举办,本次活动将持续四天,包括 4 个会场,场地面积超过 14,000 平方米。 此前举办的 2023 香港 Web3 嘉年华和 2024 香港 Web3 嘉年华汇聚了超过 250 个前沿参展项目,邀请了超过 800 位业界领袖进行深度交流,累计吸引了超过 80,000 名现场观众共襄盛举,同时配套了超过 300 场丰富多彩的周边活动。 香港特别行政区政府财政司司长陈茂波、以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin、ARK Invest CEO 兼 CIO Cathie Wood 等均担任过活动演讲嘉宾。 作为连续举办的第三届活动,基于前两届积累的活动声望和全球影响力,2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华规模预计达到数万人,将继续汇聚全球 Web3 领域的精英与前沿项目,共同探索 Web3 技术的无限可能,为全球参会者带来一场前所未有的科技盛宴,还在等什么,快来加入吧! 门票优惠 作为 2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华的官方合作社区,IC 中文社区为大家提供 85 折专属门票优惠,优惠码:ICCHINA。 购票链接: 访问以上购票链接,即可享受专属门票优惠,门票价格已经从之前的 199、 299 美元上涨到了现在的 399 美元,之后还会涨价,确定参会的朋友还是尽早购票为好! 更多相关信息请阅读: 全球加密货币公司转向香港寻求庇护和机遇2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华定于明年四月盛大举行 联系渠道 大会官网: X: @festival_web3 #香港Web3嘉年华 #万向区块链 #ICP. 你关心的 IC 内容 技术进展 | 项目信息 | 全球活动 收藏关注 IC 币安频道 掌握最新资讯

盘点 2024 香港 Web3 十大热词

2024 年注定不平凡,经过三年的蛰伏,Web3 终于迎来了新一轮牛市周期的开端,新周期,新叙事,究竟有什么新鲜的血液在脉搏之下跳动,我们且将目光聚集到亚洲金融中心,也是亚洲 Web3 的「心脏」- 香港。
新叙事盘根错节,热点层出不穷,本文将回顾 2024 年香港 Web3 领域的十大热词,以此窥得一年中行业兴起与发展。
1. 原生合规 -「不搞野路子,就搞清楚路子」
2024 年,全世界都在搞 Web3 合规,「监管套利」时代已经一去不复返。
区别于美国及其他地区的「先开再修」,香港走出了「规则先行,创新跟上」的新路线,从 VASP、CBDC、港元稳定币,再到虚拟资产现货 ETF、Ensemble 沙盒计划,每条立法、每个试点都是香港监管机构协同本地金融机构积极探索的阶段性成果。

更重要的是,长期以谨慎著称的香港监管,在 2024 年彻底「换挡加速」,无论是 12 月港监会一口气发出 4 家 VASP 牌照,还是全球首发 ETH 现货 ETF,这种「稳中带快」的节奏足以窥见香港监管已经在审慎与开放之间,取得了较好的平衡。
如果说 Web3 是场游戏,那么 2024 的香港,不仅制定了升级路线,还将「新手攻略」整理成册,欢迎即将入场的新玩家。
2. BTC 资产配置 -「 国家、企业争『囤币』」 
2024 年投资什么虚拟资产?全年涨幅达 150% 的 BTC,必须是答案之一,2024 下半年,美国率先发起囤币竞赛,特朗普的 BTC 战略储备计划直接把比特币升级成了「国家战略物资」,引发巴西、波兰、日本等多国效仿。
政策已定调,资本市场迅速跟上,2024 全年,机构投资者共购入 859,454 枚 BTC,其中长期投资 BTC 的 MicroStrategy(微策略)一马当先,本年度增持近 25 万枚,狂赚 200 亿美元,坐稳 BTC 巨鲸宝座。

全球迎来「囤币潮」,企业机构也不甘落后,香港上市公司博雅互动(HK.0403)直接宣布持有 2,641 枚比特币和 15,445 枚以太坊,并迅速将 1.42 万枚 ETH 换成 515 枚 BTC,一套操作行云流水;Nano Labs(Nasdaq:NA)更是携手 HashKey Exchange,豪掷 5,000 万美元布局 BTC 资产。
截至撰稿时,Nano Labs 已经持有价值 550 万美元的 BTC,企业囤币一气呵成,堪称教科书式的操作,此外,据了解,国富创新、酷派集团等企业也悄然跟进,提前卡位比特币储备战场。
3. 虚拟资产现货 ETF -「老牌工具,新玩法」
ETF 在传统金融市场早已司空见惯,但当它和虚拟资产「合体」,却成了 2024 年 Web3 市场的破局神器,2024 年 1 月,美国批准首支 BTC 现货 ETF,引发市场狂欢。
其他各国或保持观望或开始考虑时,香港反应迅速,不仅上线了 BTC 现货 ETF,还抢先推出 ETH 现货 ETF,实现亚洲市场的占位。

目前,香港市场已有 3 支 BTC 现货 ETF 和 3 支 ETH 现货 ETF,分别由华夏、嘉实、博时三家顶级机构推出,据 Coinglass 数据显示,截至撰稿,香港 BTC 现货 ETF 总资产净值达 4.39 亿美元,ETH 现货 ETF 净值为 6,356 万美元。
虽然在规模上与美国还有距离,但香港的虚拟资产现货 ETF,已凭借创新与活力,迅速开始市场占位,为后续资金流入准备道路。
于是,7 月香港迎来亚洲首只比特币反向产品 - CSOP 比特币期货每日(-1x)反向产品,11 月,港交所推出虚拟资产指数系列,包括 BTC 与 ETH 的参考指数及汇率,为虚拟资产市场带来更多金融工具。
虚拟资产现货 ETF,不仅打开了香港传统金融市场的大门,更是香港 Web3 资本狂飙的起点。
4. 稳定币 -「跨境支付的顶流,监管的『团宠』」
主流稳定币如 USDT、USDC,凭借与美元 1:1 锚定的「硬实力」,早已是跨境支付领域的「顶流担当」,无论是加密交易、工资结算,还是商品支付,稳定币的身影无处不在,但「人红是非多」,多次脱锚风险,也让它们成了全球监管的重点关照对象。
2024 年 6 月,欧盟《稳定币法案》生效,瞬间开卷全球监管,香港当仁不让,年初伊始火力全开:2 月发布法币稳定币监管咨询,3 月推出「稳定币沙盒」计划,7 月发布咨询总结,12 月直接送上《稳定币法案》...立法会的 KPI 安排得明明白白。

更有意思的是,首批沙盒玩家名单,京东币链科技、圆币创新科技、渣打银行(香港)、Animoca Brands、香港电讯(HKT)等知名公司纷纷上榜,瞬间把稳定币沙盒变成了「顶级俱乐部」。
当前香港的监管重点暂时放在港元稳定币上,但这波操作也稳住了市场,让香港的数字资产规则更上一层楼,至于全球用得风生水起的 USDT、USDC 等美元稳定币,香港是否会考虑放行呢?故事未完待续。
5. VASP 牌照 -「有牌才敢开张」
玩转虚拟资产交易市场,VASP(虚拟资产服务商)牌照是「入场证明」,前有美国、新加坡,后有迪拜、欧盟,持牌上岗已是主流趋势,作为亚洲金融中心,香港 VASP 牌照也已就绪。

当前,香港持证开张的平台已壮大至 7 家,分别是 HashKey Exchange、OSL Exchange、HKVAX、HKbitEX、Accumulus、DFXLabs 以及 EX.IO,这些「好学生」不仅需要严格遵守了《打击洗钱条例(AMLO)》的合规要求,还通过了香港证监会(SFC)的多层审查。
付出总有回报,持牌上岗更受市场青睐,比如 HashKey Exchange,2024 年整体平台资沉突破百亿港元,累计交易量达 5,800 亿港元,跻身全球中心化交易所 Top10,尽管仍有更多的平台等待审查,但香港证监会已制订了清晰的发牌程序路线图,2025 年,相信会有更多平台持牌入场。
6. PayFi -「是老酒装新瓶,还是新一轮支付革命?」
2024 年,PayFi(支付金融)成为 Web3 圈新宠,看似只是把支付搬上区块链,但实际上,PayFi 大福提升了跨境支付的效率,让传统的「龟速汇款」瞬间升级成「秒到账」。
如果说 Web3 行业有一个公认且经久不衰的主流叙事,则一定是大规模采用(Mass Adoption)这一关键命题,PayFi 正是这一叙事的重要实践者。
从广义上看,PayFi 属于 RWA 赛道,但它的野心远远不止于此,其背后是区块链对天量真实世界资产的撬动力量 - 仅在支付领域,信用卡、贸易融资、跨境支付等细分市场的总规模就超过 40 万亿美元,而 PayFi 目前仅在传统金融的「长尾市场」展开布局,潜力巨大。

PayFi 的核心价值在于连接区块链资金池与链下金融需求,这种连接并非易事,需要多重力量的整合:首先,必须在相对宽松的监管环境和加密友好的城市运营;其次,具有资金实力且能够提供从基础设施到 KYC、出入金、流动性管理等全链条合规支持的机构并不多,只有少数监管持牌机构具备这一能力,例如香港最大的持牌虚拟资产交易所 HashKey Exchange。
香港,或将成为 PayFi 的「金融热土」,作为全球金融中心之一,香港具备庞大的跨境资金需求、成熟的金融基础设施以及「Ensemble」计划和稳定币监管等政策护航,行业在香港落地的红毯持续铺设中。
7. 传统机构跑步入场 -「老钱变新贵」
虽然虚拟资产现货 ETF,为传统资本找到了 Web3 入局之路,但间接投资哪有直接赚钱「香」?眼瞅着年初加密小牛市,美国传统金融巨头们靠着发行 BTC 现货 ETF 赚得盆满钵满,反观香港券商们,明明坐拥用户千千万,却还守着宛若寒冬的股市 - 10,00 多只港股日成交额不足 1 万港元。
思路打开,不如带着用户参与 Web3,于是,香港的传统券商们终于「跑步入场」,传统券商如胜利证券、艾德证券,互联网券商如富途、老虎,甚至外资大佬盈透证券,纷纷拿下香港证监会的 1 号牌照升级,迅速布局虚拟资产业务。
为了「少走弯路」,他们选择联手本地持牌交易所 HashKey Exchange,集成 HashKey Pro 这个机构级综合服务,迅速开通 BTC 和 ETH 等虚拟资产的充提和交易功能,短短几个月,就拉动了 50 亿港元交易量。

券商们的加入不仅带来了流量,还把他们的专业优势也搬进了 Web3 - 什么风控、合规、老客户关系,分分钟把传统股民也拉进了虚拟资产的世界,最值得期待的是,如果 2025 年 Web3 行情进一步突破,凭借先天优势,香港的券商们甚至还会带着全球「老钱」们一块入场,全面链接传统金融与虚拟资产市场。
8. OTC 监管 - 百亿美金市场,或将戴上「紧箍咒」 
「出入金,去香港」,动辄数百家的线下转换店,吸引了更多的人慕名而来,尤其对那些动辄上百万交易额的机构和高净值用户来说,OTC 交易不仅灵活,还能提供更高的隐私性和流动性。
也因此,香港 OTC 市场一直生机勃勃,据统计,全港有约 200 家线下 OTC 交易店铺和 250 家线上活跃服务商,年交易量高达近百亿美金。

繁荣背后暗流涌动,近年来,多起 OTC 抢劫事件以及 JPEX 事件中 OTC 推手的虚假宣传,让人们看清了 OTC 市场的合规短板和潜在洗钱等风险。
对此,香港政府迅速「补课」,2 月发布《虚拟资产场外交易规管建议》,计划给 OTC 市场戴上「紧箍咒」,据最新消息,监管计划于 2025/2026 年进行咨询和立法,海关和证监会正在就该项目密切合作。
业内意见两极分化 - 有人担忧短期监管会让市场降温,也有人看好监管带来的长期信任红利,毕竟,没有「牌照」,市场只是「自由放养」,有了监管,香港的 OTC 市场才能从「野生王国」成长为全球资本信任的合规中心,迎接更大增长。
9. 跑会 -「全民健身项目」
跑会,历来是 Web3 的「全民运动」,香港更是今年的运动大本营,细数 2024 年,仅香港中大型的活动,就不下于 50 场,从虚拟资产监管探讨到区块链技术落地实践,从技术极客的代码冲浪到商业领袖的战略对话,Web3 主题包罗万象。
大型峰会如 WOW Summit、FORESIGHT 2024、香港 Web3 嘉年华、金融科技周,技术论坛如 Solana Hacker House HK 和 HashKey Hackerhouse 太初,更别提多如牛毛的小型沙龙与酒会...

最典型的当属香港 Web3 嘉年华,活动场地近 9,000 平方米,活动时间持续四天,除主会场外,大会期间还举办了近 200 场周边活动,模糊估计,线下累计参与人数超过 50,000 人,吸引了超过 300 位全球知名演讲嘉宾和 100 多个热门项目参展,2025 年 2 月还有将首次在香港举行的 Consensus,4 月新一届的 Web3 嘉年华。
行业不停,跑会不止,2025 年,将持续火热。
10. 前店后厂 -「深港组合拳,Web3 新局面 」
2024 年的舞台,华人 Web3 中心已转移从曾经的上海、杭州等地,转移至香港,而「前店后厂」模式更是香港协同深圳独门绝技,这套组合拳,不仅打出了行业优势,更打造出了独属大湾区的特色打法。

「前店」是香港的强项,作为全球数一数二的国际金融中心,香港拥有高效的资本市场、开放的商业环境和不断完善的虚拟资产监管政策,从源源不断的国际行业活动,到本土化、明晰的政策指导,再到诸如 100 亿港元创科引导基金、特别签证计划这类强有力的政策扶持以及优质的融资环境,对于 Web3 企业来说,落地香港就意味着站在了全球市场的 C 位。

而「后厂」深圳的杀手锏,就是强大的研发能力、完善的产业链、极致的成本控制,为 Web3 项目的孵化提供了理想环境,因此,不少香港 Web3 企业偏爱将技术团队部署在深圳,区块链底层技术开发、硬件设备生产以及部分运营环节,快速试错快速落地,2024 年,香港数码港还与深圳的多个技术园区加强了合作,让深港两地的资源流动更加顺畅。
这种「前店后厂」的模式,形成了「品牌 + 技术」闭环,正帮助 Web3 企业释放巨大潜力,迈入全球市场,2025 年,香港,值得期待!

2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华活动预告
香港 Web3 嘉年华是由万向区块链实验室、HashKey Group 联合推出的 Web3 活动品牌,由 W3ME 承办,2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华将于 2025 年 4 月 6 ~ 9 日在香港会议展览中心 5 楼 BCDE 馆举办,本次活动将持续四天,包括 4 个会场,场地面积超过 14,000 平方米。
此前举办的 2023 香港 Web3 嘉年华和 2024 香港 Web3 嘉年华汇聚了超过 250 个前沿参展项目,邀请了超过 800 位业界领袖进行深度交流,累计吸引了超过 80,000 名现场观众共襄盛举,同时配套了超过 300 场丰富多彩的周边活动。

香港特别行政区政府财政司司长陈茂波、以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin、ARK Invest CEO 兼 CIO Cathie Wood 等均担任过活动演讲嘉宾。
作为连续举办的第三届活动,基于前两届积累的活动声望和全球影响力,2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华规模预计达到数万人,将继续汇聚全球 Web3 领域的精英与前沿项目,共同探索 Web3 技术的无限可能,为全球参会者带来一场前所未有的科技盛宴,还在等什么,快来加入吧!

作为 2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华的官方合作社区,IC 中文社区为大家提供 85 折专属门票优惠,优惠码:ICCHINA。
访问以上购票链接,即可享受专属门票优惠,门票价格已经从之前的 199、 299 美元上涨到了现在的 399 美元,之后还会涨价,确定参会的朋友还是尽早购票为好!

全球加密货币公司转向香港寻求庇护和机遇2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华定于明年四月盛大举行

#香港Web3嘉年华 #万向区块链 #ICP.

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$ICP /USDT Trading Strategy #ICP. Current Price: $10.141 24h High: $10.849 24h Low: $10.131 Entry Point Long Position: Enter if the price holds above $10.160, signaling potential for recovery. Target Levels 1. Target 1: $10.400 (Near-term resistance for quick gains) 2. Target 2: $10.600 (Medium-term resistance level) 3. Target 3: $10.850 (Retest of the 24h high) Stop-Loss Set a stop-loss at $10.100 to limit potential losses. Pro Tips for Success SAR Indicator: The SAR value of $10.257 acts as strong support. If the price falls below this level, reconsider your position. Volume Insight: Monitor the 24h volume of 2.09M ICP and 21.82M USDT. Strong volume confirms upward momentum. Risk Management: Recent decline: -4.37%. Avoid excessive leverage and maintain caution. Action Plan Continuously monitor market trends and volume. Adjust targets and stop-loss levels as needed based on real-time price movements. #USJobsSurge256K #BinanceAlphaAlert $ICP #DOJBTCAuction #ShareYourTrade
$ICP /USDT Trading Strategy

Current Price: $10.141
24h High: $10.849
24h Low: $10.131
Entry Point
Long Position: Enter if the price holds above $10.160, signaling potential for recovery.
Target Levels
1. Target 1: $10.400 (Near-term resistance for quick gains)
2. Target 2: $10.600 (Medium-term resistance level)
3. Target 3: $10.850 (Retest of the 24h high)
Set a stop-loss at $10.100 to limit potential losses.
Pro Tips for Success
SAR Indicator: The SAR value of $10.257 acts as strong support. If the price falls below this level, reconsider your position.
Volume Insight: Monitor the 24h volume of 2.09M ICP and 21.82M USDT. Strong volume confirms upward momentum.
Risk Management:
Recent decline: -4.37%.
Avoid excessive leverage and maintain caution.
Action Plan
Continuously monitor market trends and volume.
Adjust targets and stop-loss levels as needed based on real-time price movements.
#USJobsSurge256K #BinanceAlphaAlert $ICP #DOJBTCAuction #ShareYourTrade
Breaking News: $ICP takes a Dip to $10.64474 $ICP has seen a sharp decline to $10.64474, leading to the liquidation of $1.5116K in long positions. This unexpected move serves as a reminder of the volatility in the crypto space. Key Insights: ⚠️ Support Zone Tested: A critical level was broken, triggering a rapid sell-off. 📉 Market Shift: Sellers are now in control, and further downward pressure could follow. 🔍 What’s Next: Can $ICP regain momentum, or is a deeper correction on the horizon? Crypto volatility is real. Be ready to adapt to the changes, or risk getting caught off guard! Stay informed and stay prepared. #ICP. {spot}(ICPUSDT)
Breaking News: $ICP takes a Dip to $10.64474

$ICP has seen a sharp decline to $10.64474, leading to the liquidation of $1.5116K in long positions. This unexpected move serves as a reminder of the volatility in the crypto space.

Key Insights:
⚠️ Support Zone Tested: A critical level was broken, triggering a rapid sell-off.
📉 Market Shift: Sellers are now in control, and further downward pressure could follow.
🔍 What’s Next: Can $ICP regain momentum, or is a deeper correction on the horizon?

Crypto volatility is real. Be ready to adapt to the changes, or risk getting caught off guard! Stay informed and stay prepared.
$ICP Price Prediction Internet Computer ($ICP ) is currently trading at approximately $10.87. Short-term price predictions for ICP over the next 10 days vary among different sources: CoinLore forecasts a gradual decrease, with the price declining from $11.75 to $11.65 over the period. CoinCheckup anticipates a significant increase, projecting a price of $18.27 in one week, representing a 49.02% rise from the current price. Binance suggests a modest increase, estimating a 5% rise to approximately $12.19 by the end of the period. These predictions highlight the inherent volatility and uncertainty in cryptocurrency markets. It's important to note that such forecasts are speculative and should be approached with caution. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, consider consulting multiple sources and conducting thorough research before making any investment decisions. #ICP. #BinanceSquareFamily
$ICP Price Prediction
Internet Computer ($ICP ) is currently trading at approximately $10.87.

Short-term price predictions for ICP over the next 10 days vary among different sources:

CoinLore forecasts a gradual decrease, with the price declining from $11.75 to $11.65 over the period.

CoinCheckup anticipates a significant increase, projecting a price of $18.27 in one week, representing a 49.02% rise from the current price.

Binance suggests a modest increase, estimating a 5% rise to approximately $12.19 by the end of the period.

These predictions highlight the inherent volatility and uncertainty in cryptocurrency markets.

It's important to note that such forecasts are speculative and should be approached with caution.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, consider consulting multiple sources and conducting thorough research before making any investment decisions.
#ICP. #BinanceSquareFamily
Unlocking The 100x Potential : $ICP 💰🚀$ICP : The Overlooked Cryptocurrency with 100x Potential Compared to Solana. #Binance Halts Withdrawals Due to High Demand. Recently, Binance has paused #ICP/USTD withdrawals as a surge in buying activity has depleted its wallet. Every day, thousands of ICP tokens (approximately $300,000 per account) are being acquired, with total daily purchases surpassing $1 million. This influx has overwhelmed Binance's ICP wallet. Here’s the Astonishing Part: ICP is handling 365 million transactions daily, outpacing all other blockchains combined! ◦ #ICP. : 365M ◦ #Solana⁩ : 64M ◦ #Near : 5.5M Even though ICP processes five times more daily transactions than Solana, its market cap is 20 times smaller. This disparity indicates that ICP has immense potential and could easily represent a 100x opportunity. For those interested in blockchain, keep a close watch on ICP. It could very well be the breakout asset we've all been anticipating. {spot}(ICPUSDT)

Unlocking The 100x Potential : $ICP 💰🚀

$ICP : The Overlooked Cryptocurrency with 100x Potential Compared to Solana.
#Binance Halts Withdrawals Due to High Demand.
Recently, Binance has paused #ICP/USTD withdrawals as a surge in buying activity has depleted its wallet.
Every day, thousands of ICP tokens (approximately $300,000 per account) are being acquired, with total daily purchases surpassing $1 million.
This influx has overwhelmed Binance's ICP wallet.
Here’s the Astonishing Part:
ICP is handling 365 million transactions daily, outpacing all other blockchains combined!
#ICP. : 365M
#Solana⁩ : 64M
#Near : 5.5M
Even though ICP processes five times more daily transactions than Solana, its market cap is 20 times smaller.
This disparity indicates that ICP has immense potential and could easily represent a 100x opportunity.
For those interested in blockchain, keep a close watch on ICP.
It could very well be the breakout asset we've all been anticipating.
нехай так і буде 🚀🚀🚀
ICP/USDT Analysis: Bull Flag Pattern Formation 🚩 Technical Insights: ICP/USDT is showing a bullish setup with a classic Bull Flag Pattern formation. This is a continuation pattern that often indicates a strong breakout after consolidation. 🔹 Current Price Action: The price is currently consolidating within this pattern, respecting the support and resistance levels. 🔹 Key Support Levels: The lower trendline offers support around $11.5. A solid long position can be considered in the $11 to $11.5 zone. 🔹 Target Levels: If the pattern plays out successfully, we can expect an upward move, aiming for $14+ as the next target. 🔹 Pro Tip: Keep a close watch on this pattern. Patience is key when trading such setups. Wait for the price to retest the support zone before entering your position. ⚠️ Risk Management: Always use a stop-loss below the trendline support to minimize risks in case of a breakdown. Stay vigilant, trade wisely, and let the market work for you! Follow @vikasjangracrypto for more insights. Don’t forget to like, comment, and support with tips if you found this helpful! $ICP #ICP. {future}(ICPUSDT)
ICP/USDT Analysis: Bull Flag Pattern Formation

🚩 Technical Insights:
ICP/USDT is showing a bullish setup with a classic Bull Flag Pattern formation. This is a continuation pattern that often indicates a strong breakout after consolidation.

🔹 Current Price Action:
The price is currently consolidating within this pattern, respecting the support and resistance levels.

🔹 Key Support Levels:

The lower trendline offers support around $11.5.

A solid long position can be considered in the $11 to $11.5 zone.

🔹 Target Levels:
If the pattern plays out successfully, we can expect an upward move, aiming for $14+ as the next target.

🔹 Pro Tip:
Keep a close watch on this pattern. Patience is key when trading such setups. Wait for the price to retest the support zone before entering your position.

⚠️ Risk Management:
Always use a stop-loss below the trendline support to minimize risks in case of a breakdown.

Stay vigilant, trade wisely, and let the market work for you!

Follow @VIKAS JANGRA for more insights. Don’t forget to like, comment, and support with tips if you found this helpful!

$ICP Long Liquidation: $1.2967K at $12.00631 – What’s Next? In a dramatic turn of events, a significant $ICP long position worth $1,296.7 was liquidated at the critical price level of $12.00631. This liquidation reflects increased volatility and uncertainty in the market as ICP struggles to maintain momentum amid broader crypto market fluctuations. Key Insights: 1. Critical Level Breach: The liquidation occurred near the $12 level, a psychological and technical support zone, signaling potential bearish dominance. 2. Market Sentiment: Increased liquidations often indicate amplified leverage and trader uncertainty. This could spark a cascading effect if other leveraged positions near this price range are at risk. 3. Volume Spike: Liquidations are usually accompanied by heightened trading volume, suggesting market participants are closely monitoring $ICP for the next major move. Next Move – What Should You Do? 1. Assess Support Levels: Watch for ICP's ability to hold above or reclaim the $12 level. Failure to do so #ICP. #BinanceMegadropSolv #BullCyclePrediction #BinanceAlphaAlert #TrumpBTCBoomOrBust {future}(ICPUSDT)
$ICP Long Liquidation: $1.2967K at $12.00631 – What’s Next?

In a dramatic turn of events, a significant $ICP long position worth $1,296.7 was liquidated at the critical price level of $12.00631.

This liquidation reflects increased volatility and uncertainty in the market as ICP struggles to maintain momentum amid broader crypto market fluctuations.

Key Insights:

1. Critical Level Breach: The liquidation occurred near the $12 level, a psychological and technical support zone, signaling potential bearish dominance.

2. Market Sentiment: Increased liquidations often indicate amplified leverage and trader uncertainty.

This could spark a cascading effect if other leveraged positions near this price range are at risk.

3. Volume Spike: Liquidations are usually accompanied by heightened trading volume, suggesting market participants are closely monitoring $ICP for the next major move.

Next Move – What Should You Do?

1. Assess Support Levels: Watch for ICP's ability to hold above or reclaim the $12 level. Failure to do so

📊NEUTRAL: $ICP /USDT (1D) {spot}(ICPUSDT) Analysis: The chart suggests ICP is in a buy zone between $8.20 and $10.50. While patience is needed for growth, watch out for potential corrections. If these weaken, prices should stabilize above $10, offering a solid foundation for future gains. Price Targets: Initial resistance at $15.67 could lead to further gains. Look for potential breakthroughs towards $23.48 and $29.00. If momentum continues, reaching $52.73 and beyond is possible long-term. #ICP. #TrumpBTCBoomOrBust #BTC100KTrumpEffect #BinanceMegadropSolv #Write2Earn

Analysis: The chart suggests ICP is in a buy zone between $8.20 and $10.50. While patience is needed for growth, watch out for potential corrections. If these weaken, prices should stabilize above $10, offering a solid foundation for future gains.

Price Targets: Initial resistance at $15.67 could lead to further gains. Look for potential breakthroughs towards $23.48 and $29.00. If momentum continues, reaching $52.73 and beyond is possible long-term.

#ICP. #TrumpBTCBoomOrBust #BTC100KTrumpEffect #BinanceMegadropSolv #Write2Earn
The market saw a dramatic long liquidation of $6,049.8K in $ICP , with the trigger price hitting $11.97972 $ICP . This sharp move highlights the volatility within the cryptocurrency space and underscores the risks that come with leveraged positions. Traders who were caught in this liquidation experienced significant losses, reflecting the fast-paced nature of the market. Keep an eye on these fluctuations, as they can create opportunities or risks depending on your strategy. Stay informed, and always be prepared for market swings. #ICP. #AIAgentFrenzy #AIAgentFrenzy #SUIHitsATH #BitcoinHashRateSurge {future}(ICPUSDT)
The market saw a dramatic long liquidation of $6,049.8K in $ICP

, with the trigger price hitting $11.97972

This sharp move highlights the volatility within the cryptocurrency space and underscores the risks that come with leveraged positions. Traders who were caught in this liquidation experienced significant losses, reflecting the fast-paced nature of the market. Keep an eye on these fluctuations, as they can create opportunities or risks depending on your strategy. Stay informed, and always be prepared for market swings.

Massive $ICP Long Liquidation Hits Market! A substantial long liquidation of $2,119K has just been triggered at $11.972 for Internet Computer Protocol ($ICP . This event underscores a significant shift in market dynamics, potentially marking increased volatility in the cryptocurrency. Traders and investors should closely monitor this price level as it may signal heightened activity or trigger further cascading liquidations. Stay alert to market movements and manage your risk effectively in this turbulent environment! #ICP. #AIAgentFrenzy #SUIHitsATH #BitcoinTurns16 #BIOOpenonBinance {future}(ICPUSDT)
Massive $ICP Long Liquidation Hits Market!

A substantial long liquidation of $2,119K has just been triggered at $11.972 for Internet Computer Protocol ($ICP

. This event underscores a significant shift in market dynamics, potentially marking increased volatility in the cryptocurrency.

Traders and investors should closely monitor this price level as it may signal heightened activity or trigger further cascading liquidations. Stay alert to market movements and manage your risk effectively in this turbulent environment!

$ICP Liquidated Short Alert! An enormous $40.3K short position was obliterated at $12.82! Bulls are taking charge, pushing ICP into high gear. The next price target is $13.50, with strong support around $12.50. Momentum is building fast—watch closely as ICP could break out and surge to new highs! #ICP. #BitcoinTurns16 #XRPBackInTop3 {spot}(XRPUSDT) {spot}(ICPUSDT)
$ICP Liquidated Short Alert!

An enormous $40.3K short position was obliterated at $12.82! Bulls are taking charge, pushing ICP into high gear.

The next price target is $13.50, with strong support around $12.50. Momentum is building fast—watch closely as ICP could break out and surge to new highs!
#ICP. #BitcoinTurns16 #XRPBackInTop3

$ICP is set to release "CAFFEINEAI," an #AI app creator that builds apps and games with just words. If it runs smoothly and gains traction ICP price will explode 🚀, #ICP is driven by innovation and real technology.2025 will be $ICP year.
⚡️ $ICP Price Soars as Token Burn Accelerates! ⚡️ The Internet Computer (ICP) token is on fire 🔥, climbing for the third straight day! It hit an intraday high of $12, a significant leap from last month’s low of $8.83. What’s Driving the Surge? The main catalyst is the accelerating ICP burn cycle, signaling increasing value for developers and users alike: 🔹 Burn Cycle Boom: The annual burn rate has skyrocketed by over 8,800%, exceeding 849 billion cycles, compared to a 90-day average of 512 billion. 🔹 Smart Contract Growth: The protocol boasts a record-breaking 879,670 canisters, a substantial increase from 374,000 a year ago. These metrics highlight robust network activity and suggest that ICP token supply isn’t expanding rapidly. 🚀 The Bigger Picture: Despite these gains, Internet Computer’s ecosystem has some catching up to do: 🔸 It currently supports 11 DeFi apps with a total value locked (TVL) of just $52 million, lagging behind chains like Base and Sui. Technical Analysis: ICP’s daily chart paints a bullish picture: ✅ The token bounced back from a December low of $8.83 and smashed through the crucial $10.97 resistance (July’s high). ✅ It’s trading above the 50-day and 200-day EMAs, signaling strong momentum. ✅ ICP also crossed the $11.60 resistance, completing a double-bottom breakout from $9.40. Bulls could be eyeing the next major target with the token hovering near the 50% Fibonacci Retracement level. Will ICP continue to soar? Only time will tell, but the signs are promising! $ICP $SUI #icp #ICP. #SUI🔥
⚡️ $ICP Price Soars as Token Burn Accelerates! ⚡️

The Internet Computer (ICP) token is on fire 🔥, climbing for the third straight day! It hit an intraday high of $12, a significant leap from last month’s low of $8.83.

What’s Driving the Surge?
The main catalyst is the accelerating ICP burn cycle, signaling increasing value for developers and users alike:
🔹 Burn Cycle Boom: The annual burn rate has skyrocketed by over 8,800%, exceeding 849 billion cycles, compared to a 90-day average of 512 billion.
🔹 Smart Contract Growth: The protocol boasts a record-breaking 879,670 canisters, a substantial increase from 374,000 a year ago.
These metrics highlight robust network activity and suggest that ICP token supply isn’t expanding rapidly. 🚀

The Bigger Picture:
Despite these gains, Internet Computer’s ecosystem has some catching up to do:
🔸 It currently supports 11 DeFi apps with a total value locked (TVL) of just $52 million, lagging behind chains like Base and Sui.

Technical Analysis:
ICP’s daily chart paints a bullish picture:
✅ The token bounced back from a December low of $8.83 and smashed through the crucial $10.97 resistance (July’s high).
✅ It’s trading above the 50-day and 200-day EMAs, signaling strong momentum.
✅ ICP also crossed the $11.60 resistance, completing a double-bottom breakout from $9.40.

Bulls could be eyeing the next major target with the token hovering near the 50% Fibonacci Retracement level. Will ICP continue to soar? Only time will tell, but the signs are promising!


#icp #ICP. #SUI🔥
$ICP Liquidation Alert A short liquidation of $1.986K has occurred at $11.61399, indicating increased buying pressure and bullish momentum. What Does This Mean? Bears have been forced to close positions as $ICP gained strength, likely sparking further upside. The $11.61399 level now acts as a significant support zone, with potential for the price to climb higher. Key Takeaways: $11.61399 is a key support level that could attract more buyers. Additional short squeezes could drive icp toward higher resistance levels. $ICP appears ready to rally—keep an eye on this momentum! #ICP. #BIOOpenonBinance #BIOOnBinance {spot}(ICPUSDT) {spot}(TRXUSDT)
$ICP Liquidation Alert

A short liquidation of $1.986K has occurred at $11.61399, indicating increased buying pressure and bullish momentum.

What Does This Mean?

Bears have been forced to close positions as $ICP gained strength, likely sparking further upside. The $11.61399 level now acts as a significant support zone, with potential for the price to climb higher.

Key Takeaways:

$11.61399 is a key support level that could attract more buyers.

Additional short squeezes could drive icp toward higher resistance levels.

$ICP appears ready to rally—keep an eye on this momentum!
#ICP. #BIOOpenonBinance #BIOOnBinance
ICP, ENA, ATA: Opportunities and Risks 🚀🚀🚨$ICP (Internet Computer) Performance: ICP gained +10.35%, trading at $11.804. Its decentralized cloud computing narrative remains compelling. Signal: A potential breakout could occur above $12.20, targeting $13.00. Risk-averse traders may look for pullbacks to $11.00 for better entry points. $ENA (Energy Network Asset) Performance: ENA increased by +10.05% to $1.1598. Rising adoption in clean energy use cases drives this momentum. Signal: Watch for consolidation around $1.10, as a breakout could push ENA towards $1.25. A dip below $1.05 may indicate a reversal. $ATA (Automata Network) Performance: ATA rose +9.47%, priced at $0.2139. Its privacy-focused infrastructure continues to gain attention. Signal: Support lies near $0.20, while resistance at $0.23 could challenge its rally. A clear break above resistance might signal further upside potential. #CryptoSignals #ata #ENA #ICP.

ICP, ENA, ATA: Opportunities and Risks 🚀🚀🚨

$ICP (Internet Computer)

Performance: ICP gained +10.35%, trading at $11.804. Its decentralized cloud computing narrative remains compelling.

Signal: A potential breakout could occur above $12.20, targeting $13.00. Risk-averse traders may look for pullbacks to $11.00 for better entry points.

$ENA (Energy Network Asset)

Performance: ENA increased by +10.05% to $1.1598. Rising adoption in clean energy use cases drives this momentum.

Signal: Watch for consolidation around $1.10, as a breakout could push ENA towards $1.25. A dip below $1.05 may indicate a reversal.

$ATA (Automata Network)

Performance: ATA rose +9.47%, priced at $0.2139. Its privacy-focused infrastructure continues to gain attention.

Signal: Support lies near $0.20, while resistance at $0.23 could challenge its rally. A clear break above resistance might signal further upside potential.
#CryptoSignals #ata #ENA #ICP.
Here’s a thrilling post about the $ICP short liquidation with key details and a dramatic touch: Massive $ICP Short Liquidation Alert! $10,022 liquidated at a crucial price level of $10.26799! The Breakdown: ICP (Internet Computer) is surging, catching short sellers off guard. Liquidation size: $10.022K — a significant move in the market. Trigger price: $10.26799, a critical resistance level now breached. Why It Matters: This liquidation signals growing bullish momentum for $ICP . Short squeezes like this can lead to explosive price movements as traders rush to cover their positions. Keep an eye on volume and key levels as the next moves could define ICP's trend. Market Insight: With volatility on the rise, the bears might be in for a rough ride. Could this be the start of a major breakout? Stay tuned for updates as the market unfolds! Does this capture the thrilling tone you were looking for? #ICP. #DEXVolumeRecord #JanuaryTokenUnlocks #JanuaryTokenUnlocks {spot}(ICPUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(SOLUSDT)
Here’s a thrilling post about the $ICP short liquidation with key details and a dramatic touch:

Massive $ICP Short Liquidation Alert!

$10,022 liquidated at a crucial price level of $10.26799!

The Breakdown:

ICP (Internet Computer) is surging, catching short sellers off guard.

Liquidation size: $10.022K — a significant move in the market.

Trigger price: $10.26799, a critical resistance level now breached.

Why It Matters:

This liquidation signals growing bullish momentum for $ICP .

Short squeezes like this can lead to explosive price movements as traders rush to cover their positions.

Keep an eye on volume and key levels as the next moves could define ICP's trend.

Market Insight:
With volatility on the rise, the bears might be in for a rough ride.

Could this be the start of a major breakout?

Stay tuned for updates as the market unfolds!

Does this capture the thrilling tone you were looking for?

$ICP Short Squeeze Ignites! A $39.1K short position on $ICP was wiped out at $10.67, sending the market into a frenzy! The bulls have taken charge, and the pressure on shorts could lead to further upside as the momentum builds. Why This Matters: Massive Liquidation: This suggests strong upward pressure, and if buying continues, $ICP might rally even higher. Volume Surge: Watch for a potential increase in volume to confirm that the breakout is sustainable. ICP Analysis: Resistance Level: $10.80 Support Zone: $10.50 Momentum: Bullish, with potential for further gains With the short positions being liquidated, will icp keep climbing, or is a pullback on the horizon? Stay tuned for the next move! #ICP. #DEXVolumeRecord #BTCXmasOrDip? #MicroStrategyStockSale {future}(ICPUSDT)
$ICP Short Squeeze Ignites!

A $39.1K short position on $ICP was wiped out at $10.67, sending the market into a frenzy! The bulls have taken charge, and the pressure on shorts could lead to further upside as the momentum builds.

Why This Matters:

Massive Liquidation: This suggests strong upward pressure, and if buying continues, $ICP might rally even higher.

Volume Surge: Watch for a potential increase in volume to confirm that the breakout is sustainable.

ICP Analysis:

Resistance Level: $10.80

Support Zone: $10.50

Momentum: Bullish, with potential for further gains

With the short positions being liquidated, will icp keep climbing, or is a pullback on the horizon? Stay tuned for the next move!
#ICP. #DEXVolumeRecord #BTCXmasOrDip? #MicroStrategyStockSale
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