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dappOS 的意图层生态:从操作到资产再到交易的全方位革新dappOS 正在构建一个独特的 Web3 意图层生态系统,其核心由操作、资产和交易三大部分组成。此前,dappOS 推出了 IntentOS 和 Intent Asset,分别实现了操作意图化和资产意图化。如今,随着现货交易功能 IntentEX 的推出,dappOS 进一步完善了其生态体系,为用户提供了交易意图化的全新体验。 dappOS 意图层的核心理念是简化用户在 Web3 世界中的交互,通过将复杂的链上操作转换为用户友好的任务意图来提升效率。意图层分为三大模块: 操作意图化(IntentOS):通过自动化操作任务,帮助用户快速完成链上复杂交互。 资产意图化(Intent Asset):通过将资产转换为可增值的意图资产,用户在持有主流资产(如 BTC、ETH)时也能获得利息收益。 交易意图化(IntentEX):通过革新现货交易方式,让用户享受到 CEX 级别的流动性和交易速度。 当前市场正处于新资产和 MEME 热潮中,链上交易需求不断增加。然而,传统链上交易所普遍存在流动性不足、手续费高昂、执行速度慢等问题。这主要源于交易流动性被分散到多个平台,用户难以享受全市场的最佳流动性。IntentEX 的出现正是为了解决这些痛点。通过将用户的交易需求作为意图任务发布到 dappOS 意图执行网络中,IntentEX 能够综合利用 CEX 和 DEX 的全市场流动性,为用户提供更高效、更低成本的交易体验。 IntentEX 的核心创新在于: 发布意图任务 用户发出限价订单时,订单会作为意图任务分配给 dappOS 意图执行网络的节点。这些节点会根据综合竞争力(如保证金、执行速度等)来承诺一个最小成交量。节点在签名确认后,用户无需等待链上确认即可获得承诺部分的订单成交。 链上订单处理 订单的执行分为三步: 内部成交(Internal Fill):与 IntentEX 的现有挂单直接撮合。 节点独家成交(Node Exclusive Fill):服务节点利用自身资源完成承诺订单。 开放挂单(Open Order):未完成部分挂到市场供其他用户交易。这种机制确保了交易的高效执行,同时提升了节点的积极性,进而优化了整体用户体验。 一个具体案例假 设用户希望以 10 USDT 的价格购买 300 枚 $A 代币: IntentEX 的卖盘价格分别为 9.9 USDT(100 枚)和 10.1 USDT(150 枚)。 服务节点承诺成交 250 枚,其中 100 枚通过现有挂单完成,剩余 150 枚通过节点资源完成。 剩余 50 枚订单以 10 USDT 的价格挂到市场。最终,用户不仅享受到全市场的流动性,还能以更快速度完成大部分交易。 IntentEX 的核心优势 机构级全市场流动性 IntentEX 结合链上和链下流动性资源,用户订单可接入最优价格源,实现更高成交率。执行速度快 通过 dappOS 意图执行网络,IntentEX 的成交速度甚至超越公链出块速度,用户体验接近 CEX 水平。低交易手续费 IntentEX 的交易手续费低至 0.1%,远低于传统链上交易所。 去中心化与透明性 所有交易均记录在链上,保障系统透明性,同时去中心化机制确保订单可靠执行。 IntentEX 是 dappOS 意图层生态的重要组成部分,它与 IntentOS 和 Intent Asset 相辅相成,共同打造了一个完整的 Web3 意图层。 操作意图化的升级:IntentEX 中的每个交易过程都依托 IntentOS 提供的自动化支持。 资产意图化的补充:IntentEX 使用的 intentUSD、intentBTC 等资产不仅可用于交易,还能为用户提供被动收益。通过不断迭代和扩展,dappOS 的意图层生态将进一步降低 Web3 交互门槛,推动更多用户和机构进入去中心化世界。 dappOS 推出的 IntentEX 标志着 Web3 交易体验的又一次飞跃。它不仅解决了传统链上交易所的流动性和效率问题,还通过去中心化网络和意图化设计,为用户提供了接近 CEX 的流畅交易体验。随着 dappOS 意图层生态的逐步完善,Web3 的未来将更加智能、高效和用户友好。 #dappOS推出基于其意图网络的现货交易 #BinanceWeb3Wallet #bnb #Cex

dappOS 的意图层生态:从操作到资产再到交易的全方位革新

dappOS 正在构建一个独特的 Web3 意图层生态系统,其核心由操作、资产和交易三大部分组成。此前,dappOS 推出了 IntentOS 和 Intent Asset,分别实现了操作意图化和资产意图化。如今,随着现货交易功能 IntentEX 的推出,dappOS 进一步完善了其生态体系,为用户提供了交易意图化的全新体验。

dappOS 意图层的核心理念是简化用户在 Web3 世界中的交互,通过将复杂的链上操作转换为用户友好的任务意图来提升效率。意图层分为三大模块:


资产意图化(Intent Asset):通过将资产转换为可增值的意图资产,用户在持有主流资产(如 BTC、ETH)时也能获得利息收益。

交易意图化(IntentEX):通过革新现货交易方式,让用户享受到 CEX 级别的流动性和交易速度。

当前市场正处于新资产和 MEME 热潮中,链上交易需求不断增加。然而,传统链上交易所普遍存在流动性不足、手续费高昂、执行速度慢等问题。这主要源于交易流动性被分散到多个平台,用户难以享受全市场的最佳流动性。IntentEX 的出现正是为了解决这些痛点。通过将用户的交易需求作为意图任务发布到 dappOS 意图执行网络中,IntentEX 能够综合利用 CEX 和 DEX 的全市场流动性,为用户提供更高效、更低成本的交易体验。

IntentEX 的核心创新在于:

发布意图任务 用户发出限价订单时,订单会作为意图任务分配给 dappOS 意图执行网络的节点。这些节点会根据综合竞争力(如保证金、执行速度等)来承诺一个最小成交量。节点在签名确认后,用户无需等待链上确认即可获得承诺部分的订单成交。

链上订单处理 订单的执行分为三步:
内部成交(Internal Fill):与 IntentEX 的现有挂单直接撮合。
节点独家成交(Node Exclusive Fill):服务节点利用自身资源完成承诺订单。
开放挂单(Open Order):未完成部分挂到市场供其他用户交易。这种机制确保了交易的高效执行,同时提升了节点的积极性,进而优化了整体用户体验。

设用户希望以 10 USDT 的价格购买 300 枚 $A 代币:
IntentEX 的卖盘价格分别为 9.9 USDT(100 枚)和 10.1 USDT(150 枚)。
服务节点承诺成交 250 枚,其中 100 枚通过现有挂单完成,剩余 150 枚通过节点资源完成。
剩余 50 枚订单以 10 USDT 的价格挂到市场。最终,用户不仅享受到全市场的流动性,还能以更快速度完成大部分交易。

IntentEX 的核心优势

机构级全市场流动性 IntentEX 结合链上和链下流动性资源,用户订单可接入最优价格源,实现更高成交率。执行速度快 通过 dappOS 意图执行网络,IntentEX 的成交速度甚至超越公链出块速度,用户体验接近 CEX 水平。低交易手续费 IntentEX 的交易手续费低至 0.1%,远低于传统链上交易所。

去中心化与透明性 所有交易均记录在链上,保障系统透明性,同时去中心化机制确保订单可靠执行。

IntentEX 是 dappOS 意图层生态的重要组成部分,它与 IntentOS 和 Intent Asset 相辅相成,共同打造了一个完整的 Web3 意图层。

操作意图化的升级:IntentEX 中的每个交易过程都依托 IntentOS 提供的自动化支持。

资产意图化的补充:IntentEX 使用的 intentUSD、intentBTC 等资产不仅可用于交易,还能为用户提供被动收益。通过不断迭代和扩展,dappOS 的意图层生态将进一步降低 Web3 交互门槛,推动更多用户和机构进入去中心化世界。

dappOS 推出的 IntentEX 标志着 Web3 交易体验的又一次飞跃。它不仅解决了传统链上交易所的流动性和效率问题,还通过去中心化网络和意图化设计,为用户提供了接近 CEX 的流畅交易体验。随着 dappOS 意图层生态的逐步完善,Web3 的未来将更加智能、高效和用户友好。

#dappOS推出基于其意图网络的现货交易 #BinanceWeb3Wallet #bnb #Cex
#CEx last date is about to come for getting cex coins it is 26 Dec . now get ur all remaining tasks as soon as. Cex didn't decide whare it will come to list. only on its platform or all major platforms. let's see what happens. we are waiting for cex to list at #EarnFreeCrypto2024 . please vote below for listing . it should list on binance or not.
#CEx last date is about to come for getting cex coins it is 26 Dec . now get ur all remaining tasks as soon as. Cex didn't decide whare it will come to list. only on its platform or all major platforms. let's see what happens.
we are waiting for cex to list at #EarnFreeCrypto2024 .
please vote below for listing . it should list on binance or not.
binance listing of
not to list on binance
9 votos • Votación cerrada
#CEx #CEXIOAirdrop is now about to launch soon . the uk based exchange is likely to give a good airdrop . as per official website tgt is coming soon in Q4 till 31 December 2024. it should also be launch on #binance exchange for good for cex and community also.
#CEx #CEXIOAirdrop is now about to launch soon . the uk based exchange is likely to give a good airdrop . as per official website tgt is coming soon in Q4 till 31 December 2024. it should also be launch on #binance exchange for good for cex and community also.
很多人问 #pnut 松鼠咋样,我只能说 自求多福,明牌阴谋集团币,持有都丢人。专门割傻子,被卖了还帮着数钱。 #CEX
很多人问 #pnut 松鼠咋样,我只能说 自求多福,明牌阴谋集团币,持有都丢人。专门割傻子,被卖了还帮着数钱。 #CEX
The Future of DeFi and Its Integration with Centralized Exchanges: What Binance Users Need to KnowAs the world of crypto currency evolves, one of the most significant changes has been the rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Originally seen as an alternative to traditional finance, DeFi protocols and services now represent an essential part of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. However, many crypto users are wondering how DeFi #DEFİ will coexist with centralized exchanges (CEXs) like Binance. This article explores the future of DeFi, its potential for integration with CEXs, and how Binance users can benefit from these emerging trends. 1. The Rise of DeFi: Revolutionizing Traditional Finance DeFi platforms have grown exponentially in recent years, offering a wide range of services, from lending and borrowing to yield farming and decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Unlike traditional financial institutions, DeFi operates without intermediaries, providing users with more control over their assets and greater privacy. In 2023, the total value locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols surpassed $100 billion, a clear indication of its growing importance. But where does Binance, one of the largest centralized exchanges, fit into this decentralized revolution? 2. DeFi and CEXs: Can They Coexist? For many users, centralized exchanges like Binance provide simplicity, high liquidity, and access to a wide variety of tokens. On the other hand, DeFi offers transparency, control, and the potential for greater returns. So, is there a way for both worlds to come together? The answer seems to be yes. Over the past few years, Binance has embraced DeFi innovations, such as staking, yield farming, and liquidity provision, through its Binance Earn and Binance Launchpool platforms. As DeFi grows, Binance is poised to integrate more decentralized features into its platform, bridging the gap between centralized and decentralized ecosystems. 3. The Benefits of DeFi-CEX Integration for Binance Users Access to DeFi Liquidity on a CEX Platform: By integrating DeFi protocols into centralized exchanges, Binance users can access DeFi liquidity pools without leaving the platform. This opens the door to new earning opportunities like staking, yield farming, and lending without the need to use separate wallets or decentralized platforms.Improved Security and User Experience: One of the most significant concerns with DeFi is security. By utilizing CEXs like Binance, users can benefit from the security measures offered by centralized platforms, including insurance and 24/7 support, while still participating in DeFi protocols.Innovative DeFi Products for Institutional Investors: Centralized exchanges could also act as bridges for institutional investors, providing them with easy access to DeFi products and services that were once too complex or risky for traditional investors. 4. Binance’s Role in the DeFi Revolution Binance has always been at the forefront of cryptocurrency adoption, offering a wide range of services, from spot trading to futures. With DeFi’s explosive growth, Binance is likely to continue integrating decentralized finance products into its ecosystem. Binance’s BNB token plays a central role in this future, as its utility expands from being used for trading fees to supporting DeFi projects and services. As Binance continues to innovate, users can expect more opportunities to earn, stake, and participate in decentralized finance directly through the exchange. 5. What Binance Users Should Do to Prepare for the DeFi-CEX Evolution Stay Informed: DeFi is evolving rapidly, and Binance offers a great platform to stay updated on the latest trends. Following Binance’s educational resources and updates on DeFi will help users understand new opportunities.Diversify Investments: Whether you’re interested in DeFi yield farming, staking, or liquidity pools, Binance offers products that allow users to diversify their portfolios without leaving the platform.Engage with Community: Binance offers a strong community where users can discuss new DeFi trends, participate in polls, and share knowledge. Engaging with the community can provide invaluable insights and help users make informed decisions. The Future is DeFi-CEX Collaboration The future of cryptocurrency is decentralized, but it’s clear that centralized exchanges like Binance will play a crucial role in facilitating this transition. As DeFi continues to grow, Binance users can expect more features and services that bring together the best of both worlds: the security and ease of use offered by centralized exchanges and the power, transparency, and control of decentralized finance. By staying informed and getting involved with the DeFi movement on Binance, users can ensure they’re at the forefront of this exciting new era in finance. #CEx #CexVsDex #BnbAth #DefiPoolz

The Future of DeFi and Its Integration with Centralized Exchanges: What Binance Users Need to Know

As the world of crypto currency evolves, one of the most significant changes has been the rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Originally seen as an alternative to traditional finance, DeFi protocols and services now represent an essential part of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. However, many crypto users are wondering how DeFi #DEFİ will coexist with centralized exchanges (CEXs) like Binance.
This article explores the future of DeFi, its potential for integration with CEXs, and how Binance users can benefit from these emerging trends.

1. The Rise of DeFi: Revolutionizing Traditional Finance
DeFi platforms have grown exponentially in recent years, offering a wide range of services, from lending and borrowing to yield farming and decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Unlike traditional financial institutions, DeFi operates without intermediaries, providing users with more control over their assets and greater privacy.
In 2023, the total value locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols surpassed $100 billion, a clear indication of its growing importance. But where does Binance, one of the largest centralized exchanges, fit into this decentralized revolution?

2. DeFi and CEXs: Can They Coexist?
For many users, centralized exchanges like Binance provide simplicity, high liquidity, and access to a wide variety of tokens. On the other hand, DeFi offers transparency, control, and the potential for greater returns. So, is there a way for both worlds to come together?
The answer seems to be yes. Over the past few years, Binance has embraced DeFi innovations, such as staking, yield farming, and liquidity provision, through its Binance Earn and Binance Launchpool platforms. As DeFi grows, Binance is poised to integrate more decentralized features into its platform, bridging the gap between centralized and decentralized ecosystems.

3. The Benefits of DeFi-CEX Integration for Binance Users
Access to DeFi Liquidity on a CEX Platform: By integrating DeFi protocols into centralized exchanges, Binance users can access DeFi liquidity pools without leaving the platform. This opens the door to new earning opportunities like staking, yield farming, and lending without the need to use separate wallets or decentralized platforms.Improved Security and User Experience: One of the most significant concerns with DeFi is security. By utilizing CEXs like Binance, users can benefit from the security measures offered by centralized platforms, including insurance and 24/7 support, while still participating in DeFi protocols.Innovative DeFi Products for Institutional Investors: Centralized exchanges could also act as bridges for institutional investors, providing them with easy access to DeFi products and services that were once too complex or risky for traditional investors.

4. Binance’s Role in the DeFi Revolution
Binance has always been at the forefront of cryptocurrency adoption, offering a wide range of services, from spot trading to futures. With DeFi’s explosive growth, Binance is likely to continue integrating decentralized finance products into its ecosystem.
Binance’s BNB token plays a central role in this future, as its utility expands from being used for trading fees to supporting DeFi projects and services. As Binance continues to innovate, users can expect more opportunities to earn, stake, and participate in decentralized finance directly through the exchange.

5. What Binance Users Should Do to Prepare for the DeFi-CEX Evolution
Stay Informed: DeFi is evolving rapidly, and Binance offers a great platform to stay updated on the latest trends. Following Binance’s educational resources and updates on DeFi will help users understand new opportunities.Diversify Investments: Whether you’re interested in DeFi yield farming, staking, or liquidity pools, Binance offers products that allow users to diversify their portfolios without leaving the platform.Engage with Community: Binance offers a strong community where users can discuss new DeFi trends, participate in polls, and share knowledge. Engaging with the community can provide invaluable insights and help users make informed decisions.

The Future is DeFi-CEX Collaboration
The future of cryptocurrency is decentralized, but it’s clear that centralized exchanges like Binance will play a crucial role in facilitating this transition. As DeFi continues to grow, Binance users can expect more features and services that bring together the best of both worlds: the security and ease of use offered by centralized exchanges and the power, transparency, and control of decentralized finance.
By staying informed and getting involved with the DeFi movement on Binance, users can ensure they’re at the forefront of this exciting new era in finance.
#CEx #CexVsDex #BnbAth #DefiPoolz
Morning News Update #Web3 🇪🇺 Tether invests in European stablecoin provider StablR to accelerate adoption of $EURR and $USDR tokens. 🔼 BofA survey: December investor sentiment hits 3-year high, driven by optimism around Trump’s second term. 📊 Bloomberg analyst: $XRP and $SOL ETFs may follow $LTC and $HBAR ETFs in the upcoming wave of crypto ETFs. 🔄 PENGU on-chain trading volume surpasses $1B in under 12 hours, outpacing total #CEX volume. 🇺🇸 Ohio legislator proposes Bitcoin reserve bill, joining Pennsylvania and Texas in adopting #BTC funds. #tether #Trump #ETFs
Morning News Update #Web3

🇪🇺 Tether invests in European stablecoin provider StablR to accelerate adoption of $EURR and $USDR tokens.

🔼 BofA survey: December investor sentiment hits 3-year high, driven by optimism around Trump’s second term.

📊 Bloomberg analyst: $XRP and $SOL ETFs may follow $LTC and $HBAR ETFs in the upcoming wave of crypto ETFs.

🔄 PENGU on-chain trading volume surpasses $1B in under 12 hours, outpacing total #CEX volume.

🇺🇸 Ohio legislator proposes Bitcoin reserve bill, joining Pennsylvania and Texas in adopting #BTC funds.

#tether #Trump #ETFs
Découvrez Pepe Unchained (PEPU) - La Nouvelle Star des Meme Coins !🚀 Performance Étonnante : Depuis son lancement le 10 décembre 2024, $PEPU a explosé avec une hausse de 385% en seulement deux jours ! Le prix a atteint un nouveau record historique de 0,05292 $. 🌐 Capitalisation Boursière : $PEPU a rapidement gravi les échelons pour atteindre une capitalisation boursière de 377 millions de dollars ! 📈 Volume d'Échange : Le volume d'échange sur 24 heures a atteint 33,42 millions de dollars, faisant de $PEPU l'une des cryptos les plus tendance sur CoinMarketCap. 🔗 Technologie de Couche 2 : Pepe Unchained est le premier meme coin à posséder sa propre blockchain, Pepe Chain, offrant des transactions rapides et sécurisées. 🌟 Engouement Croissant : Avec des prédictions optimistes et une communauté de traders enthousiastes, $PEPU est prêt à révolutionner le monde des #MemeCoins ! 📣 Événement à Ne Pas Manquer : Des rumeurs circulent sur une éventuelle liste de $PEPU sur une CEX majeure, possiblement #Binance, dans les prochaines semaines, ce qui pourrait propulser $PEPU à de nouveaux sommets ! Restez à l'écoute pour des mises à jour quotidiennes sur l'évolution du marché de $PEPU, apportées par votre dévoué. #CryptoNews #CEX Mentalité PEPU KAIZEN #KAIZEN

Découvrez Pepe Unchained (PEPU) - La Nouvelle Star des Meme Coins !

🚀 Performance Étonnante : Depuis son lancement le 10 décembre 2024, $PEPU a explosé avec une hausse de 385% en seulement deux jours ! Le prix a atteint un nouveau record historique de 0,05292 $.
🌐 Capitalisation Boursière : $PEPU a rapidement gravi les échelons pour atteindre une capitalisation boursière de 377 millions de dollars !
📈 Volume d'Échange : Le volume d'échange sur 24 heures a atteint 33,42 millions de dollars, faisant de $PEPU l'une des cryptos les plus tendance sur CoinMarketCap.
🔗 Technologie de Couche 2 : Pepe Unchained est le premier meme coin à posséder sa propre blockchain, Pepe Chain, offrant des transactions rapides et sécurisées.
🌟 Engouement Croissant : Avec des prédictions optimistes et une communauté de traders enthousiastes, $PEPU est prêt à révolutionner le monde des #MemeCoins !
📣 Événement à Ne Pas Manquer : Des rumeurs circulent sur une éventuelle liste de $PEPU sur une CEX majeure, possiblement #Binance, dans les prochaines semaines, ce qui pourrait propulser $PEPU à de nouveaux sommets ! Restez à l'écoute pour des mises à jour quotidiennes sur l'évolution du marché de $PEPU, apportées par votre dévoué. #CryptoNews #CEX

Like I always say . Exchanges are the only reason for crypto market failing and falling Exchanges Greed never stops and they have finally managed to screw the market .. Well Done !! It is because no one stops them and no one files case and additionally they make you esign that they are not responsible for your loss when reality is they are the only ones responsible and the Elites they work with Shame on all CEX owners and teams And they talk against DEX from where they pick the coins .. lol #cex #dex #traders #scam #fraud
Like I always say .

Exchanges are the only reason for crypto market failing and falling

Exchanges Greed never stops and they have finally managed to screw the market ..

Well Done !! It is because no one stops them and no one files case and additionally they make you esign that they are not responsible for your loss when reality is they are the only ones responsible and the Elites they work with

Shame on all CEX owners and teams
And they talk against DEX from where they pick the coins .. lol

#cex #dex #traders #scam #fraud
#cex #dex #binance #sec #scam Like I have been saying from the last 6 months, Centralised Exchanges have totally destroyed the crypto market and it's patterns Equally to be blamed are the Whales who support it .. Someone should hold them accountable for this screw up... BTC original price can't be below 69k unless exchanges manipulate it to that level.. What crooks .. Avoid exchanges like Binance, bitget and others.. highly recommend to move to DeX .. they are still better to make profits until they are introduced to CEX.. Check all coins that got introduced on Binance and how it performed since then.. and you will know.. check WUsdt and Tao as an example Don't let CEX loot your hard earned money.
#cex #dex #binance #sec #scam

Like I have been saying from the last 6 months, Centralised Exchanges have totally destroyed the crypto market and it's patterns

Equally to be blamed are the Whales who support it ..

Someone should hold them accountable for this screw up...

BTC original price can't be below 69k unless exchanges manipulate it to that level..

What crooks .. Avoid exchanges like Binance, bitget and others.. highly recommend to move to DeX .. they are still better to make profits until they are introduced to CEX..

Check all coins that got introduced on Binance and how it performed since then.. and you will know.. check WUsdt and Tao as an example

Don't let CEX loot your hard earned money.
Binance, по-прежнему, доминирует на рынке централизованных бирж, с долей в 53% и активами на $67,7 млрд #cex #binance #bnb 🥇$
Binance, по-прежнему, доминирует на рынке централизованных бирж, с долей в 53% и активами на $67,7 млрд
#cex #binance #bnb 🥇$
$MAV It is easy for scam with shit coins like MAV Absolutely manipulative nowadays exchanges .. Binance is the most manipulative platform... I trade on many exchanges, what happens on Binance trades is absolutely unreal and manipulative Without a Doubt !!! #binance #write2earn #fraud #cex
It is easy for scam with shit coins like MAV

Absolutely manipulative nowadays exchanges ..

Binance is the most manipulative platform... I trade on many exchanges, what happens on Binance trades is absolutely unreal and manipulative

Without a Doubt !!!

#binance #write2earn #fraud #cex
Opero mais em DEX como pancake
Opero mais em CEX como Binance
17 votos • Votación cerrada
行情再这样下去要饿死了,链上收益也很低,CEX就不要提了,被ENA这个毒瘤费率压的死死的。 #cex
行情再这样下去要饿死了,链上收益也很低,CEX就不要提了,被ENA这个毒瘤费率压的死死的。 #cex
$LONK, $NEKO, $BLACKDRAGON & $NEARVIDIA is popular coin on $NEAR blockchain. These all coins are a memecoin those developed on #NEARToken . Major of coin are not available on #cex . You can swap with or sender dao wallet. Keey eye on these coin its not our buying call Please #DYOR
$LONK, $NEKO, $BLACKDRAGON & $NEARVIDIA is popular coin on $NEAR blockchain.

These all coins are a memecoin those developed on #NEARToken .

Major of coin are not available on #cex . You can swap with or sender dao wallet.

Keey eye on these coin its not our buying call
Please #DYOR
November CEX Analysis📊 Spot Trading Volume:🚀Up 141% MoM •Top 3 Performers: 🔹Upbit: +386% 🔹BitMart: +242% 🔹Bitfinex: +218% •Bottom 3 Performers: 🔸HTX: +69% 🔸Bybit: +74% 🔸 +92% Futures Trading Volume:🚀 Up 97% MoM •Top 3 Performers: 🔹MEXC: +186% 🔹Kraken: +160% 🔹Deribit: +151% •Bottom 3 Performers: 🔸 +57% 🔸 +77% 🔸OKX: +86% CEX markets heating up!🔥 Who’s leading the charge? #Crypto #CEX #TradingVolumes
November CEX Analysis📊

Spot Trading Volume:🚀Up 141% MoM
•Top 3 Performers:

🔹Upbit: +386%
🔹BitMart: +242%
🔹Bitfinex: +218%
•Bottom 3 Performers:

🔸HTX: +69%
🔸Bybit: +74%
🔸 +92%

Futures Trading Volume:🚀
Up 97% MoM

•Top 3 Performers:
🔹MEXC: +186%
🔹Kraken: +160%
🔹Deribit: +151%
•Bottom 3 Performers:
🔸 +57%
🔸 +77%
🔸OKX: +86%
CEX markets heating up!🔥
Who’s leading the charge?
#Crypto #CEX #TradingVolumes
"All the Power Is in DEXs" — Exploring the Potential of Decentralized ExchangesIn his article "All the Power Is in DEXs," Lado Okhotnikov, CEO of Meta Force, provides a compelling vision of the future of decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and their potential to transform the financial landscape.  Okhotnikov argues that [DEXs]( offer a more secure, transparent, and inclusive trading environment than traditional centralized exchanges, and he highlights the democratizing potential of these platforms to level the playing field in the financial sector.  While acknowledging the challenges facing DEXs, such as low liquidity and poor user experience, [Okhotnikov]( remains optimistic about the future, pointing to the rapid progress being made in the DEX space through technological innovation and increased user adoption.  This thought-provoking piece is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of blockchain and cryptocurrency. #DEX #cex #CryptoAnalysis #Bitcoin

"All the Power Is in DEXs" — Exploring the Potential of Decentralized Exchanges

In his article "All the Power Is in DEXs," Lado Okhotnikov, CEO of Meta Force, provides a compelling vision of the future of decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and their potential to transform the financial landscape. 
Okhotnikov argues that DEXs offer a more secure, transparent, and inclusive trading environment than traditional centralized exchanges, and he highlights the democratizing potential of these platforms to level the playing field in the financial sector. 
While acknowledging the challenges facing DEXs, such as low liquidity and poor user experience, Okhotnikov remains optimistic about the future, pointing to the rapid progress being made in the DEX space through technological innovation and increased user adoption. 
This thought-provoking piece is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of blockchain and cryptocurrency.
#DEX #cex #CryptoAnalysis #Bitcoin
Cryptocurrency Market Overview (part 2) 📍 The market made another wave of decline. BTC ✔️ TradFi: Investors are watching geopolitics. Rockets launched from Lebanon, not all of which were intercepted by Israel, may be seen by Iran as an act of retaliation. The tension might ease a bit in anticipation of a major war. In this case, we buy the facts since we fell on rumors. However, the press reports that Israel expects another rocket attack on August 5. ✔️ News: Jump Trading recently bought 120,000 wstETH worth $410 million in ETH and then transferred them to CEXs like Binance and OKX. This is another factor explaining the current ETH decline. People were fleeing liquid staking, and the project was selling ETH on the exchange. This is not a trading recommendation. #binance #OKX #cex #ETH
Cryptocurrency Market Overview (part 2)

📍 The market made another wave of decline. BTC

✔️ TradFi: Investors are watching geopolitics. Rockets launched from Lebanon, not all of which were intercepted by Israel, may be seen by Iran as an act of retaliation. The tension might ease a bit in anticipation of a major war. In this case, we buy the facts since we fell on rumors.

However, the press reports that Israel expects another rocket attack on August 5.

✔️ News: Jump Trading recently bought 120,000 wstETH worth $410 million in ETH and then transferred them to CEXs like Binance and OKX. This is another factor explaining the current ETH decline. People were fleeing liquid staking, and the project was selling ETH on the exchange.

This is not a trading recommendation.
#binance #OKX #cex #ETH