Binance Futures offers IP limit and Order rate limit adjustments for VIP users. You may visit Derivatives Portal for more details about how to request Futures Order/IP Limit Adjustments manually.
Request a limit adjustment from the Derivatives Portal by clicking [Derivatives] - [Derivatives Portal] - [Premium Services] - [Futures].
Click [Premium Services] - [Futures] - [Futures Order / IP Limit Adjustment] and select the [Type] of Limit order you want to adjust. You can request a limit adjustment for UM and CM orders as well as UM and CM IPs.
For UM and CM Order Limit Adjustment requests:
For UM and CM IP Limit Adjustment requests:
The Binance Futures team will process your requests within 2 working days.
You can track your past limit adjustment requests and check their status on the Request History tab, which can be accessed from[Derivatives Portal] - [Premium Services] - [Request History].