Last updated: 11 June 2024
Binance Margin Points can be used to offset margin borrowing interest fees. Margin Points are a helpful tool to help new traders to get started with margin trading. 1 point is equivalent to 1 USDT. Interest generated will be automatically deducted from your point balance daily from 00:09 to 00:10 UTC+0.
The points can only be gained during the promotion period. No point-earning activities are currently available for Margin Points. Please stay tuned for future announcements.
1. Log in to your Binance account and go to [Wallet] - [Margin].
2. You can find your Margin Point balance under [Points].
Please note that Margin Points cannot be used to redeem USDT or transferred out of your Margin Account.
3. You can view your Margin Point transactions via [Orders] - [Margin Order] - [Points].
To learn more about margin trading, read FAQ: What is Margin Trading?