You can transfer crypto to other Binance users instantly on Binance Pay via a registered phone number, email address, or Binance User ID (BUID).
When you want to transfer crypto to another Binance user, you can send crypto to their account via their phone number, email address, or Binance user ID.
1. Log in to your Binance app. Tap the [Pay] icon on the top right corner of the app homepage and tap [Send].
2. Select your transfer method (via your payee’s registered Binance phone number/email/BUID), enter the information accordingly, and tap [Continue].
3. Then, select your preferred crypto, enter the amount you wish to send and tap [Continue].
4. Please check the information on the screen carefully and tap [Confirm]. Your transfer will be completed immediately and cannot be recovered if you enter the incorrect details.
Then, verify the transfer.
5. Your transfer is complete.
1. Log in to your Binance App and tap [Wallets] - [Withdraw]. Select the crypto you want to transfer and tap [Send via Email/Phone/ID].
2. Select how you want to transfer (via phone number/email/Binance user ID) and enter the information accordingly. Then, enter the amount to transfer.
3. Tap [Send] and confirm the transfer. Please check carefully before tapping [Next]. Your transfer will be completed immediately and it cannot be recovered if you entered the incorrect details.
Then, verify the transfer with 2FA.
4. Your transfer is complete. You can tap [View History] to see the transfer record.