How to Deposit NFTs on Binance?

2021-09-28 04:12

You can deposit your NFTs and NFT collections to Binance easily by following the steps below. Please note that you will need to pay a one-time approval gas fee for the NFT collection(s) to be deposited onto Binance and also when you deposit the NFTs. Please note that you only need to approve each NFT collection once.

To learn more about how to deposit Bitcoin NFTs, refer to this article.

Step 1: Connect your wallet

1. Go to Binance NFT and log in to your account. Click [Profile] - [Collected] - [Deposit].

2. You will see a deposit NFT side panel. Choose the network of your wallet. Currently, we support BNB Smart Chain and Ethereum.

Please select a compatible network for your NFTs, or you will not be able to view the NFTs and NFT collections in the connected wallet during the deposit process.

3. Select the wallet you want to connect. Currently, we support MetaMask and WalletConnect. For more information, please check our wallet guides here:

Let’s use MetaMask as an example. Please note that you need to install the MetaMask extension in your Chrome browser before initiating the deposit process.

If you haven’t installed the MetaMask extension, click [Install MetaMask].

4. Once verified, your wallet is now connected.

If you see an error message “Wallet connection failed, please retry.”, you can repeat the steps above to reconnect your wallet.

Once you have successfully connected your wallet, please follow Step 2.1 to select and deposit your NFTs/NFT collections. If your wallet cannot connect properly, you will be redirected to manually search for the NFT contract address and Token ID. Please refer to Step 2.2.

Step 2.1: Select NFTs/NFT Collections

1. You will see all your NFTs and NFT collections in the connected wallet. Select the NFTs/NFT collections you want to deposit to Binance. You can use the search function to search for specific NFT collections.

If there are no NFTs from the whitelisted collection in your connected wallet, you will see an empty screen. You can return to the connect wallet page to link a new wallet by clicking the exit arrow beside the [Deposit NFT] title.

If you try to deposit NFT collections in your wallet that Binance does not support, the collection name will be blurred out, and when you click on it, you will see the error message [Deposit Unavailable].

2. Check the box next to the NFT(s) you want to deposit and click [Deposit Now].

3. You need to approve the NFT collection for the NFTs you want to deposit one by one. If the NFT collection has been approved, you will see a tick. If it hasn’t been approved, you can click [Retry] to request approval. Please note that you only need to approve each NFT collection once.

If you click [Ignore], you will not be able to deposit that NFT collection to Binance.

If there is an error, you will see a red cross. Click [Retry] to approve the NFT collection again.

Approving the collection authorizes Binance to process your NFT deposit request. You will need to pay a gas fee to approve the NFT collection(s).

4. To approve the deposit, you will see a MetaMask pop-up with the amount of gas fee you need to pay. Click [Confirm] to proceed.

5. You will see a [Deposit in Process] window. Your NFT deposit request is being processed, please wait patiently. When the deposit has been completed, you will receive a notification regarding the status of your NFTs.

If the deposit failed at any of the steps above, you will see the following error message.

6. You can view your deposited NFTs from [History] - [Deposits] and you can list them for sale.

Step 2.2: Select NFT Contract Address and Token ID

If your wallet cannot properly connect to Binance, you will not be able to view the NFT assets in your wallet. Please follow the steps below to manually deposit your NFTs/NFT collections.

1. After connecting your wallet, you will see the [Contract Address] side panel. Here you can view the full list of whitelisted contract addresses in your wallet under [All Collections], or view the recently-used contract addresses under [Recently Deposited].

Alternatively, you can manually enter the contract address of an NFT collection. For more details on how to find an NFT address, please refer to How to Find NFT Contract Address.

Please note that you can only deposit one NFT collection (i.e., select one NFT contract address from one NFT collection) each time.

You can also use the search box to look for specific NFTs. Paste the contract address or enter the name of the NFT collection to search.

Please note that your NFT contract address needs to be pre-approved before you can import the NFT to the Binance NFT Marketplace. You may check the supported whitelisted contract addresses from NFT Deposits - Approved Contract Addresses, which are NFT collections from third-party platforms. NFT collections/NFTs minted and created on Binance can be deposited onto Binance as well.

2. Select the Token ID(s) of the NFT(s) you would like to deposit and click [Select TokenID]. You can select more than one Token ID from the same contract address to deposit.

3. You can click [Total NFT Selected] to view all the NFTs you selected. You may add or remove the NFTs to be deposited.

4. If you cannot locate the NFT you want from the list, enter the Token ID manually in the search box. If the system cannot find or does not support the Token ID you searched for, you will see “No match found.”. Please check the Token ID you entered, switch to another network, or connect a new wallet.

Please note that even if you can’t see the image and title of the NFT, it can still be deposited to Binance if the Token ID you entered is valid. However, there might be certain limitations on NFTs deposited without an image/title. You cannot list these NFTs on the Binance NFT Marketplace for sale. They can only be withdrawn.

5. To approve the deposit, you will see a MetaMask pop-up with the amount of gas fee you need to pay. Click [Confirm] to proceed.

6. You will see a [Deposit in Process] window. Your NFT deposit request is being processed, please wait patiently. When the deposit has been completed, you will receive a notification regarding the status of your NFTs.

7. You can view your deposited NFTs from [History] - [Deposits] and you can list them for sale.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did my deposit fail?

There are five common reasons why your deposit may have failed:

1. Your crypto wallet is not connected correctly

To fix this issue, reconnect your wallet to Binance. If you have more than one crypto wallet, make sure you're connected to the correct wallet and network.

2. Your NFT collection’s contract address is not supported on Binance NFT

The NFT deposit feature only accepts NFT contract addresses that have been fully integrated with the Binance NFT Marketplace. For a complete list of the supported NFTs and third-party NFTs, please refer to:

3. Your NFT is no longer in your DEX wallet

If the NFT you are trying to deposit on Binance NFT is listed on an external DEX platform and it was sold during the deposit process, the deposit will fail as you no longer own the NFT in your wallet. Please check and ensure the NFT is still in your wallet before attempting to deposit it to Binance NFT again.

4. Your deposit failed at any of the steps above

If the deposit failed at any of the steps above before the final step, you will see the following error message, “Deposit failed since the NFT can no longer be found in the current connected wallet”. Please check and ensure the NFT is still in your wallet before attempting to deposit it to Binance NFT again.

Please note that you will not see any record in [History] if the deposit failed.

5. There is an error with your deposit

If the deposit process is complete but you cannot receive any successful deposit notification, you may check the error reason from [History] - [Deposits]. You may click to expand the deposit record to view more details. Possible error reasons include:

  • Network type is illegal;
  • Contract address is null;
  • Token URI is empty;
  • Token URI is illegal;
  • Token URI media is illegal;
  • Transaction failed;
  • Target address error;
  • Unknown error.

If you have any inquiry, you can contact Customer Support for assistance. Please copy the TXID from [History] - [Deposits] and take a screenshot of the failed deposit. Our Tech team will investigate the issue and get back to you shortly.