How to Customize the Candlestick Colours and Technical Indicators

2022-03-29 01:29
Original View

How to Customize the Candlestick Colors and Technical Indicators on the Original View

You can customize the candlestick colors and technical indicators displayed on the Original view mode.

To customize the candlestick colors on the Original View:

1. Click [Original] to go to the Original view.

2. Right-click on the chart and choose [Setting].

3. Click on each box to select your preferred colors, then click [Save]. To restore to the default colors, click [Reset].

To customize the technical indicators on the Original View:

1. On the [Original] view, click on the [Technical Indicator] icon.

2. Select the indices to be displayed on the chart and customize the colors, then click [Save]. To restore to the default colors, click [Reset].