Indicator | Description |
Return on Investment (ROI) | A ratio or percentage that reflects the profitability or efficiency of the portfolio. |
PNL | Realized + Unrealized Profit/Loss |
Sharpe Ratio | Measures the return of a portfolio compared to its risk. The greater the Sharpe Ratio value, the more attractive the risk-adjusted return on the portfolio. |
Maximum Drawdown (MDD) | The maximum observed loss from the peak to the trough in the asset curve over a specific period. |
Win Rate | (Win days / number of days with trading activities or buy orders) * 100% |
Win Days | The number of days with a positive daily PNL |
Assets Under Management (AUM) | Lead Trader's Portfolio Investment Amount + Total Copy Trading Investment Amount |
Leading Wallet Balance | Wallet Balance + Unrealized Profit/Loss |
Runtime | Time period since the portfolio was created. |
How to calculate ROI and PNL?
- ROI = (T Net Asset Value - (T - 1) Net Asset Value) / (T - 1) Net Asset Value * 100%
- A Portfolio’s Cumulative PNL = Current Wallet Balance - Initial Amount - Accumulated Deposit Amount + Accumulated Withdrawal Amount
- After a deposit:
- After a withdrawal:
- No deposits/withdrawals:
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | |
Wallet Balance | 500 | 400 | 1,400 | 1,550 |
Portfolio PNL | 0 | -100 | 0 | +150 |
Deposit | - | - | 1,000 | - |
Withdrawal | - | - | - | - |
Net Asset Value | 1 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 0.886 |
ROI | 0% | -20% | -20% | -11.4% |
How to calculate the Sharpe Ratio?
Daily ROI | Mean of Daily ROI | Standard Deviation of Portfolio ROI | Annualized Sharpe Ratio | |
Day 1 | 0% | 0% | - | - |
Day 2 | 50% | 25% | 0.35 | 13.51 |
Day 3 | -2% | 16% | 0.29 | 10.38 |
Day 4 | -8% | 10% | 0.27 | 7.11 |
- Risk free rate = 0%;
- The Sharpe Ratio will be updated every 12 hours, at 01:00 and 13:00 (UTC);
- The Sharpe Ratio displayed on the portfolio refers to the annualized Sharpe Ratio;
- The value will not be displayed if the portfolio has been trading for less than 30 days.
How to calculate MDD?
- M represents the peak net asset value within the period.
- N represents the trough net asset value that occurs after the peak within the period.
How to calculate the win rate?
- Rounded down to 2 decimal places. e.g. 23.30%
- If (current time - time of first trade) is less than 24 hours, it’ll also be counted as 1 day.
How to calculate the win days?
- Uses all PNL snapshots that are taken at approximately 23:59 every day.
- If the PNL snapshot balance is greater than 0, it is calculated as 1 win day
- If the PNL snapshot balance is less than 0, it will not count as a win day