Portfolio Performance Indicators in Binance Spot Copy Trading

2024-04-19 06:54

On the copy trading portfolio details page, you can view details of your portfolio’s performance.

Return on Investment (ROI)A ratio or percentage that reflects the profitability or efficiency of the portfolio.
PNLRealized + Unrealized Profit/Loss
Sharpe RatioMeasures the return of a portfolio compared to its risk. The greater the Sharpe Ratio value, the more attractive the risk-adjusted return on the portfolio.
Maximum Drawdown (MDD)The maximum observed loss from the peak to the trough in the asset curve over a specific period.
Win Rate(Win days / number of days with trading activities or buy orders) * 100%
Win DaysThe number of days with a positive daily PNL
Assets Under Management (AUM)Lead Trader's Portfolio Investment Amount + Total Copy Trading Investment Amount
Leading Wallet BalanceWallet Balance + Unrealized Profit/Loss
RuntimeTime period since the portfolio was created.

Please note that the ROI and PNL data will be updated every 10 mins.

How to calculate ROI and PNL?

Return on Investment (ROI) reflects the profitability or efficiency of a portfolio. It is calculated similarly to the yield rate (net asset value), which prevents the changes in capital (e.g., deposits and withdrawals).

  • ROI = (T Net Asset Value - (T - 1) Net Asset Value) / (T - 1) Net Asset Value * 100%
  • A Portfolio’s Cumulative PNL = Current Wallet Balance - Initial Amount - Accumulated Deposit Amount + Accumulated Withdrawal Amount

When a portfolio is created, the initial net asset value is 1. When a deposit or withdrawal happens, the net asset value will be immediately updated. In the following formulas, "T" represents the time after a deposit/withdrawal, while "T - 1" represents the time before a deposit/withdrawal.

  • After a deposit:

T Net Asset Value = (T Wallet Balance - Deposit Amount) / (T - 1) Wallet Balance * (T - 1) Net Asset Value

  • After a withdrawal:

T Net Asset Value = (T Wallet Balance + Withdrawal Amount) / (T - 1) Wallet Balance * (T - 1) Net Asset Value

  • No deposits/withdrawals:

Net Asset Value = T Wallet Balance / (T - 1) Wallet Balance * (T - 1) Net Asset Value

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Wallet Balance





Portfolio PNL















Net Asset Value










Note: ROI has its limitations. For example, when comparing two different trades, the ROI calculation doesn't factor in the time cost.

How to calculate the Sharpe Ratio?

The Sharpe Ratio is calculated as follows:

For example:

Daily ROI

Mean of Daily ROI

Standard Deviation of Portfolio ROI

Annualized Sharpe Ratio

Day 1





Day 2





Day 3





Day 4






  • Risk free rate = 0%;
  • The Sharpe Ratio will be updated every 12 hours, at 01:00 and 13:00 (UTC);
  • The Sharpe Ratio displayed on the portfolio refers to the annualized Sharpe Ratio;
  • The value will not be displayed if the portfolio has been trading for less than 30 days.

How to calculate MDD?

Maximum Drawdown (MDD) refers to the maximum observed loss in net asset value from a highest point (a peak) to the lowest point that occurs after it during a specific period. The higher the MDD, the higher the risk.

Note: MDD can only measure the size of the largest loss a portfolio has experienced, but it doesn’t consider the frequency of large losses, indicate how long it takes for the portfolio to recover from a loss, nor indicate whether the portfolio has already recovered.

MDD = (M - N) / M * 100%

  • M represents the peak net asset value within the period.
  • N represents the trough net asset value that occurs after the peak within the period.

How to calculate the win rate?

Win Rate = Trader Profit Days / (Current Time - Time of First Trade) * 100%


  • Rounded down to 2 decimal places. e.g. 23.30%
  • If (current time - time of first trade) is less than 24 hours, it’ll also be counted as 1 day.

How to calculate the win days?

Win Days = Number of Daily PNL Greater than 0


  • Uses all PNL snapshots that are taken at approximately 23:59 every day.
  • If the PNL snapshot balance is greater than 0, it is calculated as 1 win day
  • If the PNL snapshot balance is less than 0, it will not count as a win day