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How to View Single Token PNL Analysis on Binance Spot?

How to View Single Token PNL Analysis on Binance Spot?

2023-08-17 09:06
Token PNL Analysis
PNL Indicators
Token PNL Analysis
You can check an asset’s PNL analysis from the Spot Wallet on the Binance website and app.

If you’re using the Binance website

1. Log in to your Binance account and mouseover the wallet icon. Go to [Spot].
2. Mouseover the [...] next to the asset you wish to view. Click [Details].
3. It’ll open up the asset’s details panel on the right. Click the arrow next to [Today’s PNL] to view more details. For more details on Today’s PNL and Today’s PNL (%), please visit How to View My Binance Spot Wallet Activity.
4. You’ll be redirected to the asset’s Spot Profit & Loss Analysis page. Mouseover the [i] icon next to each indicator to learn how they’re calculated. You can also view a detailed explanation of each indicator on the [PNL Indicators] tab of this article. Please note that the indicators are calculated within a specific time range and the numbers are for reference only.

If you’re using the Binance app

1. Log in to your Binance account and go to [Wallets] - [Spot]. Tap the asset you want to view. For example, BTC.
2. Tap the arrow next to [Cumulative PNL] to go to the asset’s PNL page.
3. You’ll see a more detailed PNL analysis here. Tap the name of each indicator to learn how they’re calculated. You can also view a detailed explanation of each indicator on the [PNL Indicators] tab of this article. Please note that the indicators are calculated within a specific time range and the numbers are for reference only.
Please note that the indicators are calculated within a specific time range and the numbers are for reference only.

Guaranteed Price

Guaranteed Price = (Market price at which the asset amount increased * Increased amount - Market price at which the asset amount decreased * Decreased amount) / (Amount increased - Amount decreased)
Please note:
  • The system only supports data after June 24, 2020.
    • If you’ve been holding the asset before this date, the asset price at June 24, 2020 will be used as the market price.
    • If you accumulated the asset after this date, the system will use the market price at which you last accumulated the asset.
  • Guaranteed Price is calculated based on the asset’s quantity changes in the Spot Wallet. The numbers are for reference only.

Highest/Lowest Price

The highest/lowest price of the asset when it increases in holding in your Spot Wallet.
*“Increase in holding” includes deposits, transfers, spot trading, etc.

Total Inflow

The asset’s total increase in holding in your Spot Wallet
*”Increase in holding” includes deposits, transfers, spot trading, etc.

Total Outflow

The asset’s total decrease in holding in your Spot Wallet
*”Decrease in holding” includes withdrawals, transfers, spot trading, etc.
You can also view other indicators, including Asset Net Worth, Daily PNL, Cumulative PNL, etc. For more details, please refer to How to View My Binance Spot Wallet PNL.