The Binance Fan Token Platform provides different ways to buy and exchange Binance Fan Tokens. The easiest way to purchase your tokens is by crediting your account with fiat via credit and debit card or a linked bank account. Users can also purchase tokens with stablecoins like BUSD or USDT, which they can acquire from other users via P2P.
Depending on your region, you might have P2P as an available option to exchange fiat currencies to stablecoins and crypto. P2P is a marketplace for buyers and sellers to broadcast their offers and exchange directly on their own terms—using various payment methods and fiat currencies—regardless of their country of origin. Some other benefits of P2P are:
1. Before you start, log into your Binance account and complete Identity Verification. Then enable 2FA (two-factor authentication), such as Google Authentication under [Profile] - [Security].
2. Visit the Binance Fan Token Platform and explore Binance Fan Tokens and team listings.
3. Scroll down and click the [Buy] button, then select the [P2P] option from the list.
Alternatively, you can also access P2P from the [P2P] under the [Buy Crypto] tab on the top navigation bar.
4. Choose a stablecoin such as USDT from the [Buy] tab and browse through the listings offered by P2P sellers. You can filter the listings by specifying the amount, fiat currency, and payment methods. Click the [Search] button.
5. Click the [Buy] button next to your preferred listing and review the order details and the seller’s payment information. Select a payment method and copy the payee information to make a payment as instructed.
6. The transaction between you and the seller will be facilitated by the Binance platform in a way that the seller’s crypto will be locked away until the order is completed, so you can transfer funds worry-free. Double-check the payee information and complete the transaction within the time limit.
7. Once the transaction is made, click on [Transferred, Next] and then [Confirm]. The status will be updated to “To be released”, and the seller will release the crypto assets once they confirm that the payment is received. Then the transaction will be completed. You can always contact the seller using the chat window on the right side of the page.
8. From your [Funding] Wallet, click [Transfer] to move your funds to your [Fiat and Spot] Wallet. Now you can exchange your crypto assets for Binance Fan Tokens!
You can access P2P from the homepage of the Binance App by following the steps.