- Locked Staking Format: First-come, first-served basis.
- Interest Calculation Period: From 0:00 AM (UTC) on the day after Locked Staking is confirmed to the end of the corresponding product period.
- Interest Payout Time: On a daily basis.
Digital Assets | Duration | Max. Locked Staking Limit Per User | Standard Annualized Interest Rate | Min. Locked Staking Limit |
AVAX | 15 days | 30 AVAX | 32.79% | 0.1 AVAX |
AVAX | 30 days | 1,000 AVAX | 8.79% | 0.1 AVAX |
AVAX | 60 days | 1,000 AVAX | 12.49% | 0.1 AVAX |
AVAX | 90 days | 1,000 AVAX | 15.49% | 0.1 AVAX |
- Users can view their Locked Staking assets by going to Wallets > Savings > Locked Staking.
- The APY is adjusted daily based on the on-chain staking rewards, and the specific APY is subject to the page display on the day.
- Unlock period for Locked Staking products: 1 day.
- Locked Staking FAQ.
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