Binance Pool Referral Promo - Earn 50% Referral Bonus and Share 20,000 BUSD

2021-11-30 09:43

Fellow Binancians,
Binance Pool is launching a promotion for Russian users to enjoy 50% referral bonuses and a chance to share 20,000 BUSD.

Activity Period: 2021-12-01 00:00 AM (UTC) to 2021-12-30 11:59 PM (UTC)
Promotion A: Invite Your Friends to Binance Pool, and Share 50% Referral Bonus
To unlock a 50% referral bonus, users must invite at least 5 friends via the referral link for Binance Pool. Also, the invited users must be KYC verified and contribute a daily average BTC hashrate of no less than 30TH/s during the activity period.
Promotion B: New Users Perks

To give back to the Russian users of Binance Pool, all new KYCed users that connect to Binance Pool for the first time and contribute a daily average BTC hashrate of at least 5PH/s during the activity period will be eligible for VIP 1 rates on both mining and trading.

Click here for more information about Binance Pool VIP program.

Promotion C: Contribute Hashrate, Share 20,000 BUSD
All new KYCed users that connect to Binance Pool for the first time and contribute a daily average BTC hashrate of over 100TH/s during the activity period will be eligible to equally share 20,000 BUSD.
Daily average hashrate calculation method:

Date of connection (UTC)

Valid days

Daily average hashrate


30 days

30 days’ total BTC hashrate / 30


29 days

29 days’ total BTC hashrate / 30


28 days

28 days’ total BTC hashrate / 30





2 days

2 days’ total BTC hashrate / 30


1 day

1 day’s total BTC hashrate /30

Note: Each day runs from 00:00 AM (UTC) to 11:59 PM (UTC).
Related Links:

Contact: Send an email to for further information about this activity.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Users must pass KYC verification, i.e. basic verification, ID verification, and facial verification to participate in this activity;
  • This promotion will be limited to users identified as Russians via KYC.
  • Qualified users can participate in Promotion A, B, C at the same time.
  • Sub-accounts will not be viewed as independent accounts when participating in the activity.
  • Users can check their referral rates and referral bonuses at the referral page after logging into the Pool account. Binance Pool will issue referral bonuses based on the actual currencies mined by the invitees.
  • BUSD rewards distribution: Rewards will be distributed within 15 working days after the end of the activity. Users will be able to check their rewards via Account > Wallet > Distribution.
  • Qualified participants for Promotion B will be granted VIP1 in the following month of the end of the promotion.
  • Binance reserves the right to cancel or amend the Activity or Activity Rules at our sole discretion.

Risk warning: Cryptocurrency trading is subject to high market risk. Please make your trades cautiously. You are advised that Binance is not responsible for your trading losses.

Thanks for your support!

Binance Team


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Binance reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend or change or cancel this announcement at any time and for any reasons without prior notice.