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Binance Pay
Binance Pay Fees

Binance Pay Fees

2024-04-10 04:12

1. Platform fees for sending crypto using Binance Pay

Starting July 20, 2023, if the total monthly aggregate amount surpasses the threshold amount specified below, a platform fee applies to senders for each transaction they initiated.
Fee schedule:
Threshold amount = amount equivalent to the value of 140,000 USDT, based on the then prevailing rates
Total Monthly Aggregate Amount Sent by the Sender
Applicable Platform Fee*
Less than or equal to the threshold amount
More than the threshold amount
1 USDT per transaction

2. Platform fees for sending crypto from Pay account to a DeFi wallet

A fixed service fee applies on sending crypto via the following networks:
Fee (USD)
Ethereum (ERC-20)
BNB Smart Chain (BEP-20)
BNB Beacon Chain (BEP-2)
Tron (TRC-20)
Please note that platform fees are calculated based on your real-time transaction details. They are then displayed in your transfer currency after conversion, using the real-time exchange rate.

3. Platform fees for sending crypto using the “Send Cash” P2P option

From 24 July 2023, fixed transaction fees apply for specific regions when you use the Binance Pay "Send Cash" feature (P2P option only):
Single Transaction Amount (USD)
Transaction Fee (USD)
Less than 100 USD
100 USD or more
All applicable fees (or fee waivers) and the related exchange rates will be displayed before any transaction is made.
Please note the transaction fees mentioned above will be calculated based on your real-time transaction details. They’ll be displayed in your payment currency after conversion using the real-time exchange rate.

4. Platform fees for sending crypto using the “Send Cash” service provider option

For certain regions, transaction fees apply when using the Binance Pay “Send Cash” (Service Provider Option) feature:
Fee Components
Amount (USD)
Fees chargeable by the service provider for performing the transaction on your behalf
Amount varies depending on region and transaction amount
All applicable fees (or fee waivers, if any) and relevant conversion rates (if any), will be displayed for your review and confirmation before any transaction is made.
In cases where you’re eligible for a refund, or the service provider notifies us of an unsuccessful transfer attempt, refunds will be sent to your Binance Pay Wallet in USDT.