Avoid futures especially since the market is bland
Hello I've been working here for a short time and calmly without any pressure and I have one question for my fellow Poles 😍 From what I see, Futures bots (those in Binance) are not available in Poland? Is there an option to somehow "bypass" it?
Buy and wait, be patient not greedy, buy at the bottom
$DF currency of 💩 you made me lose money again what is the point of buying a currency if it can't make me earn 50%. I have never been able to earn even 1 dollar on binance
$CTXC a at 5 am I bought at 0.3030 and approximately at 6:20 I changed and made a profit of $35 visible in my wallet but one minute later I updated the wallet and I didn't have my profits. Could someone explain to me what happened? Did I lose my trading?
$VIB totally artificial controled price coin no chances of short term gains just wait for occasions to get high peak like critismis or newyear eve.... or any other occasional days only