لسنوات، كانت الغموض التنظيمي صداعًا لمستثمري العملات الرقمية. اتخذت الإدارة السابقة لبايدن نهجًا صارمًا مع دعاوى هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات (sec) التي تستهدف الشركات في الصناعة. وقد اعتبر هذا أنه يعيق السوق بشكل مفرط، مما يمنع نموه في الولايات المتحدة. قد يغير موقف ترامب الودي تجاه العملات الرقمية ذلك. قد تحدد القمة إطارًا قانونيًا أبسط للأصول الرقمية، يعالج قضايا مثل الامتثال للتبادلات، وتنظيم التمويل اللامركزي (DeFi)، وإدارة العملات المستقرة. ديفيد ساكس، مؤيد لتعزيز العملات المستقرة لموقف الدولار، قد يدفع نحو سياسات تشرع USDC أو USDT دون خنق الابتكار. تشمل الأدلة على هذا التحول الإلغاء الأخير لعدة دعاوى من هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات (sec) ضد Uniswap، Kraken، Coinbase، وشركات العملات الرقمية الأخرى
The biggest lesson I learned from all the money I lost is this:
Know when to play, and know when to take a break.
Everyone can make profits in good markets; that is not the real problem.
The real problem is knowing when to stop playing in bad markets so you don’t lose everything again. This is the mistake that most adventurers make due to their addiction to risk, and then they are shocked that they lost everything again.
Learn when to take a break to preserve your capital. This lesson is the easiest and hardest at the same time for many adventurers.
The first downward crash that did not zero my balance Reason I started using bots for trading as they are safer if you have the patience and conviction to reap profits
$ETH The problem with artificial intelligence applications in 2025: You are not late!
The biggest challenge that many people will face in 2025 is their belief that they are late in the world of artificial intelligence and are not following the changes in this field. But in reality, this is not true because the field of artificial intelligence is moving at rocket speed. If you feel that you are late, you are not alone, even those who are immersed in the field sometimes feel that they are left behind due to the pace of rapid daily developments and updates.
What artificial intelligence currently offers is assistance to increase productivity with minimal effort and less fees as well. However, confusion will be one of the obstacles when you think about using artificial intelligence technologies and applications in your life, as thousands of tools are introduced daily, most of which are not effective, but sometimes misleading and disruptive. Therefore, today in this article, we will introduce you to the 3 most important applications that are considered the essence of artificial intelligence applications in 2025, and you will not need anything else in the initial stage. These applications are:
The famous Chatgpt chatbot
Midjourney robot
Runway robot
These three applications will help you almost enter the world of artificial intelligence and benefit from its productive means with the utmost ease and without high costs.
#VIRTUALWhale The problem with artificial intelligence applications in 2025: You are not late!
The biggest challenge that many people will face in 2025 is their belief that they are late in the world of artificial intelligence and are not following the changes in this field. But in reality, this is not true because the field of artificial intelligence is moving at rocket speed. If you feel that you are late, you are not alone, even those who are immersed in the field sometimes feel that they are left behind due to the pace of rapid daily developments and updates.
What artificial intelligence currently offers is assistance to increase productivity with minimal effort and less fees as well. However, confusion will be one of the obstacles when you think about using artificial intelligence technologies and applications in your life, as thousands of tools are introduced daily, most of which are not effective, but sometimes misleading and disruptive. Therefore, today in this article, we will introduce you to the 3 most important applications that are considered the essence of artificial intelligence applications in 2025, and you will not need anything else in the initial stage. These applications are:
The famous Chatgpt chatbot
Midjourney robot
Runway robot
These three applications will help you almost enter the world of artificial intelligence and benefit from its productive means with the utmost ease and without high costs.
$LTC Market situation in 2025 and the best way to make profits
As we said before, making profits in 2025 will be very difficult due to the difficult nature of the crypto market. There is no quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve, which means low liquidity in the markets. Moreover, quantitative tightening is still in place, which means that liquidity is scarce and difficult. Therefore, in such a difficult financial environment, it is not realistic to assume that all digital currencies will rise madly and continue to rise. Rather, it is logical here to expect that the currencies will undergo a violent capital rotation process between them, and this is what actually happens all the time.
Therefore, during 2025, the last method of making systematic profits is the best solution ever to deal with this difficult environment. This is so that you can be sure at all times that you are making profits and not being exposed to many losses.
If you want to know more about digital currencies, do not forget to visit our website to learn more!
#GasFeeImpact You can use the limit order feature on centralized platforms such as Binance to benefit from this strategy. You place sell orders automatically when the currency price rises to 1.25$ , then 1.5$ , then 1.75$ , then 2$ , and every time the price reaches one of these points, 10% of your capital value will be sold automatically without any intervention from you.
You can also place sell orders at strong resistance points where you think the price will drop sharply or you can use the Fibonacci tool to place your profit-taking orders.
#WalletActivityInsights Systematic Profit Taking (Best) The last type of profit taking in 2025 is systematic or organized profit taking. Here, the profit taking process is systematic, for example, exiting the deal by 10% whenever the currency price increases by 25%. This simply means that you will sell 10% of your capital value in the deal whenever the currency price increases by 25% until you exit it completely. This type is considered the best of all, because we cannot predict the future and therefore it is very possible that we are wrong in our technical analysis. This way, you always ensure that you are selling continuously and making profits all the time.
You can use the limit order feature on centralized platforms such as Binance to benefit from this strategy. You place sell orders automatically when the currency price rises to 1.25$ , then 1.5$ , then 1.75$ , then 2$ , and every time the price reaches one of these points, 10% of your capital value will be sold automatically without any intervention from you. You can also place sell orders at strong resistance points where you think the price will drop sharply or you can use the Fibonacci tool to place your take profit orders.
One of the most important types of profit taking in 2025. This is because this type of profit taking is partial and therefore there is no complete exit from the deal but a partial exit. This means that you sell 50% of the deal or 75% of the deal and leave the rest because you expect the rise to continue but do not want to lose what you have now.
Here the best solution is to exit partially in order to achieve some profits and also leave some currencies on the table because you want to benefit from any future price rise. This strategy is suitable when you do not achieve your goals completely and you feel some ambiguity and lack of clarity in the market. Also, if you feel that your capital invested in the deal is very large and you feel fear and discomfort as a result of this, since you are in profit, you can exit partially.
Many traders exit, for example, with half the size of the deal after a 100% increase. This means that they will exit the deal with the capital they put in and will leave only the profit. If you bought a currency for 1$ and put 100$ in it and its price increased to 2$ , your capital increased by 100% and you now have $200. You can then exit the trade partially and get out with 50% of your capital. This way you will get out with 100$ and leave 100$ on the table to benefit from the continued rise. At the same time, if the price decreases, you will not lose all your capital since you are only risking the profit.
One of the most important types of profit taking in 2025. This is because this type of profit taking is partial and therefore there is no complete exit from the deal but a partial exit. This means that you sell 50% of the deal or 75% of the deal and leave the rest because you expect the rise to continue but do not want to lose what you have now.
Here the best solution is to exit partially in order to achieve some profits and also leave some currencies on the table because you want to benefit from any future price rise. This strategy is suitable when you do not achieve your goals completely and you feel some ambiguity and lack of clarity in the market. Also, if you feel that your capital invested in the deal is very large and you feel fear and discomfort as a result of this, since you are in profit, you can exit partially.
Many traders exit, for example, with half the size of the deal after a 100% increase. This means that they will exit the deal with the capital they put in and will leave only the profit. If you bought a coin for 1$ and put 100$ in it and its price increased to 2$ , your capital increased by 100% and you now have $200. You can then exit the trade partially and get out with 50% of your capital. This way you will get out with 100$ and leave 100$ on the table to benefit from the continued rise. At the same time, if the price decreases, you will not lose all your capital since you are only risking the profit.
Taking total profit in 2025 means completely exiting the deal. This means that when you sell your coins and exit the deal, there is absolutely nothing left and the open deal is completely closed. This method is suitable for certain times in the market, which is when you feel that the market has formed a top and will start to collapse soon. Also, if you feel that a disaster is about to happen, even if you did not reach your goals, it may be better to exit completely. Finally, you can exit completely since you have achieved your goals, even if you feel that there is still a chance for the market to rise further.
Above, for example, is the chart of the Solana currency. Notice how there was an excellent opportunity to completely exit the currency when the price approached $300. This is an example of a complete exit from the market. However, traders usually cannot exit the market perfectly, which is why they resort to the following types of taking profits.
If you don't apply profit taking in 2025, you will lose your capital. This is because in the crypto market in 2025, everything happens quickly. Altcoins in particular have risen and fallen rapidly due to the presence of an unprecedented number of currencies in the market. There is not enough capital to buy all of these currencies, so the process of rotating capital between these currencies occurs at rocket speed. This means the importance and necessity of making profits continuously and violently. That is, you must achieve any profit by exiting the deal at least partially.
Types of profit taking in 2025
There are several profit taking strategies in 2025 that you should be aware of in order to preserve your capital and your trading account and grow and expand it. Let's get to know the three most important ways to make profits and trade like a pro.
When you enter into a trading deal, you usually make a profit when you buy at a low price and then the price rises, so you sell and benefit from the price difference. But what is important here is the actual exit from the deal in order to make profits on the ground.
Let's assume that there is a currency whose price is 1$ and you bought 100 currencies of it for $100. The price of the currency rose after a year and became $10, so now the 100 currencies are equal to 1000$ . In this way, you made 900$ as a profit, right?
In fact, no, and this is the biggest trap that many people fall into, as you have made 900$ unrealized profit, which means that this profit is not real. So far you have not exited the deal or sold and the price can collapse at any moment or rise more than this, so as long as you are still in the deal there is no real profit on the ground. Profit or loss only occurs when you sell and it becomes realized. For this reason, the profit-taking strategy in 2025 is one of the most important skills that you must learn in trading. When you take profits, this simply means that you exit either partially or completely from the deal and make profits.
When you enter into a trading deal, you usually make a profit when you buy at a low price and then the price rises, so you sell and benefit from the price difference. But what is important here is the actual exit from the deal in order to make profits on the ground.
Let's assume that there is a currency whose price is 1$ and you bought 100 currencies of it for $100. The price of the currency rose after a year and became $10, so now the 100 currencies are equal to 1000$ . In this way, you made 900$ profit, right?
In fact, no, and this is the biggest trap that many people fall into, as you have made 900$ unrealized profit, which means that this profit is not real. So far you have not exited the deal and have not sold and the price can collapse at any moment or rise more than this, so as long as you are still in the deal there is no real profit on the ground. Profit or loss only occurs when you sell and it becomes realized. For this reason, the profit-taking strategy in 2025 is one of the most important skills that you must learn in trading. When you take profits, this simply means that you exit either partially or completely from the deal and make profits.