Taking into account certain points and criteria regarding the currency #WLD to hold or sell, in my opinion, it is good to hold some coins in case the sale of them can rise much higher in respect to the price. On the other hand, considering the value of #WLD at the end of 2024, one can observe the closing according to the chart shown. According to some viewpoints, I could quote up to 5 dollars if it had closed well in 2024, but it was foreseen that it closed at its estimated minimum. Now with the start of 2025, the question would be: will it close the same as in 2024 or will it surpass the estimated minimum point for this year? If #WLD is on the right track, it would close the year exceeding the estimated average price, making a considerable profit for old investors and providing motivation for new investors to invest in this currency.
This is just one option and perspective in my opinion.
it is good to reserve or save some coins since according to a chart taken to the forecast in the coming years it would be priced at this amount.
Bray Urbans
What do you say, should I buy or not buy worldcoins? xD Luckily I sold them all when they were at 2,600, I'd like to know your professional opinion 🤓 WLD
this currency depends on the people who join the app and also on long-term investors, not short-term ones, so in my opinion...(2)
Bray Urbans
What do you say, should I buy or not buy worldcoins? xD Luckily I sold them all when they were at 2,600, I'd like to know your professional opinion 🤓 WLD
taking into account the highest point and the previous resistance that was around 2.50 or 2.70, it can be seen that it is a resilient crypto, also it should be emphasized.....(1)
Bray Urbans
What do you say, should I buy or not buy worldcoins? xD Luckily I sold them all when they were at 2,600, I'd like to know your professional opinion 🤓 WLD
taking into account some important points regarding the currency #WLD. there are 2 points according to my criteria and point of view.
first the issue of the app and the benefit of having or generating more #WLD. is a very important point since it is 10% annually of the total coins placed there in addition to having the opportunity to claim the "gold" coin every 24 hours which can also be converted into #WLD.
second, the issue of the volatility of the currency's quotation it is known that being a currency with a good reserve and flow in the market over time one can see the growth of earnings and it also does not only depend on the users the app is also a key point due to the issue of new users or buyers of cryptos who are interested in the currency. it would generate good stability and more profits regarding the previously invested amount
keep in mind that I am new to this topic but at the same time it is a personal opinion and a lot of research on the subject