Não desista! Estude, a chave do sucesso é o conhecimento, aprenda com os seus erros e o dos outros, tenha cautela mas seja corajoso… se exponha com segurança!!!
CALM DOWN, NOT ALL IS LOST!!! If you are just starting out, this is for you! You who are a bit lost, don't know where you are going, what to do with your money, but stay calm, the first step and most importantly you have already taken! Which is to be here and that is the main thing, now DON'T GIVE UP!!! Look at your portfolio… do you really know what you are buying??? What are your assets??? What are the narratives you are buying??? Do you really believe that your portfolio has potential??? Don’t be arrogant, if you don’t know it’s time to change that…
In the current scenario, it is very common to see countless investors here selling their cryptocurrencies after drops, for every sale you make, someone like me smiles to buy, DON'T DESPAIR!!! GET USED TO THE FALLS, devaluations will happen all the time in this part of the cycle and when everything is cheap it's our time to buy!!! If you bought at the wrong time when a potential crypto was at $3 and it dropped to $2.3 or $1.8 or even less than that, your sale probably won't save you anything, WAIT AND BE PATIENT, THIS MARKET IS FOR THE STRONG, research and see if you really made a good choice and if this crypto has potential... if the answer is yes you shouldn't even worry.
Those who are new here may have already heard of these two tokens, or they may not yet be familiar with them and don’t know what they are for. USDT has its token with the image of a T USDC has its token with the image of $ Both USDT and USDC are Stable coins, that is, in translation, they are stable coins where their objective is precisely to be the opposite of other cryptocurrencies, instead of high volatility, these coins offer you greater stability, Stable coins all have a common objective which is to have their backing and their parity in the dollar, but what does this mean???
Bitcoin is the most consolidated currency on the market and a few weeks ago it was in price zones where it fluctuated between 98 thousand and 105 thousand dollars, today we surpassed the 106 thousand dollar mark showing a strong upward trend for the currency. Moments when prices are fluctuating like this require attention! The break in this price fluctuation can define whether it is a good time to buy or watch the return on your investments rise without worrying. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY BOUGHT: Be patient, if you have already bought, do not despair in a significant price drop to 88 thousand or 80 thousand dollars, these drops will be common and constant at this time in the market, so do not despair, you have subjected yourself to a volatile market, now have confidence and maturity, believe in what you have studied and in your theses.