$RDNT was born late. ETH and L2 don't have money so they can't fly. Being in 3rd place is considered the bottom of the table. When the top catches all the money, the bottom has to wash dishes.
$VITE are you still collecting goods? This year is the year of the dog and AI. Just need one social network for a few days. All your USDT will be in the negative.
$RDNT on coingecko RDNT continuously prints 1 million coins/day. The dev is sitting and laughing. I'm printing money for those fools who jump in to buy, including myself. I enjoy spending 1 million dollars a day.
This dev $RDNT is dead. Let everyone fend for themselves now. Those who are greedy will miss this season. 7 days on X without any updates. At this time, people are traveling. Meanwhile, we are here struggling with this loss. While the entire market is doubling, tripling, or quadrupling.
$RDNT 2025 is the year of the dog and cat. Live on the back of the giant instead of living with a clueless person who knows nothing about it. LIE DOWN AND BREATHE.
$VITE strange day to go. No transactions at all. The project is likely to fail. The dev is trying to salvage something. So they keep posting constantly.
$VITE with this thing, people run for a bit and that's it. Now it seems like they are doing something but not helping to run after them. If you want something, just say it. Is the project ending or what? So that everyone knows to cut losses and go to another project so they can return to shore.