$USUAL It seems that I have not learned anything, I keep pumping it and they keep eating like piranhas... I already have 4000 dollars in real losses... and if that loss number continues to go down it will kill me...
The cycle of $USUAL (image), this is how they consume the value, minimum and maximum as clear as water, here are the termites eating 10 dollars a day... with huge investments selling for pennies. The truth is, I congratulate you, project piranhas, then in $PEPE which is useless, they invest millions, the truth is we deserve everything that happens to us.
$USUAL I don't know why, but I have the feeling that from this very moment it's going to rise, and rise nicely, all the indicators are there, obviously if I could see the future I would be a millionaire, but something tells me that today is the day, we'll see if what I could read is reflected in reality or if it goes down the drain! Success to everyone, have a great day/night
hahaha 2000% HAHAHA hopefully friend... but yes, you could
lil rich 12
I have 20$ usually if it reaches 2000% I will be able to withdraw without problems I am new this is my first crypto that I buy what do you recommend thanks
I smell like a conspiracy theorist... you are also poor because the US wants it that way... no, you are poor because we were born poor 😀
Come on, this is a trap. It's a big trap set up to steal from the poor and give to the rich. There is no such thing as supply and demand. It's a game played on the system. And the USA is the leading actor in this game. The people who increased the BTC price to this level and sold it are Trump and his supporter Elon Musk!
15 dollars will never get you out of poverty, the only one who can get you out is yourself, with effort but without being a slave, and for that, you need to study a lot, or become a dev
I have 15 usdt, what do you recommend I buy to escape poverty? I'm tired of being poor and seeing how others enjoy their wealth haha.
15 dolares jamas te vana sacar de la pobreza lo único que te va a sacar sos vos mismo, con esfuerzo pero sin ser un esclavo y para eso, se necesita estudiar mucho, o hacete dev 😁
I have 15 usdt, what do you recommend I buy to escape poverty? I'm tired of being poor and seeing how others enjoy their wealth haha.
they are issuing according to demand!!! that’s why it drops! upon reaching 455 it stops the issuance, at this moment it is diluted by 344%... that means that capital came in to increase by 344%..
$USUAL I will give my humble opinion the market is strange! Launching the coin on a bad day when the whole market is unstable.
Guys, seriously, didn't you understand? Read! 455 million will be issued based on the demand... the inflow of capital doesn't stop!!! It has been diluted by 344%, it had an increase of 344%!!!
$USUAL se terminó el sueño a corto plazo señores, de vuelta a casa
esta un 360% arriba del precio actual, pero creo que en 490 frenaban la liberación de tokens, si frenan eso, esto explota
$USUAL Señores vean que están aumentando progresivamente el suministro de tokens para diluir el capital y controlar esta forma el precio. Sino ya estuviera sobre los 4$. Pero si son tan avariciosos de empezar a ingresar mucho suministro controlando tanto el precio no se va a hacer atractiva la moneda. Nadie va a invertir dinero para no ganar nada.