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19. How to hold on to a profitable order when trading in cryptocurrencies Many friends are asking me how to hold on to a profitable order when trading? In fact, this question can be understood at two levels. The simplest one is that you want to hold on to your profits. When you have this idea, you either close it or just close it. Then, because you will deliberately ask yourself how to hold on to your profits, it proves that you don’t have a deep enough understanding of some of the underlying aspects of trading. This is the first and second question. If you really want to ask yourself this question, then you have to go back to another question, that is, whether you have a complete and clear understanding of the underlying aspects of the entire trading system, that is, when you can master a complete set of trading methods and trading logic, it is fundamental. You don’t even need to think about this question, because your profits are already included or hidden in your entire trading system, including your positions, your logic of adding and reducing positions, your execution process, and some of your entry and exit techniques and signals. In other words, your techniques will tell you which one will make a profit and will hold on to the profit, and then what? In which processes will you make a profit? When will you increase your position? When will you lose money? Of course, in the process of fluctuations, your account will go from profit to loss. If it is within the reasonable range that your method can accept, then just let it speak out boldly. So many things become less deliberate.
19. How to hold on to a profitable order when trading in cryptocurrencies

Many friends are asking me how to hold on to a profitable order when trading? In fact, this question can be understood at two levels. The simplest one is that you want to hold on to your profits. When you have this idea, you either close it or just close it. Then, because you will deliberately ask yourself how to hold on to your profits, it proves that you don’t have a deep enough understanding of some of the underlying aspects of trading. This is the first and second question. If you really want to ask yourself this question, then you have to go back to another question, that is, whether you have a complete and clear understanding of the underlying aspects of the entire trading system, that is, when you can master a complete set of trading methods and trading logic, it is fundamental. You don’t even need to think about this question, because your profits are already included or hidden in your entire trading system, including your positions, your logic of adding and reducing positions, your execution process, and some of your entry and exit techniques and signals. In other words, your techniques will tell you which one will make a profit and will hold on to the profit, and then what? In which processes will you make a profit? When will you increase your position? When will you lose money? Of course, in the process of fluctuations, your account will go from profit to loss. If it is within the reasonable range that your method can accept, then just let it speak out boldly. So many things become less deliberate.
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18. What is the relationship between the winning rate and the profit and loss ratio of trading contracts? I found that many small retail investors or old investors have a high success rate, but their accounts are not profitable. This is actually the second level of trading, which is called studying the real profit and loss ratio and success rate. They are really running some quantitative techniques, such as quantitative measurement based on loss, or trading based on the profit and loss ratio. What he emphasizes is to have a success rate, but if your profit and loss ratio is really large enough, then it is actually not important to rely on the success rate! In fact, if your success rate is 30%~40%, you will find that you will make a lot of money, and what about some trading masters? You will find that its success rate is not high, but every time it loses, it will cut off a little bit, but if it makes money, it can make a very high return! This is the secret of the success rate and the profit and loss ratio. But for the question you just raised, I think this is a normalization, because the real human nature is to win small and lose big. So since it is a small win, then your success rate will naturally be high, but you won 9 orders but lost all of them if you lost one order. So why is it that retail investors who pursue the ultimate success rate will find it difficult to win money? The money is right here, so we actually need to grow synchronously. If your success rate is high, your profit and loss ratio must be adjusted to a profit and loss ratio that suits your success rate, then you will make money. Do you understand?
18. What is the relationship between the winning rate and the profit and loss ratio of trading contracts?

I found that many small retail investors or old investors have a high success rate, but their accounts are not profitable. This is actually the second level of trading, which is called studying the real profit and loss ratio and success rate. They are really running some quantitative techniques, such as quantitative measurement based on loss, or trading based on the profit and loss ratio.
What he emphasizes is to have a success rate, but if your profit and loss ratio is really large enough, then it is actually not important to rely on the success rate! In fact, if your success rate is 30%~40%, you will find that you will make a lot of money, and what about some trading masters? You will find that its success rate is not high, but every time it loses, it will cut off a little bit, but if it makes money, it can make a very high return! This is the secret of the success rate and the profit and loss ratio. But for the question you just raised, I think this is a normalization, because the real human nature is to win small and lose big. So since it is a small win, then your success rate will naturally be high, but you won 9 orders but lost all of them if you lost one order. So why is it that retail investors who pursue the ultimate success rate will find it difficult to win money? The money is right here, so we actually need to grow synchronously. If your success rate is high, your profit and loss ratio must be adjusted to a profit and loss ratio that suits your success rate, then you will make money. Do you understand?
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17. Can you make money if you are accurate in technical analysis of cryptocurrency contracts? Does being accurate in technical analysis mean making money? My answer is no. Where did the so-called technical analysis you learned come from? The teacher who gave it to you is OK, but who taught him a few years ago? What is this knowledge? In fact, it is some theoretical knowledge that has been in the Western market for more than 200 years, and it has only been passed on to you. What about these theories? It is all right to look at the world, but it is difficult to make money when you actually execute it. Have you noticed? So the so-called accuracy of technical analysis means that you understand the support and the main force, but I want to tell you a truth. If you really want to make money in this market, you don’t need to look at the right direction, the right support and the main force, but you must have a complete set of trading logic, trading system, execution process, and stall management methods. In fact, these determine whether you make money or not. Direction, if you see the right technical analysis method, it is like you buy a set of software prompts to buy points, sell points are very accurate, and the success rate feels very high, but you will find that there are not many people who rely on software to trade and make money in the end. Logical machine, the bottom layer is to make money in the real financial market. Technical analysis is just the beginning, just a link. The most important thing is actually the rest of the things behind it, such as positions, such as execution processes, and the real choice of your logic. The choice of the system is these things, which actually constitute the basis of your final win or loss! Therefore, in the future, don’t regard technical analysis as a god, or as the most important link. Even if you see it right, it is sometimes really useless.
17. Can you make money if you are accurate in technical analysis of cryptocurrency contracts?

Does being accurate in technical analysis mean making money? My answer is no. Where did the so-called technical analysis you learned come from? The teacher who gave it to you is OK, but who taught him a few years ago? What is this knowledge? In fact, it is some theoretical knowledge that has been in the Western market for more than 200 years, and it has only been passed on to you. What about these theories? It is all right to look at the world, but it is difficult to make money when you actually execute it. Have you noticed? So the so-called accuracy of technical analysis means that you understand the support and the main force, but I want to tell you a truth. If you really want to make money in this market, you don’t need to look at the right direction, the right support and the main force, but you must have a complete set of trading logic, trading system, execution process, and stall management methods. In fact, these determine whether you make money or not. Direction, if you see the right technical analysis method, it is like you buy a set of software prompts to buy points, sell points are very accurate, and the success rate feels very high, but you will find that there are not many people who rely on software to trade and make money in the end.
Logical machine, the bottom layer is to make money in the real financial market. Technical analysis is just the beginning, just a link. The most important thing is actually the rest of the things behind it, such as positions, such as execution processes, and the real choice of your logic. The choice of the system is these things, which actually constitute the basis of your final win or loss! Therefore, in the future, don’t regard technical analysis as a god, or as the most important link. Even if you see it right, it is sometimes really useless.
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16. Analysis and trading of cryptocurrency contracts are two different things. Technical analysis may not necessarily make money In the first three years of my career, I was learning technical analysis, trying to find the main support of the market and then predict its future goals. Is there anything wrong with analysis? No problem, everyone wants to learn, but analysis and trading are actually two levels. After the fourth year, I found that I learned a lot of technical analysis, and the analysis was very accurate, but the strange thing is that trading does not make money, so why does it make money? The analysis is so accurate, but it does not make money, why do I still learn? Later, I got a secret. If you can skip technical analysis and do a good job of trading, it may be the most ideal state. Analysis What are we analyzing? We are analyzing the market that has already happened, or the past market, and then predicting the possible direction of the future market, just like in a sports lottery betting station, a bunch of old men are holding paper and pen to look, oh, double color ball, right? Hey, which one is open and which one is not open? Regarding the past market, I suddenly realized something when analyzing it. In the financial market, what do the dealers and institutions fear the most? Oh? I understand one thing. What they fear the most is that we don’t watch the market and don’t do analysis. If you simply know how to buy and sell, and skip the analysis, doing it this way is equivalent to winning without any tricks. So in this later stage, I basically gave up the market analysis. Technical analysis is not to say that technical analysis is useless. If you want to use technical analysis to make a good transaction, you need a long time of precipitation. What about trading? Through some strategies of techniques, models, and algorithms, you can actually fight against this unknown uncertainty very well. If you have nothing and you don’t know me, then you should learn technical analysis obediently, from the most primitive nine dishes to fight monsters and upgrade, and see if you can eventually become a sickle! If you know the teacher today, then congratulations, you can skip a lot of long and difficult technical analysis learning!
16. Analysis and trading of cryptocurrency contracts are two different things. Technical analysis may not necessarily make money

In the first three years of my career, I was learning technical analysis, trying to find the main support of the market and then predict its future goals. Is there anything wrong with analysis? No problem, everyone wants to learn, but analysis and trading are actually two levels. After the fourth year, I found that I learned a lot of technical analysis, and the analysis was very accurate, but the strange thing is that trading does not make money, so why does it make money? The analysis is so accurate, but it does not make money, why do I still learn?

Later, I got a secret. If you can skip technical analysis and do a good job of trading, it may be the most ideal state. Analysis What are we analyzing? We are analyzing the market that has already happened, or the past market, and then predicting the possible direction of the future market, just like in a sports lottery betting station, a bunch of old men are holding paper and pen to look, oh, double color ball, right? Hey, which one is open and which one is not open? Regarding the past market, I suddenly realized something when analyzing it. In the financial market, what do the dealers and institutions fear the most? Oh?

I understand one thing. What they fear the most is that we don’t watch the market and don’t do analysis. If you simply know how to buy and sell, and skip the analysis, doing it this way is equivalent to winning without any tricks. So in this later stage, I basically gave up the market analysis. Technical analysis is not to say that technical analysis is useless. If you want to use technical analysis to make a good transaction, you need a long time of precipitation. What about trading?
Through some strategies of techniques, models, and algorithms, you can actually fight against this unknown uncertainty very well. If you have nothing and you don’t know me, then you should learn technical analysis obediently, from the most primitive nine dishes to fight monsters and upgrade, and see if you can eventually become a sickle! If you know the teacher today, then congratulations, you can skip a lot of long and difficult technical analysis learning!
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15. A good trading system for trading cryptocurrencies and contracts is anti-human What about a good trading system? It can make up for many shortcomings of human nature in a certain sense, because if you thoroughly understand the three words "anti-human nature" and design it into your trading system and trading method, then naturally the orders you make or your entire trading behavior will no longer be the behavior of leeks. Instead, it will be the behavior of your sickle! It's just that you may not realize this problem. If you know me, you must understand this point. All types of trading systems designed by me must combine human nature and anti-human nature in them.
15. A good trading system for trading cryptocurrencies and contracts is anti-human

What about a good trading system? It can make up for many shortcomings of human nature in a certain sense, because if you thoroughly understand the three words "anti-human nature" and design it into your trading system and trading method, then naturally the orders you make or your entire trading behavior will no longer be the behavior of leeks. Instead, it will be the behavior of your sickle! It's just that you may not realize this problem. If you know me, you must understand this point. All types of trading systems designed by me must combine human nature and anti-human nature in them.
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14. There is no certainty in trading contracts, only probability Some friends asked me a question. They said, "Teacher, there is no certainty in trading, only probability. How do I understand this sentence?" In fact, there are two levels, because this is understood literally? It talks about a logic, because the biggest feature of the trading market itself is that it is full of uncertainty, but if you look at this problem from a philosophical perspective? Then can someone make the uncertainty into a certain result in the end? Yes, because it turns the entire link of uncertainty into certainty. In other words, I may not make money in a single transaction, but after I make 100 or 1,000 transactions, I know that I can cause quantitative changes through qualitative changes in time, and time can be exchanged for space. After 1,000 or even 10,000 transactions, I can make money. The law of large numbers, so oh, in this way, its trading results are equal to certainty. So for each point of view, there is no unilateral statement that it is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. So what about the game of certainty and probability in trading? I personally prefer to jump out of this question to answer this question. If you sublimate this question, you know what you are doing and where your problem is. Then what? At this moment, I feel that my trading results are full of certainty.
14. There is no certainty in trading contracts, only probability

Some friends asked me a question. They said, "Teacher, there is no certainty in trading, only probability. How do I understand this sentence?"
In fact, there are two levels, because this is understood literally? It talks about a logic, because the biggest feature of the trading market itself is that it is full of uncertainty, but if you look at this problem from a philosophical perspective? Then can someone make the uncertainty into a certain result in the end? Yes, because it turns the entire link of uncertainty into certainty. In other words, I may not make money in a single transaction, but after I make 100 or 1,000 transactions, I know that I can cause quantitative changes through qualitative changes in time, and time can be exchanged for space. After 1,000 or even 10,000 transactions, I can make money. The law of large numbers, so oh, in this way, its trading results are equal to certainty. So for each point of view, there is no unilateral statement that it is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. So what about the game of certainty and probability in trading?
I personally prefer to jump out of this question to answer this question. If you sublimate this question, you know what you are doing and where your problem is. Then what? At this moment, I feel that my trading results are full of certainty.
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13. Can you make money if you have a high level of technical analysis in trading contracts Some people say that if I rely purely on technical analysis, can I really make money? If you rely solely on technical analysis, you can't make money. The truth and essence of trading is that this market is called the redistribution of property. So there are high and low technical analysis. No matter how thoroughly you study, there must be people who are better than you, because you have to understand one thing. If you buy coins today, someone has to take you. If you sell coins today, you have to sell them, and someone has to buy them before you can sell them! The same is true for contracts. So if there are only two people in the market, no matter how much technical analysis you study, in the end you have to see that the other person is another person. Is his level higher or lower than yours? This is one aspect. On the other hand, financial trading is not a game of magic, it is a game of comprehensive ability, just like learning to swim. Some people can do breaststroke, and you can swim freestyle. So who do you think swims faster between the two? What about this logic? After entering the water, many people have actually drowned before they have swum much distance! Although you can dig and swim, they both found that, oh, I jumped into the Pacific Ocean today, which is in the middle of nowhere, right? You swam for three days and three nights, but you still couldn't see the shore, and you all drowned. The truth of the financial market is like this. So, it doesn't mean that if you know how to swim, know the swimming posture, and the swimming method, you can make money and get to the end. In the end, it depends on the comprehensive ability, and if you know me, you will know that comprehensive ability is not such a simple point! The technical analysis level is high! You will make money, otherwise, so many people can understand the support and the main force.
13. Can you make money if you have a high level of technical analysis in trading contracts

Some people say that if I rely purely on technical analysis, can I really make money? If you rely solely on technical analysis, you can't make money.

The truth and essence of trading is that this market is called the redistribution of property. So there are high and low technical analysis. No matter how thoroughly you study, there must be people who are better than you, because you have to understand one thing. If you buy coins today, someone has to take you. If you sell coins today, you have to sell them, and someone has to buy them before you can sell them! The same is true for contracts. So if there are only two people in the market, no matter how much technical analysis you study, in the end you have to see that the other person is another person. Is his level higher or lower than yours? This is one aspect. On the other hand, financial trading is not a game of magic, it is a game of comprehensive ability, just like learning to swim. Some people can do breaststroke, and you can swim freestyle. So who do you think swims faster between the two?

What about this logic? After entering the water, many people have actually drowned before they have swum much distance! Although you can dig and swim, they both found that, oh, I jumped into the Pacific Ocean today, which is in the middle of nowhere, right? You swam for three days and three nights, but you still couldn't see the shore, and you all drowned. The truth of the financial market is like this.

So, it doesn't mean that if you know how to swim, know the swimming posture, and the swimming method, you can make money and get to the end. In the end, it depends on the comprehensive ability, and if you know me, you will know that comprehensive ability is not such a simple point! The technical analysis level is high! You will make money, otherwise, so many people can understand the support and the main force.
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12. Do you have a good trading system for trading? Have you ever had this experience? I made a copycat coin. Today I made money and lost money. I made money and lost money. I couldn't stand it anymore. I closed it. What happened after closing it? My friend opened his phone every day to check this copycat coin. After a week, his coin went up. Wow! He said, look at how good I am at choosing. If I hadn't closed it, how much money could I have made now? Then another friend was the same. After a few days, it plummeted. When he chatted with us, he said, wow, look at how good I closed it. I closed it at the highest point! So think about it, my friend, have you ever had this experience? This is the thinking of leeks. Because if you close a copycat coin, if you can't forget it, if you can't stop, if you open your own selected coin at any time, or if you have to watch whether this coin rises or falls, it proves that you don't have a complete trading system and trading beliefs. If you know me, then you will understand this point quickly, and then what? What you will consider is not the coins you have closed or the performance reports you have performed, but the improvement of your own trading ability. Do you understand this?
12. Do you have a good trading system for trading?

Have you ever had this experience? I made a copycat coin. Today I made money and lost money. I made money and lost money. I couldn't stand it anymore. I closed it. What happened after closing it? My friend opened his phone every day to check this copycat coin. After a week, his coin went up. Wow! He said, look at how good I am at choosing. If I hadn't closed it, how much money could I have made now?

Then another friend was the same. After a few days, it plummeted. When he chatted with us, he said, wow, look at how good I closed it. I closed it at the highest point!

So think about it, my friend, have you ever had this experience? This is the thinking of leeks. Because if you close a copycat coin, if you can't forget it, if you can't stop, if you open your own selected coin at any time, or if you have to watch whether this coin rises or falls, it proves that you don't have a complete trading system and trading beliefs.

If you know me, then you will understand this point quickly, and then what? What you will consider is not the coins you have closed or the performance reports you have performed, but the improvement of your own trading ability. Do you understand this?
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11. My trading concept: I must do certain things when trading contracts Analysts, including many of them I know, are also great, but in the process of chatting with them, I found that they are full of some things I don’t like, some, that is, I feel that a certain currency here can’t go down, and it feels like it’s going to go up. It’s almost full of this kind of language-style thinking, this kind of language-style ambiguous words, which is a little conflicting with my trading concept, because in my trading, I must do certain things within my field. My certainty is not that my order must make a profit or a loss, but that it must be able to withstand scrutiny, and the method must be simple and reproducible. So it must be full of certain things, a bit like quantification, but I allow subjectivity, but my subjectivity must not be the feeling of going up or down. At this level, I am subjective, and my subjectivity is this signal. I can do it today, or I can not do it, do or not do this kind of subjectivity, but the method itself must be certain, and must be an independent and objective existence.
11. My trading concept: I must do certain things when trading contracts

Analysts, including many of them I know, are also great, but in the process of chatting with them, I found that they are full of some things I don’t like, some, that is, I feel that a certain currency here can’t go down, and it feels like it’s going to go up. It’s almost full of this kind of language-style thinking, this kind of language-style ambiguous words, which is a little conflicting with my trading concept, because in my trading, I must do certain things within my field.
My certainty is not that my order must make a profit or a loss, but that it must be able to withstand scrutiny, and the method must be simple and reproducible. So it must be full of certain things, a bit like quantification, but I allow subjectivity, but my subjectivity must not be the feeling of going up or down.
At this level, I am subjective, and my subjectivity is this signal. I can do it today, or I can not do it, do or not do this kind of subjectivity, but the method itself must be certain, and must be an independent and objective existence.
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10. Only when you are willing to go short when doing contracts can you make money For those who can make stable profits from contracts, most of the time, the reason they can make money is that they are willing to go short and they dare to go short. For example, if you have set a goal for a month, 1 million is to make 30,000 yuan, but at the beginning of the month you have already made 50,000 yuan, and you have made more. There are still 25 days in the next month. We require you to keep the 1.05 million funds in your account and not buy anything, and keep the position short. Ask yourself, can you go short? I believe most people can't do it, because if it is a short position, why don't I take out my money, but keep it in. So this is human nature. After everyone closes a currency, whether it is a profit or a loss, what is the next action? For most people, it is to change a currency and buy it back, so it is difficult to go short, and those who can really make money have learned to go short, or they can go short. Learning to go short is a very difficult thing, and there is a set of training mechanisms and methods.
10. Only when you are willing to go short when doing contracts can you make money

For those who can make stable profits from contracts, most of the time, the reason they can make money is that they are willing to go short and they dare to go short.
For example, if you have set a goal for a month, 1 million is to make 30,000 yuan, but at the beginning of the month you have already made 50,000 yuan, and you have made more. There are still 25 days in the next month. We require you to keep the 1.05 million funds in your account and not buy anything, and keep the position short.
Ask yourself, can you go short? I believe most people can't do it, because if it is a short position, why don't I take out my money, but keep it in. So this is human nature. After everyone closes a currency, whether it is a profit or a loss, what is the next action?
For most people, it is to change a currency and buy it back, so it is difficult to go short, and those who can really make money have learned to go short, or they can go short. Learning to go short is a very difficult thing, and there is a set of training mechanisms and methods.
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9. Which one is more profitable, long contract or short contract Which one is easier to make money, short contract or long contract? My short-term wave band expert likes to go short, why? Because long orders are always in a real upward trend, it is called twists and turns, it may come back a little every time it rises, and when the market reverses, it will give up a lot, and there will be a big wave of profit giving up, this is the long market! Why is it said that when the market retreats, your profit will become smaller? But short contract is a little different, you will find a magical thing, that is, in the market where most of our small and medium investors short, they can run away as soon as they make money, but what about those who go long? Many times, they don’t know how to run when they make money, why? Because of the big drop in the market, sometimes the market reversal is very obvious. To sum up, it is long. For example, if Ethereum is going to rise by 200 points in the future, it may take a long time to rise by 200 points, but when shorting, a wave of market drops by 200 points, it may be 200 points in one K line. So what is the second level of understanding? In terms of the overall macroeconomic grasp, shorting and longing, I ask you which is easier to make money, then I want to tell you that longing will definitely make more money than shorting. It has a physical, average cost, the lowest value, and the corresponding price, so it is impossible for it to fall by half at this position, but the room for growth is not capped, that is to say, the rise in prices may sometimes be some policy benefits, some short-term and medium-term policy benefits. And what is likely to happen? If you go short at 3,700 points and the market explodes outside this value range, you can make 3,700 points at most, and it is impossible for it to fall to zero. But if you go long, it may double or triple. The space is there, so from the perspective of Taoism, the space for going long must be better than going short. So you will find that many futures bigwigs like to seize this point, they like to build positions on dips, build positions on dips, and then wait patiently, and then what?Make money in one wave, that's it.
9. Which one is more profitable, long contract or short contract
Which one is easier to make money, short contract or long contract?
My short-term wave band expert likes to go short, why? Because long orders are always in a real upward trend, it is called twists and turns, it may come back a little every time it rises, and when the market reverses, it will give up a lot, and there will be a big wave of profit giving up, this is the long market!
Why is it said that when the market retreats, your profit will become smaller?

But short contract is a little different, you will find a magical thing, that is, in the market where most of our small and medium investors short, they can run away as soon as they make money, but what about those who go long? Many times, they don’t know how to run when they make money, why?
Because of the big drop in the market, sometimes the market reversal is very obvious. To sum up, it is long. For example, if Ethereum is going to rise by 200 points in the future, it may take a long time to rise by 200 points, but when shorting, a wave of market drops by 200 points, it may be 200 points in one K line.
So what is the second level of understanding? In terms of the overall macroeconomic grasp, shorting and longing, I ask you which is easier to make money, then I want to tell you that longing will definitely make more money than shorting. It has a physical, average cost, the lowest value, and the corresponding price, so it is impossible for it to fall by half at this position, but the room for growth is not capped, that is to say, the rise in prices may sometimes be some policy benefits, some short-term and medium-term policy benefits. And what is likely to happen? If you go short at 3,700 points and the market explodes outside this value range, you can make 3,700 points at most, and it is impossible for it to fall to zero. But if you go long, it may double or triple. The space is there, so from the perspective of Taoism, the space for going long must be better than going short. So you will find that many futures bigwigs like to seize this point, they like to build positions on dips, build positions on dips, and then wait patiently, and then what?Make money in one wave, that's it.
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#BTC走势分析 #交易技术 #合约爆仓 Contract trading is anti-human The longer you trade, the more you can experience the anti-human nature of this transaction! ·When your behavior pattern is the opposite of the public, it is easy for you to make a profit. Your method is secondary. For example, our retail investors like to make quick money, and you find that lowering my profit target can make more money. ·For example, retail investors like to make money on every transaction, so you find that the model with low winning rate and high profit and loss ratio can be more successful. ·Retail investors like to hold on to their losses, so if you can strictly stop losses, you will have an advantage! ·Retail investors like to take profits, but what about taking profits? Maybe you have to hold on to them, so that you can make big profits and small losses. · Most retail investors are not good at waiting. If you are good at waiting for those opportunities that are almost certain to turn, and wait for this big trend to form, most retail investors want to lock in profits. Then you must dare to break through and increase your position at the key breakthrough position. When the resistance is the smallest, you should hold on tightly. · If you are experienced, you will find that as long as you do the opposite of retail investors, even if the accuracy of your judgment is not high, you will still make a profit in the long run. It's just that it's simple to think about it. When you really do it, you can't be affected by the environment, and you can't be affected by some of the high-risk tactics we call. When you maintain your inner independence, this is very, very difficult. · We just want to say that people are the product of the environment. If you are in a shouting group, you see short-term trading, and you trade frequently every day, it's hard for you not to be affected. If you have a little volatility today, you will feel that you have missed the opportunity. ·We are now trading in the trend, which means that we let everyone take a light position and follow the trend to make the wrong stop loss. After you stop loss several times, you will definitely catch a big wave, breaking the curse of retail investors who make small profits and big losses! ·You just have to rely on a high probability of profit and loss ratio to make your account profitable! ·We use this trend probability to let everyone move from small funds to large funds, and you will slowly turn yourself into a professional trading machine.
#BTC走势分析 #交易技术 #合约爆仓
Contract trading is anti-human
The longer you trade, the more you can experience the anti-human nature of this transaction!
·When your behavior pattern is the opposite of the public, it is easy for you to make a profit. Your method is secondary. For example, our retail investors like to make quick money, and you find that lowering my profit target can make more money.
·For example, retail investors like to make money on every transaction, so you find that the model with low winning rate and high profit and loss ratio can be more successful.
·Retail investors like to hold on to their losses, so if you can strictly stop losses, you will have an advantage!
·Retail investors like to take profits, but what about taking profits? Maybe you have to hold on to them, so that you can make big profits and small losses.
· Most retail investors are not good at waiting. If you are good at waiting for those opportunities that are almost certain to turn, and wait for this big trend to form, most retail investors want to lock in profits. Then you must dare to break through and increase your position at the key breakthrough position. When the resistance is the smallest, you should hold on tightly.
· If you are experienced, you will find that as long as you do the opposite of retail investors, even if the accuracy of your judgment is not high, you will still make a profit in the long run. It's just that it's simple to think about it. When you really do it, you can't be affected by the environment, and you can't be affected by some of the high-risk tactics we call. When you maintain your inner independence, this is very, very difficult.
· We just want to say that people are the product of the environment. If you are in a shouting group, you see short-term trading, and you trade frequently every day, it's hard for you not to be affected. If you have a little volatility today, you will feel that you have missed the opportunity.
·We are now trading in the trend, which means that we let everyone take a light position and follow the trend to make the wrong stop loss. After you stop loss several times, you will definitely catch a big wave, breaking the curse of retail investors who make small profits and big losses!
·You just have to rely on a high probability of profit and loss ratio to make your account profitable!
·We use this trend probability to let everyone move from small funds to large funds, and you will slowly turn yourself into a professional trading machine.
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#BTC走势分析 If Bitcoin does not fall below 60,000 in May, it will go to 100,000. Bitcoin has stopped at around 60,000 for 4 consecutive times, forming a strong support at 60,000 for 2 consecutive months. The longer the horizontal, the higher the vertical. Combined with the fundamentals of Bitcoin being halved, the mining cost is 60,000. The approval of Bitcoin ETF means that a large amount of institutional funds will enter the market in the future to pull up $BTC
If Bitcoin does not fall below 60,000 in May, it will go to 100,000.

Bitcoin has stopped at around 60,000 for 4 consecutive times, forming a strong support at 60,000 for 2 consecutive months. The longer the horizontal, the higher the vertical.
Combined with the fundamentals of Bitcoin being halved, the mining cost is 60,000. The approval of Bitcoin ETF means that a large amount of institutional funds will enter the market in the future to pull up $BTC
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#零基础学合约 Adhere to two major principles when doing contracts, and it is difficult to lose money Zero-based learning of contracts Lesson 3 Get the free e-book "Zero-based Learning of Contracts" and read the introduction on the homepage In the contract market, profit and loss are commonplace. You can look up the previous transaction records and see that the reasons for easy losses are nothing more than these two points. As long as you avoid them, it is difficult to lose money! First, control the loss margin of a single transaction. Have you ever had this experience? If you misread the market once, you have to bear the loss and end up with a mess, causing a large loss in the account or even a liquidation. Therefore, we must control the loss margin of a single transaction, such as setting a 5% loss stop loss. Even if we go in the wrong direction and suffer a loss, we must admit it. If you have a green mountain, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood! Prevent irreparable losses due to a single misreading of the market and emotional interference! . Second, control the maximum loss margin of a single day. Emotionalism is a taboo in trading. Once you lose a lot of money, your mentality will be messed up. You will start to trade frequently and hold heavy positions. Even worse, there will be situations where you don’t stop losses. You always hope that the market will turn around against the wind. So how can you avoid this situation? Set the maximum loss margin of a single day in advance. Once it is reached, force yourself to stop trading to prevent irrational trading behavior in order to recover losses. The specific loss margin can be set according to your habits and risk tolerance. Trading is a probability game. There is a 50% probability for both long and short positions. No one always makes mistakes. As long as you control these two points, it is difficult to keep losing money.
Adhere to two major principles when doing contracts, and it is difficult to lose money

Zero-based learning of contracts Lesson 3
Get the free e-book "Zero-based Learning of Contracts" and read the introduction on the homepage
In the contract market, profit and loss are commonplace. You can look up the previous transaction records and see that the reasons for easy losses are nothing more than these two points.
As long as you avoid them, it is difficult to lose money!
First, control the loss margin of a single transaction. Have you ever had this experience? If you misread the market once, you have to bear the loss and end up with a mess, causing a large loss in the account or even a liquidation.
Therefore, we must control the loss margin of a single transaction, such as setting a 5% loss stop loss. Even if we go in the wrong direction and suffer a loss, we must admit it. If you have a green mountain, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood!
Prevent irreparable losses due to a single misreading of the market and emotional interference!
. Second, control the maximum loss margin of a single day. Emotionalism is a taboo in trading.
Once you lose a lot of money, your mentality will be messed up. You will start to trade frequently and hold heavy positions. Even worse, there will be situations where you don’t stop losses. You always hope that the market will turn around against the wind. So how can you avoid this situation? Set the maximum loss margin of a single day in advance. Once it is reached, force yourself to stop trading to prevent irrational trading behavior in order to recover losses. The specific loss margin can be set according to your habits and risk tolerance. Trading is a probability game. There is a 50% probability for both long and short positions. No one always makes mistakes. As long as you control these two points, it is difficult to keep losing money.
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Lesson 2 of Zero-Base Contract Learning: 7 Mistakes Contract Players Are Easy to Make 1. Randomly build positions: One is to buy dozens of coins at a time; the other is to buy a large position in a single coin, especially altcoins. 2. Randomly add positions: If the market is in a downward trend, no matter how much you add, you will still be trapped, and the more you add, the deeper you will be trapped. .3. Frequent entry and exit: Many people fall as soon as they buy, and they cut when they fall, and they rise after cutting, and they enter and exit frequently. 4. Hearsay: I heard that the coin is good, so I followed it, and I heard that another coin followed it again. In the end, I bought a lot of coins, and I sold them when they rose a little. Those that did not rise were trapped instead. 5. Not knowing how to stop loss and stop profit: I kept leaving it when I lost money, and I didn’t know how to sell it when it rose. In the end, I didn’t make a penny and lost money. 6. Chasing up and killing down: When I saw a coin soaring, I blindly chased it, and then took over at a high position. After seeing the coins on hand fall continuously, I cut my losses and left the market. 7. Holding on to it: I add positions when I lose money, but I just don’t want to sell it. In the end, the loss was stopped only after a huge loss.
Lesson 2 of Zero-Base Contract Learning: 7 Mistakes Contract Players Are Easy to Make

1. Randomly build positions: One is to buy dozens of coins at a time; the other is to buy a large position in a single coin, especially altcoins.

2. Randomly add positions: If the market is in a downward trend, no matter how much you add, you will still be trapped, and the more you add, the deeper you will be trapped.

.3. Frequent entry and exit: Many people fall as soon as they buy, and they cut when they fall, and they rise after cutting, and they enter and exit frequently.

4. Hearsay: I heard that the coin is good, so I followed it, and I heard that another coin followed it again. In the end, I bought a lot of coins, and I sold them when they rose a little. Those that did not rise were trapped instead.

5. Not knowing how to stop loss and stop profit: I kept leaving it when I lost money, and I didn’t know how to sell it when it rose. In the end, I didn’t make a penny and lost money.

6. Chasing up and killing down: When I saw a coin soaring, I blindly chased it, and then took over at a high position. After seeing the coins on hand fall continuously, I cut my losses and left the market.

7. Holding on to it: I add positions when I lose money, but I just don’t want to sell it. In the end, the loss was stopped only after a huge loss.
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Get the e-book "Learn Contracts from Zero Foundation" and read the introduction on the homepage Learn Contracts from Zero Foundation Lesson 1: What is "not predicting but following" in contract trading? "Not predicting but following" in contracts, what exactly is not predicting and what is following? The prediction here means that before placing an order to enter the contract, you can know how the market will go in advance, and you can predict the future. Although everyone knows that predicting the future is unreliable, many new traders have such perfectionist fantasies, thinking that certain indicators or a combination of certain indicators can predict the future, so that they can place orders in advance and make a lot of money in trading, but what is the reality? No one can predict the future. If you keep following the prediction, you will suffer more and more losses. What does "following" after having a trading system mean? It means following the judgment of the trading system on the trend. Each transaction is trial and error. The transaction result is left to probability, and the profit depends on the success rate and the profit and loss ratio. Let me give you an example, and you will understand. Look at the picture below. The trading system in the picture is to judge the trend by the market breaking through the trend line. Every time we follow the trend line breakthrough to enter the market, we don’t predict whether it will succeed or fail after the break. We only follow the market trend after the breakthrough. If it fails after the break, stop loss like the trend on the left side of the picture. If the break is successful, stop profit like the trend on the right side of the picture. Before entering the market, we don’t know how the market will go, but we only follow the trend and know how to trade.
Get the e-book "Learn Contracts from Zero Foundation" and read the introduction on the homepage
Learn Contracts from Zero Foundation Lesson 1: What is "not predicting but following" in contract trading?

"Not predicting but following" in contracts, what exactly is not predicting and what is following? The prediction here means that before placing an order to enter the contract, you can know how the market will go in advance, and you can predict the future.
Although everyone knows that predicting the future is unreliable, many new traders have such perfectionist fantasies, thinking that certain indicators or a combination of certain indicators can predict the future, so that they can place orders in advance and make a lot of money in trading, but what is the reality?
No one can predict the future. If you keep following the prediction, you will suffer more and more losses.
What does "following" after having a trading system mean? It means following the judgment of the trading system on the trend. Each transaction is trial and error. The transaction result is left to probability, and the profit depends on the success rate and the profit and loss ratio.
Let me give you an example, and you will understand. Look at the picture below. The trading system in the picture is to judge the trend by the market breaking through the trend line. Every time we follow the trend line breakthrough to enter the market, we don’t predict whether it will succeed or fail after the break.

We only follow the market trend after the breakthrough. If it fails after the break, stop loss like the trend on the left side of the picture.
If the break is successful, stop profit like the trend on the right side of the picture. Before entering the market, we don’t know how the market will go, but we only follow the trend and know how to trade.
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Get the e-book "Learn Contracts from Zero Foundation" to solve the top ten pain points of your cryptocurrency contracts 1. Hold on to losses and run away after making a little profit 2. The direction is right but you can't hold the order 3. Buy at the highest point and sell at the lowest point (trapped at the top of the mountain and cut at the foot of the mountain) 4. Fear of opening a position and anxiety of holding a position 5. Going against the trend and losing a lot 6. Knowing trading techniques but still losing 7. Making small profits and big losses 8. Fear of profit withdrawal and taking the profit 9. Set a stop loss and then hit it, otherwise it will be liquidated 10. Subjective trading is all based on market sense and enter and exit at will
Get the e-book "Learn Contracts from Zero Foundation" to solve the top ten pain points of your cryptocurrency contracts
1. Hold on to losses and run away after making a little profit
2. The direction is right but you can't hold the order
3. Buy at the highest point and sell at the lowest point
(trapped at the top of the mountain and cut at the foot of the mountain)
4. Fear of opening a position and anxiety of holding a position
5. Going against the trend and losing a lot
6. Knowing trading techniques but still losing
7. Making small profits and big losses
8. Fear of profit withdrawal and taking the profit
9. Set a stop loss and then hit it, otherwise it will be liquidated
10. Subjective trading is all based on market sense and enter and exit at will
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Get the e-book "Learn Contracts from Zero Foundation" to solve your top ten contract pain points 1. Run away when you make a little profit and hold on when you lose 2. Can't hold the order 3. Buy at the highest point and sell at the lowest point 4. Don't know when the trend starts and ends 5. Want to make a short-term profit but get stuck 6. Don't know when to buy and when to sell 7. Fear of opening a position and anxiety of holding a position 8. Know some technology but still lose money 9. Set stop loss frequently and stop loss will be liquidated if stop loss is not set
Get the e-book "Learn Contracts from Zero Foundation" to solve your top ten contract pain points
1. Run away when you make a little profit and hold on when you lose
2. Can't hold the order
3. Buy at the highest point and sell at the lowest point
4. Don't know when the trend starts and ends
5. Want to make a short-term profit but get stuck
6. Don't know when to buy and when to sell
7. Fear of opening a position and anxiety of holding a position
8. Know some technology but still lose money
9. Set stop loss frequently and stop loss will be liquidated if stop loss is not set
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There are five iron rules for opening a contract position: First, do not open a position without a breakthrough; Second, do not open a position without a stop loss; Third, do not open a position if the stop loss is too large; Fourth, do not open a position without a signal Fifth, do not open a position before reaching a critical position. #BTC走势分析 #合约爆仓 #炒币技巧
There are five iron rules for opening a contract position:
First, do not open a position without a breakthrough;
Second, do not open a position without a stop loss;
Third, do not open a position if the stop loss is too large;
Fourth, do not open a position without a signal
Fifth, do not open a position before reaching a critical position. #BTC走势分析 #合约爆仓 #炒币技巧
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