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Buterin complained about anarchotyranny poisoning the crypto industryThe creator of Ethereum (ETH), Vitalik Buterin, believes that the process of regulating cryptocurrencies is characterized by anarchotyranny. The main problem with regulation of the crypto industry (especially in the US) has always been the phenomenon that if you do something useless or ask people to give you their money in exchange for long statements about possible dividends, then you remain free , and you are not accused of anything.

Buterin complained about anarchotyranny poisoning the crypto industry

The creator of Ethereum (ETH), Vitalik Buterin, believes that the process of regulating cryptocurrencies is characterized by anarchotyranny.
The main problem with regulation of the crypto industry (especially in the US) has always been the phenomenon that if you do something useless or ask people to give you their money in exchange for long statements about possible dividends, then you remain free , and you are not accused of anything.
NFT бpocaют вызoв мeдвeдям: нa этoй нeдeлe пpoдaжи выpocли нa 4,52%Ha этoй нeдeлe в пятёpку лидepoв пo пpoдaжaм NFT вoшли блoкчeйны Ethereum, Polуgon, Bitcoin, Solana и Mуthos. Из oбщиx $101,46 млн Ethereum лидиpoвaл c $З2,42 млн пpoдaж цифpoвыx кoллeкциoнныx пpeдмeтoв, нecмoтpя нa cнижeниe этoгo пoкaзaтeля в этoй ceти нa 11,55%. Ha тeкущeй нeдeлe Polуgon пpoдeмoнcтpиpoвaл pocт нa 42,92%, зaфикcиpoвaв $22,19 млн, a нa биткoин пpишлиcь $17,87 млн, чтo oтpaжaeт пoвышeниe нa 1,55%. Caмoй пpoдaвaeмoй NFT-кoллeкциeй нeдeли cтaли Crуptopunks нa Ethereum c oбъёмoм пpoдaж в $5,7 млн. Пpoдaжи Mуthos Dmarket NFT дocтигли $4,1З млн, дaжe пpи уcлoвии cпaдa нa 5,9% зaняв втopoe мecтo. Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) зaнял тpeтьe мecтo c дoxoдoм $З,56 млн (пpиpocт cocтaвил 4,54%). Nodemonkes нa бaзe биткoинa и Gods Unchained нa Immutable X зaняли чeтвёpтую и пятую пoзиции. Интepecнo, чтo кoличecтвo кoллeкций нa Polуgon знaчитeльнo увeличилocь пo cpaвнeнию c пpoшлoй нeдeлeй, иx paзнooбpaзили Sea Dragon, Sunnу Girl, Miladу NFT и кoллeкции ONFA. Bitcoin Puppets пoдopoжaли нa 11,20%, a Pudgу Penguins Ethereum пoтepяли в cтoимocти 20,84%. Crуptopunk #627 был caмым дopoгим NFT, пpoдaнным нa этoй нeдeлe: чeтыpe дня нaзaд oн был пpoдaн зa $8З6 149. Punk #50 в блoкчeйнe биткoинa был пpoдaн зa $З06 725 пять днeй нaзaд, a Urbannode в ceти Solana peaлизoвaн зa $З7 749 дeнь нaзaд, зaмкнув тpoйку лидepoв. Пocкoльку нa этoй нeдeлe pынoк кpиптoвaлют пepeжил cпaд, пpeдcтaвлeннaя динaмикa пpoдaж NFT пoдчёpкивaeт пpoтивopeчивую кapтину. И xoтя Ethereum пpoдoлжaeт лидиpoвaть, нecмoтpя нa кoлeбaния, нeдaвний pocт Polуgon, кaк нa этoй, тaк и нa пpoшлoй нeдeлe, oтpaжaeт измeнeниe интepecoв тpeйдepoв NFT в пpocтpaнcтвe цифpoвыx пpeдмeтoв кoллeкциoниpoвaния. #новини $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)

NFT бpocaют вызoв мeдвeдям: нa этoй нeдeлe пpoдaжи выpocли нa 4,52%

Ha этoй нeдeлe в пятёpку лидepoв пo пpoдaжaм NFT вoшли блoкчeйны Ethereum, Polуgon, Bitcoin, Solana и Mуthos. Из oбщиx $101,46 млн Ethereum лидиpoвaл c $З2,42 млн пpoдaж цифpoвыx кoллeкциoнныx пpeдмeтoв, нecмoтpя нa cнижeниe этoгo пoкaзaтeля в этoй ceти нa 11,55%. Ha тeкущeй нeдeлe Polуgon пpoдeмoнcтpиpoвaл pocт нa 42,92%, зaфикcиpoвaв $22,19 млн, a нa биткoин пpишлиcь $17,87 млн, чтo oтpaжaeт пoвышeниe нa 1,55%.
Caмoй пpoдaвaeмoй NFT-кoллeкциeй нeдeли cтaли Crуptopunks нa Ethereum c oбъёмoм пpoдaж в $5,7 млн. Пpoдaжи Mуthos Dmarket NFT дocтигли $4,1З млн, дaжe пpи уcлoвии cпaдa нa 5,9% зaняв втopoe мecтo. Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) зaнял тpeтьe мecтo c дoxoдoм $З,56 млн (пpиpocт cocтaвил 4,54%). Nodemonkes нa бaзe биткoинa и Gods Unchained нa Immutable X зaняли чeтвёpтую и пятую пoзиции. Интepecнo, чтo кoличecтвo кoллeкций нa Polуgon знaчитeльнo увeличилocь пo cpaвнeнию c пpoшлoй нeдeлeй, иx paзнooбpaзили Sea Dragon, Sunnу Girl, Miladу NFT и кoллeкции ONFA. Bitcoin Puppets пoдopoжaли нa 11,20%, a Pudgу Penguins Ethereum пoтepяли в cтoимocти 20,84%.
Crуptopunk #627 был caмым дopoгим NFT, пpoдaнным нa этoй нeдeлe: чeтыpe дня нaзaд oн был пpoдaн зa $8З6 149. Punk #50 в блoкчeйнe биткoинa был пpoдaн зa $З06 725 пять днeй нaзaд, a Urbannode в ceти Solana peaлизoвaн зa $З7 749 дeнь нaзaд, зaмкнув тpoйку лидepoв.
Пocкoльку нa этoй нeдeлe pынoк кpиптoвaлют пepeжил cпaд, пpeдcтaвлeннaя динaмикa пpoдaж NFT пoдчёpкивaeт пpoтивopeчивую кapтину. И xoтя Ethereum пpoдoлжaeт лидиpoвaть, нecмoтpя нa кoлeбaния, нeдaвний pocт Polуgon, кaк нa этoй, тaк и нa пpoшлoй нeдeлe, oтpaжaeт измeнeниe интepecoв тpeйдepoв NFT в пpocтpaнcтвe цифpoвыx пpeдмeтoв кoллeкциoниpoвaния.
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🔥Play with me, develop your startup. 💰Earn real money in the $15000 lottery. 💸 +5k coins as your first gift 💵 +25k coins if you have Telegram Premium link
🔥Play with me, develop your startup.

💰Earn real money in the $15000 lottery.

💸 +5k coins as your first gift
💵 +25k coins if you have Telegram Premium

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The court allowed consideration of most of the SEC's claims against BinanceD.C. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson partially dismissed the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) lawsuit against Binance, but the majority is of the opinion. It granted the exchange's request to withdraw the regulator's claims regarding secondary sales of the BNB token, the BUSD stablecoin offering, and the Simple Earn product.

The court allowed consideration of most of the SEC's claims against Binance

D.C. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson partially dismissed the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) lawsuit against Binance, but the majority is of the opinion.
It granted the exchange's request to withdraw the regulator's claims regarding secondary sales of the BNB token, the BUSD stablecoin offering, and the Simple Earn product.
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Binance warned of an increase in crypto fraud on TelegramThe largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, published an article on its blog in which it warns about the increase in the number of crypto scammers in the Telegram messenger and provides ways to protect funds. The article emphasizes that Telegram has become extremely popular in the crypto community, and such popularity also attracts various types of scammers. Users of the largest trading platform, whose number has exceeded 207 million, are among the priority targets for criminals. Thus, cryptocurrency scammers pretend to be exchange employees in order to deceive users. For example, one scammer posed as a “financial advisor” who tried to lure a user into a fake token giveaway from an exchange. If the user is interested, they will send him a phishing link and, if he enters his credentials, he may lose all his funds. Fraudsters also often create fake bots from Binance and fraudulent groups on Telegram on behalf of the exchange.

Binance warned of an increase in crypto fraud on Telegram

The largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, published an article on its blog in which it warns about the increase in the number of crypto scammers in the Telegram messenger and provides ways to protect funds.
The article emphasizes that Telegram has become extremely popular in the crypto community, and such popularity also attracts various types of scammers. Users of the largest trading platform, whose number has exceeded 207 million, are among the priority targets for criminals. Thus, cryptocurrency scammers pretend to be exchange employees in order to deceive users. For example, one scammer posed as a “financial advisor” who tried to lure a user into a fake token giveaway from an exchange. If the user is interested, they will send him a phishing link and, if he enters his credentials, he may lose all his funds. Fraudsters also often create fake bots from Binance and fraudulent groups on Telegram on behalf of the exchange.
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Binance Smart Chain is the leader in the number of unique addressesAccording to researchers at the analytical company CryptoRank, as of June 28, 2024, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Polygon continue to hold leading positions in the number of unique addresses in their blockchains. Evidence suggests that more and more people around the world are becoming familiar with cryptography technology.

Binance Smart Chain is the leader in the number of unique addresses

According to researchers at the analytical company CryptoRank, as of June 28, 2024, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Polygon continue to hold leading positions in the number of unique addresses in their blockchains. Evidence suggests that more and more people around the world are becoming familiar with cryptography technology.
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Toncoin has been legalized in Kazakhstan for trading on AFSA-licensed platformsThe AIFC Committee for the Regulation of Financial Services (Astana Financial Services Authority, AFSA) said that the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, personally came to officially approve the launch of trading in TON tokens in Kazakhstan. “AFSA made its decision following a comprehensive review, determining that Toncoin complies with AFSA regulatory standards. Investors can now trade Toncoin on AFSA-licensed platforms, benefiting from the robust regulatory framework and investor protection measures established by the AIFC,” the financial center said in a statement.

Toncoin has been legalized in Kazakhstan for trading on AFSA-licensed platforms

The AIFC Committee for the Regulation of Financial Services (Astana Financial Services Authority, AFSA) said that the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, personally came to officially approve the launch of trading in TON tokens in Kazakhstan.
“AFSA made its decision following a comprehensive review, determining that Toncoin complies with AFSA regulatory standards. Investors can now trade Toncoin on AFSA-licensed platforms, benefiting from the robust regulatory framework and investor protection measures established by the AIFC,” the financial center said in a statement.
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Binance will reward information about account sellersIn order to increase the effectiveness of measures to combat the sale of accounts, the Binance cryptocurrency exchange will reward people for denunciations of people who sell accounts. A person who reports the transfer of an account to third parties will be able to count on a bonus if the violation of the rules for using the platform’s services is confirmed. Information about such incidents is requested to be sent by email. The amount of remuneration will be determined arbitrarily in each specific case.

Binance will reward information about account sellers

In order to increase the effectiveness of measures to combat the sale of accounts, the Binance cryptocurrency exchange will reward people for denunciations of people who sell accounts.
A person who reports the transfer of an account to third parties will be able to count on a bonus if the violation of the rules for using the platform’s services is confirmed. Information about such incidents is requested to be sent by email. The amount of remuneration will be determined arbitrarily in each specific case.
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Solana price rose 8.1% after Vaneck filed for SOL-based ETF Cryptocurrency Solana (SOL) rose significantly in price on Thursday after digital asset manager Vaneck submitted a proposal to list an ETF based on SOL on US stock exchanges. Over the past 24 hours, SOL has added 8.9%, with the main increase occurring precisely after the organization’s statement. SOL currently trades around the $150 level with a market capitalization of approximately $62 billion. Interestingly, on the South Korean exchanges Upbit and Bithumb, SOL has a 2.06% premium compared to the global average. Over the past 12 months, the fifth-largest digital asset by market value, SOL, has increased in value by 802%. However, Solana still has a long way to go to reach its all-time high of $259, set on November 6, 2021. The rise in Solana's value following Vaneck's ETF proposal underscores the evolving dynamics in the cryptocurrency market. However, a potential move to previous highs will depend, among other things, on overall market sentiment and investor confidence in blockchain network innovations. #новини #Solana⁩ $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT)
Solana price rose 8.1% after Vaneck filed for SOL-based ETF

Cryptocurrency Solana (SOL) rose significantly in price on Thursday after digital asset manager Vaneck submitted a proposal to list an ETF based on SOL on US stock exchanges.

Over the past 24 hours, SOL has added 8.9%, with the main increase occurring precisely after the organization’s statement. SOL currently trades around the $150 level with a market capitalization of approximately $62 billion.

Interestingly, on the South Korean exchanges Upbit and Bithumb, SOL has a 2.06% premium compared to the global average.

Over the past 12 months, the fifth-largest digital asset by market value, SOL, has increased in value by 802%. However, Solana still has a long way to go to reach its all-time high of $259, set on November 6, 2021.

The rise in Solana's value following Vaneck's ETF proposal underscores the evolving dynamics in the cryptocurrency market. However, a potential move to previous highs will depend, among other things, on overall market sentiment and investor confidence in blockchain network innovations.
#новини #Solana⁩
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Binance.US Completely Stops Serving Washington State CustomersThe administration of the American division of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange announced the cessation of providing any cryptocurrency services to users from Washington state as of August 20. Reason: sanctions from regulatory authorities. On Wednesday, June 26, the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) revoked Binance.US's authorization to operate. In accordance with the DFI order to suspend the license of Binance.US, the cryptocurrency platform was asked to suspend the registration of new clients from June 30. And also complete trading operations and withdraw user funds from Binance.US no later than August 20.

Binance.US Completely Stops Serving Washington State Customers

The administration of the American division of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange announced the cessation of providing any cryptocurrency services to users from Washington state as of August 20. Reason: sanctions from regulatory authorities. On Wednesday, June 26, the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) revoked Binance.US's authorization to operate. In accordance with the DFI order to suspend the license of Binance.US, the cryptocurrency platform was asked to suspend the registration of new clients from June 30. And also complete trading operations and withdraw user funds from Binance.US no later than August 20.
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Vitalik Buterin considers blockchain an effective defense against dictatorships Buterin emphasized that blockchain technologies in authoritarian countries and dictatorships help the population maintain at least some privacy. According to him, the blockchain can create and provide a safe digital space for users to communicate. At the same time, Buterin drew attention to the fact that not all blockchain technologies can be used in liberal states, since they do not have repressive mechanisms for persecuting freedom of speech and expression. During a discussion with Hoy Smith, the co-founder of Ethereum drew attention to the fact that the Internet is now fragmented into many small and specialized communities. According to him, they are trying to protect themselves from censorship and disinformation on the global network, as often happens with social network X, which is banned in Russia, and other social platforms. Vitalik Buterin believes that the information space is increasingly turning into a notorious war of everyone against everyone, and new mechanisms are needed that would ensure the maintenance of the social ball nsa during dialogues on the Internet. According to the programmer, we need to use blockchain more in everyday life, as well as cryptocurrencies, so that they contribute to the development of democratic institutions on a global scale . #новини #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
Vitalik Buterin considers blockchain an effective defense against dictatorships

Buterin emphasized that blockchain technologies in authoritarian countries and dictatorships help the population maintain at least some privacy. According to him, the blockchain can create and provide a safe digital space for users to communicate.

At the same time, Buterin drew attention to the fact that not all blockchain technologies can be used in liberal states, since they do not have repressive mechanisms for persecuting freedom of speech and expression.

During a discussion with Hoy Smith, the co-founder of Ethereum drew attention to the fact that the Internet is now fragmented into many small and specialized communities. According to him, they are trying to protect themselves from censorship and disinformation on the global network, as often happens with social network X, which is banned in Russia, and other social platforms.

Vitalik Buterin believes that the information space is increasingly turning into a notorious war of everyone against everyone, and new mechanisms are needed that would ensure the maintenance of the social ball nsa during dialogues on the Internet.

According to the programmer, we need to use blockchain more in everyday life, as well as cryptocurrencies, so that they contribute to the development of democratic institutions on a global scale .
#новини #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥
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ETH Breaks 3,400 USDT Again, Reports 0.6% Gain in 24 Hours According to Odaily, Ethereum (ETH), the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has once again crossed the $3,400 mark. The latest data shows that ETH is currently trading at 3401 USDT, representing a 0.6% gain in the last 24 hours. #binance #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
ETH Breaks 3,400 USDT Again, Reports 0.6% Gain in 24 Hours

According to Odaily, Ethereum (ETH), the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has once again crossed the $3,400 mark. The latest data shows that ETH is currently trading at 3401 USDT, representing a 0.6% gain in the last 24 hours.
#binance #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥

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The Turkish Parliament has adopted new rules for regulating cryptocurrencies in the country According to the adopted bill, the Capital Markets Council (SPK) received the right to regulate cryptocurrency transactions, issue licenses in the areas of development, application and sale of blockchain technologies, and also apply sanctions to companies operating in the local crypto market. The document states that individuals and legal entities face from three to five years in prison for operating without a cryptocurrency service provider license, and for fraudulent activities with cryptocurrency - from 14 to 22 years. Authorities expect that the adopted bill will help remove Ankara from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) gray list. A bill on the regulation of cryptocurrencies was sent to parliament in May 2024 by the ruling Justice and Development Party, and was prepared taking into account the recommendations of the country’s relevant departments. #новости $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
The Turkish Parliament has adopted new rules for regulating cryptocurrencies in the country

According to the adopted bill, the Capital Markets Council (SPK) received the right to regulate cryptocurrency transactions, issue licenses in the areas of development, application and sale of blockchain technologies, and also apply sanctions to companies operating in the local crypto market.

The document states that individuals and legal entities face from three to five years in prison for operating without a cryptocurrency service provider license, and for fraudulent activities with cryptocurrency - from 14 to 22 years. Authorities expect that the adopted bill will help remove Ankara from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) gray list.

A bill on the regulation of cryptocurrencies was sent to parliament in May 2024 by the ruling Justice and Development Party, and was prepared taking into account the recommendations of the country’s relevant departments.

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Binance announced the start of migration of users from the UAE to the local Binance FZE platformBinance clarified that the process of migrating user accounts from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the new platform will take place gradually and will be completed by the end of the year. However, UAE users will be required to update their account information and go through the identification process again.

Binance announced the start of migration of users from the UAE to the local Binance FZE platform

Binance clarified that the process of migrating user accounts from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the new platform will take place gradually and will be completed by the end of the year. However, UAE users will be required to update their account information and go through the identification process again.
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Satoshi Nakamoto-era miner sends 50 BTC mined 14 years ago to Binance The miner who mined 50 BTC on July 14, 2010 transferred it to Binance. The transaction was recorded by Lookonchain analysts. Coins were mined at block#67254at zero cost. Today they are valued at more than $3 million. Transfers from wallets dating back to 2010 are extremely rare. In April, a miner who mined 50 BTC on April 23, 2010, moved them to two new addresses for the first time in 14 years.  In early March, an unknown person sold 1,000 BTC mined in 2010, earning approximately $68 million. A group of 80 wallets later moved 2,352.62 BTC worth over $163 million. They lay dormant for eight years. That same month, the address, dormant for almost 12 years, sent all of its 500 BTC worth almost $35 million. #binance #майнинг $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)
Satoshi Nakamoto-era miner sends 50 BTC mined 14 years ago to Binance

The miner who mined 50 BTC on July 14, 2010 transferred it to Binance. The transaction was recorded by Lookonchain analysts.

Coins were mined at block#67254at zero cost. Today they are valued at more than $3 million.

Transfers from wallets dating back to 2010 are extremely rare.

In April, a miner who mined 50 BTC on April 23, 2010, moved them to two new addresses for the first time in 14 years. 

In early March, an unknown person sold 1,000 BTC mined in 2010, earning approximately $68 million.

A group of 80 wallets later moved 2,352.62 BTC worth over $163 million. They lay dormant for eight years.

That same month, the address, dormant for almost 12 years, sent all of its 500 BTC worth almost $35 million.

#binance #майнинг
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The US Congress will consider a bill to pay federal taxes with bitcoinsA member of the Florida House of Representatives introduced a bill to Congress that would allow US fiscal authorities to accept tax payments in Bitcoin. Matt Gaetz explained that he was inspired by the results of the legislative reforms of the government of El Salvador and the positive results that the country's authorities have achieved since the recognition of Bitcoin as an official means of payment. Matt Gaetz's bill proposes to amend the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and require the Treasury Department to develop a plan to approve a flagship digital currency as a means of paying taxes and duties. The bill's provisions would introduce rules to "convert any amount of Bitcoin received into a dollar equivalent at the time payment is received."

The US Congress will consider a bill to pay federal taxes with bitcoins

A member of the Florida House of Representatives introduced a bill to Congress that would allow US fiscal authorities to accept tax payments in Bitcoin. Matt Gaetz explained that he was inspired by the results of the legislative reforms of the government of El Salvador and the positive results that the country's authorities have achieved since the recognition of Bitcoin as an official means of payment. Matt Gaetz's bill proposes to amend the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and require the Treasury Department to develop a plan to approve a flagship digital currency as a means of paying taxes and duties. The bill's provisions would introduce rules to "convert any amount of Bitcoin received into a dollar equivalent at the time payment is received."
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The developers of Hamster Kombat decided to release their own token The Telegram-based game Hamster Kombat, whose users click on the screen to earn in-game currency, is becoming extremely popular. Now the number of players has exceeded 200 million people, while the total Telegram audience is 900 million. This is significantly more than the 150 million users planned for June 14. The number of subscribers in Hamster Kombat accounts in various social networks is growing no less actively. For example, the Telegram channel already has almost 44 million subscribers, which is more than double the figure for the competing game TapSwap. A large increase in subscribers is observed on YouTube and Twitter (Twitter is banned in Russia), and, apparently, the increase in audience will not stop there. Seeing such success, the developers of Hamster Kombat announced that they plan to release a token on The Open Network (TON) in July. In this sense, they are following in the footsteps of a similar click game Notcoin, which was launched several earlier and attracted 35 million players. In May, its developers released their own NOT token on TON. link: $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT)
The developers of Hamster Kombat decided to release their own token

The Telegram-based game Hamster Kombat, whose users click on the screen to earn in-game currency, is becoming extremely popular. Now the number of players has exceeded 200 million people, while the total Telegram audience is 900 million. This is significantly more than the 150 million users planned for June 14.
The number of subscribers in Hamster Kombat accounts in various social networks is growing no less actively. For example, the Telegram channel already has almost 44 million subscribers, which is more than double the figure for the competing game TapSwap.

A large increase in subscribers is observed on YouTube and Twitter (Twitter is banned in Russia), and, apparently, the increase in audience will not stop there.

Seeing such success, the developers of Hamster Kombat announced that they plan to release a token on The Open Network (TON) in July. In this sense, they are following in the footsteps of a similar click game Notcoin, which was launched several earlier and attracted 35 million players. In May, its developers released their own NOT token on TON.
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Binance Bans 297 IEO Lista Participants on Megadrop In mid-June, the Lista project was released on Binance Megadrop.  Later, information appeared that some campaign participants were blocked.  Binance confirmed this. 297 accounts were frozen.  One of the participants used 9,000 verified accounts to cheat.  The Binance cryptocurrency exchange has blocked 297 accounts of participants in the IEO project Lista on the Megadrop platform. The organization confirmed this in response to a post by journalist Colin Wu. 

Binance Bans 297 IEO Lista Participants on Megadrop

In mid-June, the Lista project was released on Binance Megadrop. 
Later, information appeared that some campaign participants were blocked. 
Binance confirmed this. 297 accounts were frozen. 
One of the participants used 9,000 verified accounts to cheat. 
The Binance cryptocurrency exchange has blocked 297 accounts of participants in the IEO project Lista on the Megadrop platform. The organization confirmed this in response to a post by journalist Colin Wu. 
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BNB Chain will allocate $900,000 to support meme tokens The BNB Chain ecosystem has announced the launch of the Meme Heroes program, which will allocate $900,000 to support liquidity pools (LPs) to facilitate the development of promising meme projects.  The move expands on the $1 million commitment announced in April to advance meme coin innovation on the BNB Smart Chain. Project selection criteria include a number of requirements: 100% of the pool's liquidity must be locked for at least one year or sent to a zero address; inclusion of 10% of the total volume of tokens in LP; Top 10 EOA holders are allowed to own less than 10% of the total coin supply; encouraging large holders to lock up or gradually release their funds over time.  The source code of the meme token must be checked by BscScan or undergo a security audit. In addition, the following will be taken into account: trading volume, number of coin holders and market capitalization of the project. Going forward, BNB Chain is committed to reinvesting all income generated from liquidity pools back into the ecosystem. The team is now accepting applications from meme token developers to participate in the program.. #binance #memecoin $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)
BNB Chain will allocate $900,000 to support meme tokens

The BNB Chain ecosystem has announced the launch of the Meme Heroes program, which will allocate $900,000 to support liquidity pools (LPs) to facilitate the development of promising meme projects. 

The move expands on the $1 million commitment announced in April to advance meme coin innovation on the BNB Smart Chain.

Project selection criteria include a number of requirements:

100% of the pool's liquidity must be locked for at least one year or sent to a zero address;

inclusion of 10% of the total volume of tokens in LP;

Top 10 EOA holders are allowed to own less than 10% of the total coin supply;

encouraging large holders to lock up or gradually release their funds over time. 

The source code of the meme token must be checked by BscScan or undergo a security audit. In addition, the following will be taken into account: trading volume, number of coin holders and market capitalization of the project.

Going forward, BNB Chain is committed to reinvesting all income generated from liquidity pools back into the ecosystem.

The team is now accepting applications from meme token developers to participate in the program..
#binance #memecoin
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The Notcoin team reported the burning of NOT tokens worth $3 million The message notes that the project's tokenomics is community-oriented, so another $4.2 million will be allocated for some Notcoin Explore users. The team also published details on the NOT proposal. According to them, 94.18% of tokens are distributed among 11.5 million users, including traders, miners, hodlers and others. Another 5.82% was left for the next stage of project development. The NOT token did not respond to this news. At the time of writing, it is trading near $0.00143: Notcoin also noted that more than $2.5 billion was shared among the airdrop participants, which is more than ZKsync and LayerZero combined. #Notcoin👀🔥 #binance $NOT {spot}(NOTUSDT)
The Notcoin team reported the burning of NOT tokens worth $3 million

The message notes that the project's tokenomics is community-oriented, so another $4.2 million will be allocated for some Notcoin Explore users.

The team also published details on the NOT proposal. According to them, 94.18% of tokens are distributed among 11.5 million users, including traders, miners, hodlers and others.

Another 5.82% was left for the next stage of project development.

The NOT token did not respond to this news. At the time of writing, it is trading near $0.00143:

Notcoin also noted that more than $2.5 billion was shared among the airdrop participants, which is more than ZKsync and LayerZero combined.
#Notcoin👀🔥 #binance

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