This article might receive some backlash from Americans, please know my purpose of this is not to badmouth any country, but to point out possibilities, opportunities and dangers. What is de-dollarisation?BRICSPossibilityMain Factor: CurrencyHow does this affect me?Negative ImpactPositive ImpactNotes on the topicSources. Simply put: Would you invest in a company with debt, squabbling amongst employees, accusations of fraud, theft, conspiracies, while their products are being produced by a differe
The Results of the Poll. In reaction to the poll that I posted on Friday, A lot of people answered (in my opinion) incorrectly.
💬 The question was: “Is it considered a “Crash” when the price of an asset declines?” The answers were: A Yes, it’s a crash (A whopping 67% chose this ❎) B Nope, don’t trust them C I…. Have no clue D It’s not that simple (Only 33% chose this ✅) Why is this Important? 📍When trading, a single aspect overlooked can be the difference between profit and loss, I hope thi
💬 With so many posts lately (mostly false information trying to rake in the followers or enduce fear), I thought it might be beneficial for those less wise about the crypto markets to have a poll to clarify the use of "Crash" as it's most likely that this word will become a plague in the upcoming posts.
So here it is: ❔Is it considered "Crash" when the price of an asset declines❔
⭐As this might cause some frustration in he comments remember to be nice, let logic and evidence speak for itself
You probably already saw this but here's another one 😁
🚀 Airdrop: Sora AI 💰 Reward: 2 $USDT 🏆 Winners: 250 Random 🏷 Cost: Free 👥 Top 10 Referral: 100 $USDT Pool 📅 End Date: 27th April, 2024 🏦 Distribution Date: 1 week after the Winner Announcement of the event
❗If anyone is interested please use my referral link. Will help me out a lot. 🙏Thanks in advance
Probably the most sense I've seen on Binance so far! @iRex
Why PEPE can’t reach $1 at all.
Don’t be fool, especially new investors in crypto market should understand why $PEPE can’t reach $1 or even $0.01 at all. According to CoinMarketCap there is 420,689,899,999,995 of #PEPE which means 420 trillion PEPE out there in the public hands with $2,843,047,439 dollars as a market cap. Which means all those PEPE equal to the market cap and the market cap is the public money (you, me and others people) we all put our money to get PEPE. Why do you find so many people defending PEPE so desperately? The answer is not because they have the knowledge of crypto market, or they are whales 🐳 , or they have millions of dollars in crypto market and they are smart traders. The answer is because they don’t have money. Yes, they don’t have enough money to make real investments in real coins like BTC, Ethereum, BNB, SOL …etc. look how they call real new coins (shitty, fake, scam) just because they lose few dollars on first days. Why they say bad words? Because they put all their money in the new coin and once it’s dropped they lost their money. Instead of waiting in patience they sell with losses and then write lots of posts about how shitty that coin. Did you see a millionaire putting all his money on one egg basket? Never, but if someone have few dollars he/she forced to put all the money to get some coins because all they have is few dollars. They may have few hundreds dollars, but once they want to invest they will choose cheapest token they see, and in such case PEPE one of the cheapest tokens you will ever seeing. With only $10 dollars you will get around 1,479,414 PEPE. Do you see the huge amount you can get? first thing will came to your mind is what if PEPE reach $1 dollar? Definitely i will become a millionaire with just $10 dollars. And you will answer your self with (don’t miss this opportunity, it’s just $10 dollars nothing huge. And while you buying it, you will think. What if i buy more? I will be super rich and maybe i’ll become a billionaire not just a millionaire. Let me buy more with $50 or even $100 dollars. Each time you see PEPE price raise a little bit, you will run to buy more because you don’t see how far the distance between $0.000006 and $1 there is (.00000) zeros there need to be removed with people money, and coin price will always return below than the price when you bought it if you didn’t sell at the right time. Those zeros won’t remove it self, needs more people sharing their money with you by buying PEPE, do you see your neighbours sharing their salary with you? Or they knocking your door and give you money because they got inheritance? Of course never happens. ask your self, what really make people put their money in PEPE? can’t find the answer right? Let me answers you, fake posts. Yes, fake posts that you read every day everywhere with amazing titles of (what if PEPE reach $1 dollar) or (if you buy PEPE to day with $100 dollar) bla bla bla. Those people who sharing such posts hoping other people read their posts and throwing their money in PEPE so the price will raise a little pet, then the writer will sell PEPE to make few dollars as profits. What is my opinion as specialist in developing and research? PEPE and similar tokens such #SHIB ,#DOGE and others looks like a deep pool, more you go deep more hard to get back to the surface. Whales uses those pools to scam people legitimately, by spreading rumours about a specific coin or token and once people fall in the pool, whales will sell their coins at once which causes collapse in the price. Whales putting millions of dollars not few hundreds, which means their profits hundreds of thousands. Not like us just few thousands. That’s why we calling them Whales they eat huge bits wherever they go. Believe or not, most of posts you read is paid, and what makes it popular is because other people copied those posts and shared without knowing its a rumour with purpose behind. What is the best strategy? If you still want invest in PEPE or any cheapest tokens that called (MEME Coins) or (Public Coins) you can play like a whale, use BLSH (Buy low, Sell high) but don’t hold it for long term. Even if you want to hold it for long term in case you want to make a chance of nowhere to become a millionaire. Then you will need to allocate a specific amount of PEPE for the long term and use the rest for (BLSH). But, never putting all your money on a dream that strongly hard to become true. Disclaimer! This is not a financial advice nor recommendation. It’s my personal opinion and perspective. You can learn from it or leave it but i will never share you rumours to trick you in something may cost your money just for my profits.