What is an opportunity for you? And when do you find one? Explain technically. Contribute to my studies in this world. Thank you! Avoid answers like: - “Buy low and sell high”; - Wait for the correction that is coming in 2028;
What does opportunity mean to you in this crypto market?
Help me understand the logic behind your analyses. I don't need subjective answers.
Please avoid: “Buy low and sell high”. I need a brief explanation of what you are telling me, I need to understand your logic, where you get your information, where to transform all this into decision-making, which tools.
This will be part of the article I am writing for free here. I am a Systems Programmer and have a postgraduate degree in Data Engineering. Contribute your knowledge to this post.
$FLOKI Yesterday I made a post about my two case studies of these currencies, and with each passing day I strongly recommend that instead of investing just because so-and-so is commenting, you have to have your study time x patience, maintain this balance and you will achieve good results in your financial project.
My last study was this one, I believe I am on the right track, always investing little and cautiously because my bankroll is small and I cannot be investing everything left and right.
My investment logic (I accept suggestions): - 100US (30% holding + monthly contributions) - 30% Altcoins (With higher devaluations than the standard) - 20% distributed in 2 new study currencies. - 20% Working Capital (Opportunities)
I am also in the study of $BTC and I am waiting for new entry opportunities.
$BTC As expected? Almost two weeks to go... Now we just have to wait and see how far this small correction goes, in my analysis it is a small correction, and prepare to surf the new wave that is coming, the market is not euphoric, I learned this week in practice, I lost 7U$ but that's how it is, let's go.
Mais um dia de aprendizado constante aqui na comunidade. Após muita leitura aqui no fórum, depois de ler tanta besteira também de muitas pessoas que não fazem a mínima ideia do que está acontecendo, compreendi que além dos mercados se tratarem de probabilidade, e movimentos imprevisíveis de "baleias" (grandes detentores das moedas), aprender a analisar os gráficos e alinhar isso a expectativas com fontes de dados confiáveis, e consistentes é o melhor caminho, e só depois, somente depois de ter essas informações consolidadas por você mesmo, você poderá vir aqui e garimpar analises técnicas decentes que vão de encontro com o seu estudo.
Outro fato interessante é, se eu comprar uma determinada moeda, logicamente eu vou querer essa moeda valorize, então facilmente eu posso vir aqui e vender ilusões, mas porquê isso? Por que o mercado é altamente especulativo, e manipulável, pra alguns ganharem outros tem que perderem.
Ou você é o malandro esperto, ou você é o malandro burro. Existem trades sérios por aqui? Existem, porém em proporção menor, você acha que as pessoas vão colocar os seus interesses acima dos dela? Obvio que não.
Conclusão: Aprenda a analisar, controle as suas expectativas, avalie o mercado, leia de tudo mas sabendo que nem tudo é verdade e vale a pena, antes de investir na moeda leia o mercado (Estude ele, por um, dois, três dias ou quantos você achar que é o suficiente para você), só entre quando estiver confiante que vai vantagem, se surfar a onda com os profissionais você vai se arrebentar.
Estou na terceira semana de aprendizado e já perdi 10 dólares.
A moeda na tela é a $FLOKI estou estudando ela e o próprio $BTC para holding.
Honestly, after a short time of analyzing crypto and being in this world, observing the analyses of the most experienced, I dare to say that it will still rise 10% and then there will be a correction. But this is my vision as a beginner, 2 weeks of market operation. $BTC
When I made my first investment, I lost a good amount of money, but I didn't miss it, I was learning, I managed to recover and I increased my holdings a little... I already understood the sentiment of bitcoin $BTC how it works and how the sharks are profiting this season, this after 3 weeks of operation. Now I'm studying other ways to capitalize on this market, I've already set a goal of 5% on any one, or even less, small gains but constant and consistent gains. What's the tip for working with these that I've positioned myself on? $BNB $LINK and others
I was reading some comments here, and I am struck by the ignorance of people who know and the innocence of those who want to learn in asking something so simple to those who are already in the market.
I once heard from a young, successful businessman, “As entrepreneurs we are angels with one wing, if we don’t support ourselves in our initiatives we won’t be able to take off.” And here's the crux of the matter, why sometimes things don't go well in crypto trading.
Let's grow the community and inject more money than everyone else earns, some more, others less, and so on. From the answers I read, they seem like a lot of kids with phones in their hands, watching YouTube videos and coming to pay for experts, be more humble and cautious, because sometimes it could be a father or mother of a family, trying to make extra or earn a new opportunity.
Here's some food for thought and congratulations to most of the posts and analyzes posted here, they're top notch. I await signs of UP.