How is Confidential computing reshaping the AI era?
💬 @martinlecl from iExec summed it up perfectly: solving the "privacy quadrilemma" means finding a way to protect data without making it harder for people to use the tools they rely on.
Here’s how iExec is making it happen: 🔹 Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs): Run AI computations securely on sensitive data. 🔹 Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Prove what’s needed without exposing private details. 🔹 Privacy-Focused Tools: Build dApps that give users real control over their data.
For AI, blockchain, and everything in between, iExec is proving that privacy and usability can work together seamlessly. ⚡ Here's more for you 👇
It’s Friday, which means it’s time for our last "dApp of the Week" of 2024!
EncrypTransfer takes file sharing to a whole new level with encrypted, trustless transfers on iExec’s Bellecour blockchain. Upload your files, share with confidence, and let the tech do the rest.
🛠 Built with: • iExec DataProtector for secure file delivery at @ethrome. Using iExec’s DataProtector and a self-deployed MetaTransaction interface, plus Privy’s smart wallet for user management, EncryptTransfer has cracked the code on ultra-secure, gasless, data sharing. It’s a two-sided marketplace that ensures your data is handled confidentially and trustlessly.
Think your project could be next? Apply for iExec grants today! 😉 ➡️
This holiday season, we’re reflecting on what truly matters: empowering people with tools that let them own and protect their data, offering new opportunities to collaborate, and building a Web3 ecosystem that’s fair and secure for everyone.
Thank you to our incredible community of developers, partners, iExec RLC holders, and innovators for sharing our vision of a decentralized future where technology serves the people who use it.
🎁 Wishing you warmth, joy, and endless opportunities!
In 2025, we're going all in on AI. Get ready for the year of aiExec.
To enter: 1️⃣ Quote tweet this post with your idea for a new AI use case powered by iExec DevTools (e.g., DataProtector or Web3Mail). Mention the DevTool you’d use. ⭐ A monetizable use case earns extra points! 2️⃣ Follow @iEx_ec on X
Tip: more context on iExec and AI in the thread 🧵:
Think of your email as your digital home: unique, personal, and private. Now here’s a question for you: “Why do most platforms fail to provide full email privacy, and how does iExec’s Web3Mail solve this?”
🎁 To claim your reward: 1️⃣ Follow @iEx_ec on X 2️⃣ Quote tweet this post with your answer. ✨ Tip: This article will help you find the answer 👉
1️⃣ Share what you know or think about Confidential AI. Quote tweet your answer. ✨ Pro tip: This article will help you ➡️ 2️⃣ Follow @iEx_ec on X.
🎮This is the boss level. Bring your A-game. 🔜 3 winners will be rewarded with $120 in $RLC each: 1️⃣ Quote tweet with your innovative app idea built using our dev tools (iExec DataProtector or Web3Mail). ✨ Pro tip: Monetize it with $RLC! 2️⃣ Follow @iEx_ec on X.
Every Friday, we shine a light on a dApp built with iExec developer tools, projects that are transforming privacy, security, and user control in Web3.
This week’s pick: 🔥 CHAINPASS 🔥 ChainPass is a decentralized password manager that brings full control to your digital life. No backend servers, no compromises, just secure, blockchain-based storage for your passwords and sensitive data.
⚙️ Built using iExec’s DataProtector SDK for encrypting sensitive data, enabling secure sharing through wallet addresses or ENS. ChainPass runs on iExec’s Bellecour blockchain for added security and decentralization.
It's privacy done right!
Your project could be next. Apply for iExec grants! 😉 ➡️ 🎥 See ChainPass demo: 🔗 Check out the project:
If you're a dev, you know. Building Web3 apps comes with its challenges: 🔒 How can data protection be guaranteed? 🔑 How do we enable true data ownership for users?
The existing tools don’t always have the answers, but iExec does. ⚡ With privacy-first solutions, we’re simplifying the path to secure, user-centric dApps. 👇