The fact that we have Earning inside LEarning is not a coincidence. It's a fundamental principle in life that if you know better, you will can earn better.
The #altcoin market finally stops moving in sync, that's a good thing.
When #alts rise and fall together - it means the altcoin market is just mimicking bitcoin, with no movement of its own.
When some alts start to rise, others fall, and others stand still - this is the beginning of an altcoin trend. If it happens on the top after rising, that's the beginning of a decline. If it happens after almost 2 years of a bear market for alts - that's the beginning of a reversal. When the bottom is passed.
At such a moment, choose strong alts, they will grow stronger and more confident (there will be volume).
In a weak market, choose the weakest alts to short - they will fall harder and faster than the rest of the market.
The $LTC is expected to be halved on August 3, 2023. After halving, the $LTC block reward will be reduced from 12.5 $LTC to 6.25 $LTC, what do you think about it? #LTC #BTC #BTC #crypto2023 #bitcoin $BTC #cryptonews