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🔥Are you ready for the rise of DOT?In the bull market, all powerful projects are quietly rising. Polkadot is finally making a strong comeback after more than a year of precipitation. The community team is bound to ignite the Polkadot ecology and ignite the entire encryption market. 9 reasons to choose Polkadot ❶Polkadot 2.0 Dynamic core allocation: ➤Enhance flexibility ➤Efficiency and scalability The above performance makes Polkadot functions easier to use. Technical Support: ➤Improving network throughput, allowing more transactions within a predetermined time frame. ➤Trustless bridging with BEEFY and Snowbridge: Improves interoperability with other chains through efficient communication performance.

🔥Are you ready for the rise of DOT?

In the bull market, all powerful projects are quietly rising. Polkadot is finally making a strong comeback after more than a year of precipitation. The community team is bound to ignite the Polkadot ecology and ignite the entire encryption market.
9 reasons to choose Polkadot
❶Polkadot 2.0
Dynamic core allocation:
➤Enhance flexibility
➤Efficiency and scalability
The above performance makes Polkadot functions easier to use.
Technical Support:
➤Improving network throughput, allowing more transactions within a predetermined time frame.
➤Trustless bridging with BEEFY and Snowbridge: Improves interoperability with other chains through efficient communication performance.
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🔥30 tips for getting rich, you will regret it for 10 years if you miss itEach one is a classic and worth reading again and again. Share with everyone: 1. Investing profits in riskier projects means no profit. This is equivalent to gambling; the best way is to invest profits in BTC/ETH/stable currency/fiat currency (luck is very important, but long-lasting profits are required. BTC/ETH is the best choice, be a friend of time, and keep the profit and loss ratio as your companion) 2. Projects with MLM culture may make you rich. The premise is to leave the market before the collapse (CX can make you rich quickly, it is especially important to know how to get out and take profits. Pangu's little stone is an example. After a friend made tens of thousands and made millions, he ended up with 0). 3. Lock up a certain token. It would be foolish to use coins to gain extra income. This is equivalent to putting yourself in a sinking ship (do not believe in any profit returns after locking up positions. This is just a harvesting method for the project side. Use your money to create his wealth. Once you lose your money, it will (for his money) 4. Your attention and energy are your most valuable assets. Don’t waste time on boring things (continuous learning, continuous accumulation of contacts, and continuous stepping into pitfalls. Experience is valuable only through your own personal experience. These things all take time to complete. Since the currency speculation, I have forgotten it. Without the joy of gaming, playing games feels like a waste of life, a waste of wealth and free time) 5. Be cautious about participating in projects that boast your awesomeness to the sky. There is no free lunch in the world; pledging - obtaining income - continuous compound interest, it seems perfect on the surface, but every additional income will bring additional risks (low-key work is often the biggest one, bragging every day is often useless, and the powerful one is not good at all) Need to blow, pull the market to prove everything) 6. Be skeptical of any information source. Everyone must have the ability to think independently and figure out why they are distributing these messages? What's the purpose? (Try to be a doubter. When you have doubts, you have risk control. Refuse to fall in love with any project currency. The love brain is terrible) 7. When a new narrative appears, be biased towards the market leader. They have first-mover advantage and market share (strive to accept new things, study new organisms carefully, refuse to stick to conventions, and always be the forerunner of trends) 8. Using too many tools can weigh you down. You don’t need to use more than 50 tools to help you invest and research, it is enough to use Etherscan, Debank, DeFiLlama, etc. (the most important thing is to suit yourself, all indicators are in naked K) 9. The currency circle food chain: builder > VC/insiders > Whale > Robot > Manual trader who received the message early (less than 1 minute) > Manual trader who received the message last (more than 1 minute). When information about the project in the media has been flying all over the place, it is too late to participate (your resources determine your level in the currency circle, refuse FOMO) 10. Obtaining Alpha can be boiled down to two aspects: obtaining internal information or doing Things that no one else is too lazy to do. People underestimate the importance of just paying attention to the protocol’s media articles and its discord (if you want to make money, don’t be lazy, wealth in the currency circle must belong to hard-working people) 11. History will always repeat itself, just repackaging without changing the medicine. (Old wine has new clothes, but don’t overdo it. Experience analysis is particularly important) 12. Position yourself as early as possible and let money come to you on its own initiative. Anytime you feel FOMO it's a sign that it's probably too late to get in. (Those who are good at planning will make their own money, others will be out of the game) 13. Measure your gains and losses in percentages, which will help you stay rational (do events with a high profit-loss ratio) 14. Be sure to reduce your losses. Set a good stop loss before investing, and don’t lose big because of small sunk costs (stop loss habits must be developed, especially for contracts. Small orders often turn into large positions. Once you learn to stop loss, you will learn to take profit) 15. Develop a record habit. Write down the information you see in the currency circle every day, your transactions, the mistakes you make, etc. This will improve your psychological algorithm (review is particularly important, and period summary is essential. Failure to understand review is always a new skill) 16. Don’t overestimate the role of the bull market in fundamentals. In a bull market, all logic is useless. People tend to buy through speculation, FOMO, etc., and see clearly the nature of the industry, not what you think (market direction: fundamentals > news > technical) 17. The right incentives can drive prices. People buy in large quantities when they have expectations of future profits.You can obtain additional income through airdrops, lock-up, ecosystem incentives, etc. (Select a strong team, a project party with a good reputation, and participate in appropriate investments to obtain a high rate of return) 18. Don’t worship anyone. Even the smartest people like Alameda and Three Arrows Capital make mistakes. No matter who you are, you will make mistakes. Just believe in yourself (all suggestions are only for reference. You will ultimately be responsible for the profits and losses of your orders. Don’t be discouraged or arrogant. Be good at discovering your own shortcomings due to insufficient efforts.) 19. There is no right or wrong in investing. No one will achieve a 100% winning rate. The most important thing about investing is maximizing profits and minimizing losses (all profits are based on profit-loss ratio, maximizing profits is the king). 20. Focusing on one track is an advantage. No one can know everything. Choose one or several fields and be the best in that field (do what you are good at. In today's society, there is no shortage of people with broad skills but talents with fine skills. Doing fine in the secondary market Same as those who are richer than those who participate in the primary market) 21. Keeping up with the macro is overrated. Just monitor the capital flowing into the market and see when we get back. Your time is much better spent elsewhere. (When any trend occurs, data must be generated. Try to capture the flow of valuable funds and analyze the later layout of the capital flow.) 22. Do not invest when you are out of control, drunk or sleep deprived. One mistake may ruin your years of hard work (trading is taboo if you are in a bad state, mentality is very important) 23. Stablecoins are not as stable as you think. UST failed and USDC also experienced decoupling panic. Convert part of the funds into legal currency and deposit it in the bank (the importance of position management, actual legal currency is the most stable) 24. If you want to maximize investment returns, invest concentratedly. (I believe you have done the above research before concentrated investment, and the chance of success will be greatly increased) 25. Establish your own investment system and strictly implement it. A systematic investment framework can effectively prevent you from investing emotionally (a good trader starts by developing his own trading strategy) 26. It is unrealistic to multiply your funds 100 times through trading. It is no longer 2016. The best way is to increase your cash flow, plan goals and strictly implement them (lay out slowly, stop profits frequently, and continuously accumulate principal) 27. Everyone loves new projects and new narratives. Fry the new, not the old. (Strive to be the forerunner of market trends, and those who get rich are the first ones who have the courage to eat crabs) 28. Don’t limit your learning to the field of encryption. Learning game theory, behavioral economics and psychology will be of great help to you in the future (anti-human trading thinking mode, good at writing scripts for bankers) 29. A good project must have both basic elements and rising elements. Uptrends attract attention, while fundamentals give people reasons to hold on. (High-quality projects must have three elements: favorable time, place, and people) 30. Unknown is fatal in the currency circle. The founder gambles with the treasury, and the anonymous founder has a disgraceful past, which may be fatal and unknown (unscrupulous people will eventually be kicked out ruthlessly in the currency circle, the currency circle pays attention to blessings, and personality is very important) (This article comes from a foreign blogger) Narration of experience, brackets are my own supplements or personal interpretations)

🔥30 tips for getting rich, you will regret it for 10 years if you miss it

Each one is a classic and worth reading again and again. Share with everyone: 1. Investing profits in riskier projects means no profit. This is equivalent to gambling; the best way is to invest profits in BTC/ETH/stable currency/fiat currency (luck is very important, but long-lasting profits are required. BTC/ETH is the best choice, be a friend of time, and keep the profit and loss ratio as your companion) 2. Projects with MLM culture may make you rich. The premise is to leave the market before the collapse (CX can make you rich quickly, it is especially important to know how to get out and take profits. Pangu's little stone is an example. After a friend made tens of thousands and made millions, he ended up with 0). 3. Lock up a certain token. It would be foolish to use coins to gain extra income. This is equivalent to putting yourself in a sinking ship (do not believe in any profit returns after locking up positions. This is just a harvesting method for the project side. Use your money to create his wealth. Once you lose your money, it will (for his money) 4. Your attention and energy are your most valuable assets. Don’t waste time on boring things (continuous learning, continuous accumulation of contacts, and continuous stepping into pitfalls. Experience is valuable only through your own personal experience. These things all take time to complete. Since the currency speculation, I have forgotten it. Without the joy of gaming, playing games feels like a waste of life, a waste of wealth and free time) 5. Be cautious about participating in projects that boast your awesomeness to the sky. There is no free lunch in the world; pledging - obtaining income - continuous compound interest, it seems perfect on the surface, but every additional income will bring additional risks (low-key work is often the biggest one, bragging every day is often useless, and the powerful one is not good at all) Need to blow, pull the market to prove everything) 6. Be skeptical of any information source. Everyone must have the ability to think independently and figure out why they are distributing these messages? What's the purpose? (Try to be a doubter. When you have doubts, you have risk control. Refuse to fall in love with any project currency. The love brain is terrible) 7. When a new narrative appears, be biased towards the market leader. They have first-mover advantage and market share (strive to accept new things, study new organisms carefully, refuse to stick to conventions, and always be the forerunner of trends) 8. Using too many tools can weigh you down. You don’t need to use more than 50 tools to help you invest and research, it is enough to use Etherscan, Debank, DeFiLlama, etc. (the most important thing is to suit yourself, all indicators are in naked K) 9. The currency circle food chain: builder > VC/insiders > Whale > Robot > Manual trader who received the message early (less than 1 minute) > Manual trader who received the message last (more than 1 minute). When information about the project in the media has been flying all over the place, it is too late to participate (your resources determine your level in the currency circle, refuse FOMO) 10. Obtaining Alpha can be boiled down to two aspects: obtaining internal information or doing Things that no one else is too lazy to do. People underestimate the importance of just paying attention to the protocol’s media articles and its discord (if you want to make money, don’t be lazy, wealth in the currency circle must belong to hard-working people) 11. History will always repeat itself, just repackaging without changing the medicine. (Old wine has new clothes, but don’t overdo it. Experience analysis is particularly important) 12. Position yourself as early as possible and let money come to you on its own initiative. Anytime you feel FOMO it's a sign that it's probably too late to get in. (Those who are good at planning will make their own money, others will be out of the game) 13. Measure your gains and losses in percentages, which will help you stay rational (do events with a high profit-loss ratio) 14. Be sure to reduce your losses. Set a good stop loss before investing, and don’t lose big because of small sunk costs (stop loss habits must be developed, especially for contracts. Small orders often turn into large positions. Once you learn to stop loss, you will learn to take profit) 15. Develop a record habit. Write down the information you see in the currency circle every day, your transactions, the mistakes you make, etc. This will improve your psychological algorithm (review is particularly important, and period summary is essential. Failure to understand review is always a new skill) 16. Don’t overestimate the role of the bull market in fundamentals. In a bull market, all logic is useless. People tend to buy through speculation, FOMO, etc., and see clearly the nature of the industry, not what you think (market direction: fundamentals > news > technical) 17. The right incentives can drive prices. People buy in large quantities when they have expectations of future profits.You can obtain additional income through airdrops, lock-up, ecosystem incentives, etc. (Select a strong team, a project party with a good reputation, and participate in appropriate investments to obtain a high rate of return) 18. Don’t worship anyone. Even the smartest people like Alameda and Three Arrows Capital make mistakes. No matter who you are, you will make mistakes. Just believe in yourself (all suggestions are only for reference. You will ultimately be responsible for the profits and losses of your orders. Don’t be discouraged or arrogant. Be good at discovering your own shortcomings due to insufficient efforts.) 19. There is no right or wrong in investing. No one will achieve a 100% winning rate. The most important thing about investing is maximizing profits and minimizing losses (all profits are based on profit-loss ratio, maximizing profits is the king). 20. Focusing on one track is an advantage. No one can know everything. Choose one or several fields and be the best in that field (do what you are good at. In today's society, there is no shortage of people with broad skills but talents with fine skills. Doing fine in the secondary market Same as those who are richer than those who participate in the primary market) 21. Keeping up with the macro is overrated. Just monitor the capital flowing into the market and see when we get back. Your time is much better spent elsewhere. (When any trend occurs, data must be generated. Try to capture the flow of valuable funds and analyze the later layout of the capital flow.) 22. Do not invest when you are out of control, drunk or sleep deprived. One mistake may ruin your years of hard work (trading is taboo if you are in a bad state, mentality is very important) 23. Stablecoins are not as stable as you think. UST failed and USDC also experienced decoupling panic. Convert part of the funds into legal currency and deposit it in the bank (the importance of position management, actual legal currency is the most stable) 24. If you want to maximize investment returns, invest concentratedly. (I believe you have done the above research before concentrated investment, and the chance of success will be greatly increased) 25. Establish your own investment system and strictly implement it. A systematic investment framework can effectively prevent you from investing emotionally (a good trader starts by developing his own trading strategy) 26. It is unrealistic to multiply your funds 100 times through trading. It is no longer 2016. The best way is to increase your cash flow, plan goals and strictly implement them (lay out slowly, stop profits frequently, and continuously accumulate principal) 27. Everyone loves new projects and new narratives. Fry the new, not the old. (Strive to be the forerunner of market trends, and those who get rich are the first ones who have the courage to eat crabs) 28. Don’t limit your learning to the field of encryption. Learning game theory, behavioral economics and psychology will be of great help to you in the future (anti-human trading thinking mode, good at writing scripts for bankers) 29. A good project must have both basic elements and rising elements. Uptrends attract attention, while fundamentals give people reasons to hold on. (High-quality projects must have three elements: favorable time, place, and people) 30. Unknown is fatal in the currency circle. The founder gambles with the treasury, and the anonymous founder has a disgraceful past, which may be fatal and unknown (unscrupulous people will eventually be kicked out ruthlessly in the currency circle, the currency circle pays attention to blessings, and personality is very important) (This article comes from a foreign blogger) Narration of experience, brackets are my own supplements or personal interpretations)
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Musk: The United States is on the "fast track to bankruptcy" "At the current rate of government spending, the United States is on the fast track to bankruptcy. Excessive government spending is the cause of inflation," he wrote in a post. Musk was responding to a user who posted a table showing that the country's national deficit will increase by $16 trillion by 2035.
Musk: The United States is on the "fast track to bankruptcy"

"At the current rate of government spending, the United States is on the fast track to bankruptcy. Excessive government spending is the cause of inflation," he wrote in a post.

Musk was responding to a user who posted a table showing that the country's national deficit will increase by $16 trillion by 2035.
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Citigroup expects 125,000 nonfarm payrolls, prompts Fed to cut rates by 50 basis points In a note to clients on Tuesday, Citigroup analysts said they expect the upcoming nonfarm payrolls (NFP) to show 125,000 new jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.3%. Citigroup said the "shift from inflation to employment is complete," suggesting the Fed's focus in setting policy will shift from inflation indicators to employment data. Citigroup's forecasts suggest that a 125,000 increase in jobs, combined with an unemployment rate of 4.3%, would be enough to prompt the Fed to cut rates by 50 basis points. The note noted that if the unemployment rate fell slightly to 4.2%, the Fed might opt ​​for a smaller rate cut of 25 basis points, but that would not change Citigroup's expectations for continued easing in the labor market and a slowing overall economy. The bank said volatility in the labor market has become as pronounced as volatility in inflation data in recent years. Citi said that "relatively small differences in Friday's jobs data could have significant implications for Fed policy." For example, they believe that if the unemployment rate remains at 4.3% and nonfarm payrolls remain at a healthier level of around 175,000, the Fed is still likely to implement a 50 basis point rate cut. Conversely, if payrolls fall below 125,000 and the unemployment rate is 4.2%, more significant payroll cuts may be in place. The bank added that broader labor market trends point to a continued weakening labor market, with slowing hiring, falling work hours and rising unemployment. "We know from previous cycles that once this cycle begins, it develops into a U.S. recession. Friday's jobs report, along with Wednesday's JOLTS, will help us assess whether this development is sustained," Citi said.
Citigroup expects 125,000 nonfarm payrolls, prompts Fed to cut rates by 50 basis points

In a note to clients on Tuesday, Citigroup analysts said they expect the upcoming nonfarm payrolls (NFP) to show 125,000 new jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.3%.

Citigroup said the "shift from inflation to employment is complete," suggesting the Fed's focus in setting policy will shift from inflation indicators to employment data.

Citigroup's forecasts suggest that a 125,000 increase in jobs, combined with an unemployment rate of 4.3%, would be enough to prompt the Fed to cut rates by 50 basis points.

The note noted that if the unemployment rate fell slightly to 4.2%, the Fed might opt ​​for a smaller rate cut of 25 basis points, but that would not change Citigroup's expectations for continued easing in the labor market and a slowing overall economy.

The bank said volatility in the labor market has become as pronounced as volatility in inflation data in recent years.

Citi said that "relatively small differences in Friday's jobs data could have significant implications for Fed policy."

For example, they believe that if the unemployment rate remains at 4.3% and nonfarm payrolls remain at a healthier level of around 175,000, the Fed is still likely to implement a 50 basis point rate cut.

Conversely, if payrolls fall below 125,000 and the unemployment rate is 4.2%, more significant payroll cuts may be in place.

The bank added that broader labor market trends point to a continued weakening labor market, with slowing hiring, falling work hours and rising unemployment.

"We know from previous cycles that once this cycle begins, it develops into a U.S. recession. Friday's jobs report, along with Wednesday's JOLTS, will help us assess whether this development is sustained," Citi said.
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Intel faces delisting from Dow Jones due to falling stock price, report says Speculation is growing that Intel (INTC) will be delisted from the Dow Jones Industrial Average as the microchip company's stock price continues to fall. Intel was one of the first technology companies to join the Dow Jones index, as early as 1999, at the height of the dot-com stock market recovery, and has been a component of the Dow Jones index for 25 consecutive years. However, Reuters reports that Intel's position in the Dow Jones Industrial Average is under threat, with the company's stock price falling 54% this year. Intel is not only the worst performing stock in the Dow Jones index (composed of 30 blue-chip stocks designed to reflect a cross-section of the U.S. economy), but also the second worst performing stock in the benchmark S&P 500 index.
Intel faces delisting from Dow Jones due to falling stock price, report says

Speculation is growing that Intel (INTC) will be delisted from the Dow Jones Industrial Average as the microchip company's stock price continues to fall.

Intel was one of the first technology companies to join the Dow Jones index, as early as 1999, at the height of the dot-com stock market recovery, and has been a component of the Dow Jones index for 25 consecutive years.

However, Reuters reports that Intel's position in the Dow Jones Industrial Average is under threat, with the company's stock price falling 54% this year.

Intel is not only the worst performing stock in the Dow Jones index (composed of 30 blue-chip stocks designed to reflect a cross-section of the U.S. economy), but also the second worst performing stock in the benchmark S&P 500 index.
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Latest news: Hedge fund manager Mark Yusko says Wall Street has more control over#Bitcoinprices with the introduction of ETFs. He believes institutions are driving down prices by shorting Bitcoin in the futures market, a common means of price manipulation. $BTC $ETH $SOL
Latest news: Hedge fund manager Mark Yusko says Wall Street has more control over#Bitcoinprices with the introduction of ETFs.

He believes institutions are driving down prices by shorting Bitcoin in the futures market, a common means of price manipulation.
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According to the Financial Times, Kamala Harris is more trusted than Donald Trump on the US economy. 42% of voters said they trusted Harris more to handle the economy, while 41% said they trusted Trump. 25% of registered voters rated the economy as "excellent" or "good", and 42% said they would be "much better" or "better" if Trump stayed in office for another four years. The above may all be hype by the media, and the future election is still unclear...
According to the Financial Times, Kamala Harris is more trusted than Donald Trump on the US economy.

42% of voters said they trusted Harris more to handle the economy, while 41% said they trusted Trump.
25% of registered voters rated the economy as "excellent" or "good", and 42% said they would be "much better" or "better" if Trump stayed in office for another four years.

The above may all be hype by the media, and the future election is still unclear...
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In 30 minutes, a new wallet did withdraw $3.07 million worth of $FLOKI, $WLD, and $PEPE. Wallet configuration: ✅ 4.28 billion $FLOKI, about $511,500 ✅ 2273k $WLD, about $391w ✅ 292.87 billion $PEPE, about $2.17 million
In 30 minutes, a new wallet did withdraw $3.07 million worth of $FLOKI, $WLD, and $PEPE.

Wallet configuration:
✅ 4.28 billion $FLOKI, about $511,500
✅ 2273k $WLD, about $391w
✅ 292.87 billion $PEPE, about $2.17 million
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Speculators and highly leveraged traders are exiting the Bitcoin market. At the same time, selling pressure from major holders such as Mt. Gox and the German government has been effectively absorbed, which is a positive sign for the market✅
Speculators and highly leveraged traders are exiting the Bitcoin market.
At the same time, selling pressure from major holders such as Mt. Gox and the German government has been effectively absorbed, which is a positive sign for the market✅
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$DOT is the new sponsor of Inter Miami! Huge! 🚀🚀🚀
$DOT is the new sponsor of Inter Miami!

Huge! 🚀🚀🚀
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🗓 September Crypto Event DatesWeek 1 September 1: ADA - Chang Hard Fork September 2: MPL - MIP-010 ($SYRUP) voting begins September 4: MATIC - POL Migration September 4: RUNE - Hard Fork Upgrade September 5: United States – Initial jobless claims September 5: CB - $BB·$CFX·$NEO listed September 6: United States – unemployment rate Week 2 September 9: ENJ - Relaychain v1.3, Matrixchain v1.1 upgrade September 9: Fractal - Mainnet Launch and TGE September 10: United States - Trump-Harris debate September 10: United States – Cryptocurrency Hearing September 10: $SUSHI - Memecoin Launchpad Flatform Launch

🗓 September Crypto Event Dates

Week 1
September 1: ADA - Chang Hard Fork
September 2: MPL - MIP-010 ($SYRUP) voting begins
September 4: MATIC - POL Migration
September 4: RUNE - Hard Fork Upgrade
September 5: United States – Initial jobless claims
September 5: CB - $BB·$CFX·$NEO listed
September 6: United States – unemployment rate
Week 2
September 9: ENJ - Relaychain v1.3, Matrixchain v1.1 upgrade
September 9: Fractal - Mainnet Launch and TGE
September 10: United States - Trump-Harris debate
September 10: United States – Cryptocurrency Hearing
September 10: $SUSHI - Memecoin Launchpad Flatform Launch
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The whale deposited 14.955M $BLUR (about $2.22M) to#Binanceabout 3 hours ago at address 0x154. 2 months ago, he accumulated $3.14 million worth of these tokens. If he sold all of them at the current price, he would lose about 920k (about 30%)
The whale deposited 14.955M $BLUR (about $2.22M) to#Binanceabout 3 hours ago at address 0x154.

2 months ago, he accumulated $3.14 million worth of these tokens.

If he sold all of them at the current price, he would lose about 920k (about 30%)
See original
To be strong in the lows, you need to grit your teeth and get through it. September is the golden autumn, and the big things are coming. Look forward to CZ's return, leading us to charge forward again, We miss you...
To be strong in the lows, you need to grit your teeth and get through it.
September is the golden autumn, and the big things are coming.
Look forward to CZ's return,
leading us to charge forward again,
We miss you...
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As smaller traders sell their $BTC holdings, whales quietly accumulate more, with the number of wallets holding over 100#Bitcoinhitting a 17-month high. $ETH $BTC $BNB
As smaller traders sell their $BTC holdings, whales quietly accumulate more, with the number of wallets holding over 100#Bitcoinhitting a 17-month high.
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It is said that SOL's OTC is unlocking, and the cost price is between 60 and 110, don't listen to rumors... This is the Alamedas Solana wallet, which has the right to stake 26,740,743 $SOL between 2025 and 2028. The key to this wallet will be sold in FTX liquidation. Not $SOL, it will not be unlocked until 2025-2028. As I posted a few weeks ago - FTX/Alameda only holds 7 million $SOL and $WSOL, which have been pre-sold to the Solana Foundation. 64 buys will lock up for about 4 years, about 25 million pieces. 110 is the price of the second auction at the end of April this year, and about 1.8 million pieces were sold. After the auction, it is unlocked linearly every month. The unlocking amount is 1/46 of the total amount, and the daily selling pressure is about 1.8w pieces. So it may not be OTC unlocking selling pressure.
It is said that SOL's OTC is unlocking, and the cost price is between 60 and 110, don't listen to rumors...

This is the Alamedas Solana wallet, which has the right to stake 26,740,743 $SOL between 2025 and 2028.
The key to this wallet will be sold in FTX liquidation. Not $SOL, it will not be unlocked until 2025-2028.
As I posted a few weeks ago - FTX/Alameda only holds 7 million $SOL and $WSOL, which have been pre-sold to the Solana Foundation.
64 buys will lock up for about 4 years, about 25 million pieces.
110 is the price of the second auction at the end of April this year, and about 1.8 million pieces were sold.
After the auction, it is unlocked linearly every month. The unlocking amount is 1/46 of the total amount, and the daily selling pressure is about 1.8w pieces.
So it may not be OTC unlocking selling pressure.
See original
Today's Top 5 News Morning Report 🔸#Bitcoinis down 8.6% in August and hitting a two-week low in September. 🔹 Vitalik Buterin has a radical plan for pseudo-decentralizing the entire city. 🔸 Cryptocurrency hacks cost over $313M in August. 🔹 Is Vitalik Buterin's $10M#Ethereumsell-off bad news for $ETH bulls? 🔸 $BTC is capped at $60K, but $LTC, $FET, $MNT, and $AAVE show promise.
Today's Top 5 News Morning Report

🔸#Bitcoinis down 8.6% in August and hitting a two-week low in September.
🔹 Vitalik Buterin has a radical plan for pseudo-decentralizing the entire city.
🔸 Cryptocurrency hacks cost over $313M in August.
🔹 Is Vitalik Buterin's $10M#Ethereumsell-off bad news for $ETH bulls?
🔸 $BTC is capped at $60K, but $LTC, $FET, $MNT, and $AAVE show promise.
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Three generations of grandparents, please give me a name... I'll go first, Mei Quangui
Three generations of grandparents, please give me a name...
I'll go first, Mei Quangui
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🚨🇺🇸Trump: On the ground, bullets flew over my head, and I felt clear-headed "Well, that's a picture taken on the ground. It's an amazing picture, taken through the window. There were seven Secret Service agents around me at the time because I was down at that time... This was a photographer who was taking pictures, and I think he realized when he was developing the pictures, "Look what we have here." It was amazing. I felt very clear-headed. I know I was hit in the ear. I think it's completely fine."
🚨🇺🇸Trump: On the ground, bullets flew over my head, and I felt clear-headed

"Well, that's a picture taken on the ground. It's an amazing picture, taken through the window.

There were seven Secret Service agents around me at the time because I was down at that time...

This was a photographer who was taking pictures, and I think he realized when he was developing the pictures, "Look what we have here."

It was amazing. I felt very clear-headed.

I know I was hit in the ear. I think it's completely fine."
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Ripple unlocked 1 billion XRP on September 1 to manage the supply of XRP in the market. Since 2017, Ripple has kept 55 billion XRP in a separate account and unlocked 1 billion per month to ensure a stable supply. However, the actual amount of XRP used is often less than this number. CTO David Schwartz said that unused tokens remain in the account and can be destroyed. He is also not sure whether this system is the best way to manage XRP.
Ripple unlocked 1 billion XRP on September 1 to manage the supply of XRP in the market. Since 2017, Ripple has kept 55 billion XRP in a separate account and unlocked 1 billion per month to ensure a stable supply. However, the actual amount of XRP used is often less than this number.

CTO David Schwartz said that unused tokens remain in the account and can be destroyed. He is also not sure whether this system is the best way to manage XRP.
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Can the copycats survive this? 1 billion $XRP unlocked from unknown wallet custody, worth about $560 million 1 billion XRP unlocked from unknown wallet custody in three transactions, worth more than $560 million. If you sell it, you will make a lot of money...
Can the copycats survive this?

1 billion $XRP unlocked from unknown wallet custody, worth about $560 million 1 billion XRP unlocked from unknown wallet custody in three transactions, worth more than $560 million.

If you sell it, you will make a lot of money...
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