Does anyone understand that this currency is long term? Leave your money there and put more into other projects and BTC, you will get a return, if you don't have patience, get out of the crypto market
all new positive coins less usual, because usual is not everyone. $USUAL
As we all know, USDT will be removed from Binance in Europe. Supposedly, the currency that will take its place will be $USUAL . The currency is always close to the value of the euro. Another thing is that #usual will never reach 2 dollars because that is not the purpose of the currency. The price of the usual will be similar to that of the euro.
Do you know when what is missing will be released?
Good morning people and a merry Christmas to all, there are only 100 thousand $USUAL left to theoretically run out of supply, but the question arises, will it explode as many say here??? And if they sell whales and sardines, there won't be tokens available for sale??? To reflect, it will only be in March that Binance will make a second batch available, that is, we will theoretically have three months of shortages during this period. #UsualToken #BinanceSquareFamily
Only convert to dollars or BRL and you can withdraw 12/18
What is being mentioned is that there will be no fee in any currency, they use "BNB" as an indicator of 0 fee in any currency
Braian 01
For example, I bought it pre-market, they are tokens in this case, when it is launched now, will I be able to sell it and not be able to withdraw it until the 19th? Or can I only exchange it for BNB?
publiquei sobre isso agora, vai te ajudar a entender mas basicamente, não assim que vender vc consegue sacar, só conversar para USD ou BRL que consegue sacar
Sheryll Gonzolez yZ2D
One question: how come withdrawals can be made on the 19th? If I sell on the 18th, I won't be able to use the money? Is that it?
A Binance menciona que os saques do token USUAL estarão disponíveis apenas a partir de 19/12/2024 às 08:00 (BRT). Isso significa que:
Se você vender seus USUAL em 18/12/2024, você terá os fundos disponíveis imediatamente em outra moeda como USDT, BTC, FDUSD ou TRY, dependendo do par em que você vendeu. A restrição de saque mencionada é apenas para o token USUAL, não para as moedas em que você o converteu. Portanto, se você converter o valor para BRL ou outra moeda (como USDT) no dia 18/12, poderá sacar o valor convertido normalmente (desde que os saques para essa moeda estejam ativos e sem restrição).
Em resumo:
Saque de USUAL diretamente: Só a partir de 19/12. Conversão para BRL ou outra moeda: Pode ser feita no dia 18/12, e os saques estarão liberados para essas moedas, conforme as regras gerais da Binance. Fique atento à liquidez e taxas de conversão para garantir um bom resultado ao trocar para outra moeda!
Good morning everyone correcting my previous post, $USUAL Token will be available for trading tomorrow at 8AM according to Binance's publication. How much do you think the initial value will be?
follows the release source:
NOTE: only believe what is being officially posted.