Check out this amazing list of web3 powerhouse contributors from @TheStreet!
We are especially excited to see our friends @CryptoWendyO, @sandy_carter, @jilliangodsil, @megan_crypto, @GibbonsLill and our very own ED @lisaisloud getting recognition!
Starting in 1 hour! Join the conversation as we discuss @ProjectZeroIO, what it is, how it works, and why Secret Network partnered with them to empower AI agents!
In this developer tutorial, you will learn how to create your first full-stack NextJS dApp using secret smart contracts!
What will you build with the power of privacy-preserving smart contracts and in the upcoming tutorials, pair it with confidential AI agents and models?
Final day at the Hacker House: Chat with a confidential AI bot via @OasisProtocol and close out with a celebration of your wins. Ready to dominate ETH Denver? Let’s go!
Last day to BUIDL: @axelar GMP cross-chain magic, @AutonomysNet's unstoppable agents, and @QuaiNetwork’s energy-meets-money ecosystem. Privacy is your edge!
Master cross-chain privacy with SecretPath for EVM/Solana apps, then harness @AutonomysNet's Auto SDK for permanent decentralized storage. Followed by Women in Blockchain lightning talks!
Wrap up with Media Happy Hour by networking, relaxing, and celebrating wins.