How to make small funds bigger?

Many people have many misunderstandings about trading. For example,

Small funds should be short-term to make the funds bigger. This is a complete misunderstanding. This kind of thinking is completely trying to use time to exchange space and try to get rich overnight. Small funds should be medium- and long-term to make them bigger.

Is a piece of paper thin enough? A piece of paper folded in half 27 times is 13 kilometers thick. Fold it in half 10 times and fold it to 37 times. The earth is not as thick as it. If it is folded 105 times, the entire universe will not be able to accommodate it.

If you have 30,000 yuan of capital, you should think about how to triple it in one wave, and then triple it again in the next wave... Then you will have 400,000 or 500,000 yuan.

Instead of thinking about making 10% today and 20% tomorrow..., you will kill yourself sooner or later.

Remember, the smaller the funds, the more you should do long-term, rely on doubling compound interest to make it bigger, and don’t do short-term to make small profits.


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