According to TechFlow, Michael Egorov from Curve DAO put forward a proposal to remove the reliance on Chainlink data source in the price oracle contract of the crvUSD stablecoin.
The proposal states that all current price oracles for crvUSD have a Chainlink "safety limit" of +/- 1.5%. This means that if the Chainlink price deviates too much from the internally predicted price, the oracle will be forced to use Chainlink data. In times of high market volatility, this reliance may cause unnecessary losses. Even if the market volatility is large enough, oracles using Chainlink restrictions may still deviate.
To avoid this problem, the proposal suggests turning off the reliance on Chainlink in all price oracle contracts except the old frxeth contract. The specific approach is to call the set_use_chainlink(False) function in the ControllerFactory contract.