I haven't updated the real market for a while, mainly because Binance has limited traffic due to a bug that cannot add currencies, the number of views is much lower, and the motivation for updating is insufficient. Let's talk about the recent operations:

Small currencies are very good opportunities for building positions. They have fallen to such a level that retail investors dare not buy, but institutions dare to buy.

Recently, some small currencies have fallen to new lows, such as crv, gmx, loom, etc. Assuming that they are the end of the falling wave, it means that now is the progress of the first wave, and the profit and loss ratio is very high. The disadvantage is that if they fall below again, they must count the waves again and bear the losses caused by it. It depends on personal choice.

Most small currencies are in the second wave of callback, such as dodo, lqty, arpa, which are still good opportunities for building positions, and the reasons are roughly the same as above.

At present, our account has passively withdrawn 40,000 U due to personal reasons of investors. The current total net value is 330,000 U and the position is 420,000. You can adjust your position according to your personal investment preferences. Still bullish on cottages!