📊 Day 541 🟢 for 💯 ₽ for 10 💼 + 0.77% #daily100 #эксперимент in which we invest equal amounts daily

🟢 Despite the correction of the crypto market, over the last 5 days the overall profit of the experiment has been positive. This was facilitated by the rebound of the dollar against the ruble. The overall picture is a little alarming, but the experiment continues under any conditions. Let me remind you that the “China Stocks” portfolio is mostly frozen and the Yuan is simply being bought there. The "Dollar" portfolio has recently also been frozen, but the calculation is carried out at the rate of the corresponding futures. Since the last sanctions, due to the inability to buy dollars, the portfolio has simply been replenished by 100 rubles a day. As soon as these portfolios are unfrozen, regular purchases will begin. That's why this is a practical experiment, not a theoretical model.

⚡ Durov unexpectedly promoted the TapSwap project on his channel, which previously seemed like an ordinary clone of the Notcoin application

🎁 PROMO CODE TINVDAILYU - up to 20,000 rubles in gift promotions for those who have not yet replenished brokerage accounts. The promotional code must be sent to the chat with Tinkoff support in the application.